All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1210: Art is a thing for the rich

"How much do you say this meal will cost?" When she came out of the club, Guo Yan reluctantly turned back a lot. Today, she is a good insight and she has really experienced some corruption of capitalism.

"I can know that, but I figured out that our one-month income estimate is not enough." In fact, Shen Long was able to estimate the difference according to his own experience. He still said less, fearing to scare Guo Yan. .

"Eat a meal to eat our wages for the past few years? Is this too extravagant?" Even if it is this, Guo Yan was also shocked and put it in the past time in Beijing, she dare to think of a meal Can spend so much money.

"It's not just a meal, you haven't counted these two tickets yet." Shen Long dumped the concert tickets Ma Youyou gave them, "Let's go to a concert, it is estimated that it will take a month income."

"Isn't this ticket US $ 408? Only two of them are more than 800 yuan? Is there a month's income?" Guo Yan asked after looking at the price on the ticket. They are now 3,000 per month. Income around US dollars.

"You just go to the concert like that? That's the case." Shen Long shook his clothes and pointed at Guo Yan's clothes. "You think we are in China, just wear whatever you want." Going to a concert? In the United States, you have to wear a formal dress to watch a concert. We two put on two sets, plus tickets, is it not a month's income. "

You have n’t seen these two months, but when the Carnegie Hall and Avery-Fisher Hall have performances, the men and women who come in and out can wear dresses, men wear a tuxedo, tie a bow tie, Wear a bowler hat and a long dress for women. These clothes are not cheap at first glance.

"I thought we picked up the bargain and didn't notice that we had to put money in it ... Qiming, you said it's appropriate for us not to go?" As soon as I thought about this, Guo Yan started to drum, how much did it cost? what.

"It's definitely not appropriate not to go, but this is the ticket Xiaoma gave us. If he doesn't see us on the stage, it may be unhappy." Ma Youyou is 27 years old this year, a few years younger than Wang Qiming, so he It's called a pony.

"What should I do?" Guo Yan was worried, yes, they also expected Youyou Ma to introduce them into the mainstream music circle in New York, which is not good for making people unhappy.

"This money still has to be spent. I think tomorrow I will take you to a tailor shop in Chinatown to make a cheongsam for you. Cheongsam can also be regarded as a dress, and it is in line with our identity. You have arrived in the United States and you should have a good health. Wear clothes; as for me, go to a second-hand store to buy a cheap set first. "Shen Long said.

"Cheongsam also has second-hand clothes?" Guo Yan could not bear to wear new clothes by himself. Since he wants to buy second-hand clothes, then it is okay. Anyway, it is not impossible to wear. In China, who has grown up wearing old clothes of brother and sister since childhood. ?

"Men are not the same as women. I wear second-hand clothes. If you wear old clothes, others will look down upon us ..." Shen Longxu said to Guo Yan a lot of attention, "So we still Make you a new one. You have to go early tomorrow morning. The concert is only a few days old. If you go late, you might be too late. "

"Qi Ming ..." Her husband wore second-hand clothes and saved money to make new clothes for himself. This moved Guo Yan's tears, and fell into Shen Long's arms and cried.

Back home, Guo Yan is still immersed in today's meeting. This meeting is not only an increase in knowledge, but more importantly, you met Ma Youyou and saw the hope of entering New York's mainstream music circle.

"Eh, bright, did you see Pony ’s violin? The tone is really good, much better than the best cello in our band. When would you have such a violin? "Guo Yan talked about Ma Youyou's piano.

"It is estimated that there is not much to expect. I heard that he got a few million dollars for the piano." Ma Youyou is taking the Montagnana cello, which will be worth 30 million US dollars in the future. Shen Long estimates that if it is now If you take it out for auction, it is estimated that you can sell millions.

"What? Millions of dollars to buy a cello?" Guo Yan felt that his brain wasn't enough. Doesn't this mean that a piano would be worth the wages of their entire group for hundreds of years?

"Well, listening to Boris they said, this pony is an antique of the eighteenth century, and it was placed in our country. At least it must be an object during the Qianlong period. The person who used it before was also a master. Can it be cheap!" Shen Long popularized Guo Yan's knowledge.

"Oh hey, if I could have such a piano, I wouldn't be able to put it at home, then I dare to take it out and pull it." Guo Yan glanced at Shen Long, "Hey, you are bold, just dare I started to pull it, and if it breaks, we can't afford to sell it both. "

Just now Shen Long showed him the **** with Ma Youyou's piano. At that time, Guo Yan didn't think there was anything. Now when I heard about the price of this piano, I was suddenly scared, let alone broken it, just rub off a small piece of paint I can't afford it.

"Hey, in the United States, learning art is always a luxury. There is a saying that only three generations can produce an artist, which means that the first generation of engineering studies has a certain foundation so that his children can be rich. Go to business school to study finance and economics ~ ~ When the third generation, the family does not have to worry about money, only to be qualified to learn music, art ... Being an artist, because learning art is too much It costs money. "And it may not necessarily bring economic benefits. There are so many people studying art every year, and only a few become famous.

"Before going abroad, I think that the United States is good. I won't know until the time comes. The United States is not a paradise; for our family, I am afraid that I will not be qualified to study art in the United States." Guo Yan sighed.

When they got up the next morning, they hurried to Chinatown, found a tailor shop, made a cheongsam for Guo Yanding, and then returned to Greenwich Village to find a second-hand shop. Shen Long picked one for himself Set of tuxedo.

Two days later, the tailor shop hurriedly hurriedly and finally finished the cheongsam before the concert. Shen Long put on the dress and Guo Yan put on the cheongsam. The two men took a taxi and went to Lincoln Art Center drove away.

Ma Youyou gave a good ticket, and the position was quite forward. Guo Yan sat in a chair and felt it. Well, it was much more comfortable than watching a concert in China.

As the performance began, Yo-Yo Ma appeared on the stage and immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Guo Yan couldn't help but glance at Shen Long. When can we both be like him, with Shen Long smiling, there will always be such a day of.

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