All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1196: I want to go there

"What kind of music is this? I heard love in the music as if I saw Mary when I was in elementary school!" A white violinist hurried over and asked.

"Yes, we also heard love, thank you for your performance, you gave me and Isabella a memorable trip to New York! My name is Pierre, and I and Bella also want to know this song What ’s the name, where can I buy records? ”The couple in the audience came over and dropped a twenty-dollar bill in the piano case. Other audiences put it more or less, even that Several street artists also dropped their banknotes.

Seeing this scene, Guo Yan was stupid. This hand is really okay, but why there is no reaction in front, but when "Liu Zhu", the reaction of the big guy is so intense? In addition, Qi Ming's performance just seems to be different from the past.

In the current Chinese Symphony Orchestra, everyone still admires the famous Western music. Guo Yan still does n’t quite understand that the national is the truth of the world; for those listeners and artists who have listened to more Western classics, this one has a strong exotic character 'S new song is indeed worthy of their attention, and this song also has a new technique, and the player's emotional integration is also in place. If so, why do you care about your applause?

"Thanks, thanks ... yes, this-song-is-love ..." Shen Long learned Wang Qiming and communicated with them in crappy English, "this-song-from-China, name-is-" The- "Butterfly-Lovers--Concerto". "" Liu Zhu's Violin Concerto "is well-known in English Wang Qiming, after all, it is also a symphony orchestra.

"Yeah, you-can-find-Japanese--Takako-Nishizaki ......" After answering the title of the song, Shen Long continued to introduce to the two listeners in Chinese English where the album "Liu Zhu Violin Concerto" can be bought.

Nakazaki Takako is the most famous violin player in Japan. She was one of the first famous foreign violin players to play "Liu Zhu". She is also well-known in the Western world. She also studied at the adjacent Julia Conservatory of Music. She should be able to find her record near here. With the name and title of the performer, I believe they can find it.

"Thank you, we'll buy it later, yes, is this song over?" The couple continued to ask, and when they got two more chapters, they stood quietly and waited.

"Wait, are you saying that this piece of music is actually a violin concerto?" The white violinist suddenly realized, "I said that I always felt that something was missing when I heard it just now."

After chatting for a while, Shen Long took a rest and started the second chapter. The tune became serious and gloomy, and soon became decisive. These two themes gradually intensified, forming a resentful scene of British and Taiwan anti-marriage.

The audience's smile gradually solidified. They seemed to realize that this love story might not be as smooth as they thought. Isabella couldn't help leaning into her boyfriend's arms.

Then there was the platform meeting, which was full of miserable and weeping tones, expressing Liang Zhu's mixed emotions when meeting the platform.

The whispering melody sounded, deeply showing the scene of Yingtai ’s complaint against the feudal rituals in front of the grave; then the rhythm suddenly accelerated, Yingtai threw himself into the grave, and the music reached its climax

The second chapter ended, Shen Long began the last chapter without a break, that is, the performance of the butterfly. With the light and elegant string music, the main body of love reappeared. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai turned into a pair from the grave Butterflies, flying freely among the flowers, never separate.

The audience showed fascinating faces, they seemed to be introduced into the mythical fairyland by Shen Long's performance, and saw the pair of butterflies transformed by Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai flying joyfully and freely among the flowers.

At the end of the song, the audience had tears on their faces, but they showed a sincere smile. They could feel that although there were many twists and turns in this love story, the couple still had a relatively happy ending in the end; Warm applause sounded, and it stopped for a long time.

"Sir, can you know your name? Tell us about this love story?" Pierre immediately came over and asked anxiously after the applause was over. Of course, he had not forgotten to put Shen Long down another twenty dollars.

"My name is Wang Qiming, this story is a bit ... a bit like Romeo and Julia ..." Shen Long even painted, with a very limited single and chaotic grammar, barely telling the story, "... In the end, they became butterflies and lived happily together ... "

"Pierre, what a sad and beautiful story!" At the end, Isabella's eyes were wet again, and the other listeners couldn't help but start to wipe their tears.

Their touch brought a lot of income to Shen Long. He estimated that the sum totaled three figures, which exceeded the standard he set for Guo Yan in only one day; of course, today was mainly good luck and met Pierre. The couple, Er and Isabella, are generally not estimated to be so many, but they are definitely better than washing dishes.

Seeing that the harvest was almost done, I was a little tired after playing the cello for so long, so Shen Long was ready to leave after packing up, and some listeners who arrived late and couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Wang, you will come here tomorrow What? "

"If it doesn't rain, I will definitely come back." Yo, I have regular fans? Shen Long waved and said.

"Hey ~ ~ Wang, is it too early to go back now? Let's go have a drink? Then talk about this tune?" Frank violinist invited him, and several other street artists also came around, they all Full of interest in this song.

"I'm going to ask my wife." Shen Long asked Guo Yan. She was happy about today's harvest, and she also wanted to see her American counterparts, so she agreed.

The big guys collected the guys who had their meals, and then walked and talked. Naturally, they asked about the identity of Shen Long and Guo Yan. Not only were they surprised when they learned that they were members of the official Chinese symphony orchestra After all, they have not yet entered the symphony orchestra.

"Here ... the Lincoln Art Center ... is the center of classical art, so we came to the United States!" Of course, Shen Long wouldn't say that he came to the United States only to make money. Talking about money in front of artists is so vulgar.

On this point, these street artists are not surprised, after all, there are too many musicians who come here from all over the world to find dreams, and a few of them are the same, but Shen Long surprised them with the next words. Too.

"One day, I will perform here!" Shen Long pointed to Avery-Fisher Hall and Carnegie Hall.

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