All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1199: move

With a burst of crisp high-heeled shoes, a nearly middle-aged Chinese woman came out. When she was dressed up, she wore a full-bodied look. When she saw Shen Long and Guo Yan, she said in English, "Goodafternoon, Whatcanidoforyou?"

"We want to have something to eat, don't get fooled by foreigners, just follow our tastes." Shen Long directly used Chinese instructions, knowing that most Chinese restaurants in the United States have been improved to meet the eating habits of Americans. A bunch of things like Zuo Zongtang chicken, this thing fits the taste of Americans, but the Chinese are not used to it.

"No problem, just look at it! What do you want to eat?" The proprietress Achun led Shen Long and Guo Yan to the seat and sat down, and then sent the menu to take out the order book to prepare the record. This requirement is the same in Chinese restaurants. No stranger, after all, they also want to do Chinese business.

Shen Long turned over the menu. Although the restaurant called Achun is called Xiangyuan Building, it is not just Hunan cuisine. Some common dishes are available. If Shen Long and Guo Yan ordered a few dishes such as shredded pork in Beijing sauce Beijing cuisine.

"Wait a moment, come right away." A Chun took the slip to the kitchen and waited for her to return with a pot of tea in her hand. After pouring them, A Chun didn't rush to leave. "Two Wei looks a bit faceless. Haven't we been here before? Did you just come from China? But it doesn't seem too similar? "

She is in this habit of doing business, but not only treats the guests who come to the store as guests, but often likes to chat with them, and they become friends with these guests when they come and go. They will come to Xiangyuan Building if they want to eat outside. This is A Chun Way of doing business; so when new people come in, they come to chat.

"We came from Beijing and just came to New York for half a month; speaking of it, we are not completely unknowing. My surname is Wang and my name is Wang Qiming. This is my lover Guo Yan; our uncle in front-end time is Mr. Sun. Recommend me to come to work with you. Later, some things were delayed. I finally came to say hello to you today. Thank you for your willingness to give me this opportunity. "Shen Long Kankan came and said his identity and origin Over again.

"Oh, it's Mr. Sun's relatives. It's such a thing. You don't have to be polite. They are all Chinese. It's okay to go out and grab each other's hands; I'm the boss lady here, just call me Achun. "Achun nodded and looked at them more curiously. Since the grandson would introduce him to me, it means that they have nothing to do in New York, but they look like they are now. Are you coming to work for me?

Ah Chun ’s restaurant has been open for many years, and his eyes are very poisonous. When Shen Long and Guo Yangang just came in, they could see that they were different from other Chinese who had just arrived in the United States. They did not feel uneasy when they first arrived in a strange environment. Self-confident, and it seems that the two of them have mixed well during this time.

"What did the two have done in China before? Since Mr. Wang didn't come to me, should he have found a suitable job?" A Chun asked while helping them refill their tea cups.

"We used to work in the symphony orchestra. I played the cello and she played the violin. It's considered a skill. These days I have been performing on the street. The Americans are very generous. The days are still decent." Shen Long said generously .

"It's not that Chinese people who have not worked in music come to the United States in recent years, but it is really rare for you two." A Chun was even more surprised. The waiter and bowl cleaner in her restaurant Many of them are high-level technical talents, but they dare not go out on their own. These two are not at all illusory, so they quickly figured out the doorway of New York.

"It's just an expedient measure. Let's save some money first. During this time, we are also learning English every day. After the language is closed, we can think of other ways." Shen Long's goal is to perform at Carnegie Hall.

At this time, the food also came up, and A Chun got up immediately, "Don't delay the second meal, the two have a good time." Then they greeted the guests in a brisk pace, "Longtimenosee, Mr. John! Howyoudo —Ing ... Oh, youlookdieeerenttodayJanng, comethisway. "

Guo Yan has been staring at A Chun's figure for a long time before turning around and whispering, "This woman is quite powerful. Why am I looking a little like A Qingsao's meaning?"

"Tongjiang cooks Sanjiang, smiles and welcomes guests from all directions. Opening a restaurant is all about this personality. Guests eat comfortably and will continue to come in the future." Another figure of Aqing's wife appeared in Shen Long's mind .

"Yeah, it's really comfortable. It's much more comfortable than when we went to the state-run canteen in Beijing. The waiter in there drooped a face as if we owed her money." From this perspective, the United States is indeed much better than domestic.

However, when paying the money, Guo Yan withdrew what she had just said, which is too expensive. After a meal, she ate her two-month salary when she was in the country. Achun also changed from Aqingsao in her mouth. Became the boss of the black heart.

"Her dishwashing worker gets 800 US dollars a month, plus rent, taxes, and grocery shopping. This price is not an exaggeration." Shen Long explained, waving to A Chun who was sent out. , Took Guo Yan back.

Continue to rest the next day. After the rest, go back to work at the Lincoln Art Center. After the performance, either go to the bar with Robert and Boris for a drink or go back to the basement to learn English. Time passes ~ ~ On this day, Shen Long and Guo Yan did not go to the Lincoln Art Center to perform, but counted their earnings in the basement. Guo Yan organized the big and small banknotes they received these days. , Counted one by one.

"Qiming, guess how much we made?" In their cold and cold basement, money brought a burst of laughter, and Guo Yan shook the bag with money, "Two thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars and thirty cents Haha, we are rich! "

She hugged Shen Long excitedly and hugged him tightly. "Including the money given back to my aunt and the rent for this month, we have money to eat outside. This month we made at least three thousand dollars; You say, why is American money so profitable! "

After the excitement, Guo Yan began to figure out what to do with the money. "The two hundred, pay the rent, and one hundred. Send it to Ning Ning. Do you want to send one hundred more? Two hundred to Ning Ning?"

"It's not necessarily a good thing to give her too much money, but when we go abroad, my brother and your relatives have helped a lot. Then I will give three hundred more. Let Ning Ning take my brother to the friendship store to buy something for them Send it over. "

"Forget the rent, let's not live here, let's move!"

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