All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1214: Unexpected opportunity

"Japanese TV stations produced a documentary called" Silk Road "two years ago, and invited Mr. Kitaro to be a music producer. Therefore, Mr. Kitaro launched two collections of" Silk Road 1 "and" Silk Road 2 ". Then Mr. Kitaro signed a contract with Geffen Records in the United States. He returned to the United States some time ago. After listening to your "Silk Road" from me, I was greatly appreciated. I was asked to invite you to chat with him. "You You Ma said the reason for the incident again."

"I have heard Mr. Kitaro's" Silk Road "series. It is indeed a rare masterpiece. Of course, I can meet such a master. I certainly want it." Shen Long immediately agreed, and he originally thought that the Friends of Ma Youyu would take the lead. I introduced myself to Western music masters such as Bernstein, but I did not expect the first one to be Kitaro.

But letting go of the phone and thinking about it, it was reasonable that Bernstein and others were still Western musicians, who did not have a deep understanding of traditional Chinese music, and Kitaro had just created the "Silk Road" series. The "Silk Road" he brought out will certainly be of interest.

So Shen Long and Guo Yan packed up together and came to Kitaro ’s studio to meet the Japanese music master; Kitaro was six years younger than Wang Qiming, only twenty-nine this year, but had already ventured into Western music circles. Made a big reputation.

In 1978, as an independent musician, he started his activity and released the first record "Skyland", which opened the prelude of Oriental NewAge.

In 1980, he was the music producer of the program "Silk Road", and Japan's most influential public media organization used his song soundtrack as the theme song of the documentary series "Silk Road", which increased his international popularity.

Then he signed with Geffen Records of the United States and released the albums "Dunhuang" and "Qi" last year. This year he toured 30 cities across Japan and toured Asia, becoming the earliest Japanese musician to perform in Taiwan and the mainland.

"Mr. Wang, I have been listening to your" Silk Road "in recent days. After listening, I began to regret why I did n’t let you hear your music earlier. If I heard it before I cooperated, I must Will not accept this task, but will recommend you to make music. "As soon as he met, Kitaro was amazed.

"Mr. Kitaro won the prize." Shen Long said modestly. Tan Dun created the "Silk Road" two decades later than Kitaro. During this period, the music industry has also undergone tremendous changes, so these two works of the same name cannot be directly taken. Come out and compare.

"Mr. Wang, why do you want to use gourd silk to reflect the desolation and loneliness of the desert? This is obviously a musical instrument in Yunnan? Almost nothing to do with the Silk Road?" Traditional Japanese music is deeply influenced by China, so Kitaro's influence on China Traditional musical instruments are also very familiar, and the origin of the gourd silk is revealed at a glance.

"Although Hulusi is a national musical instrument in Yunnan, it has evolved and transformed from Hulusheng. The history of Hulusheng can be traced back to the pre-Qin period. At the same time, it is also a common musical instrument in the cave paintings along the Silk Road, so I I thought of this. "Shen Long has also done preparations in this regard, but it is not at all exhaustive.

Both parties have a deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture, so they had a good time talking, but Yo Yo Ma was a little embarrassed. He was a Japanese man who knew the culture of his home country so much, but he was a Chinese, but he could n’t insert a few words. , It seems that I really want to go back and take a look ...

"Mr. Wang, I really admire your understanding of Chinese culture. I still hope to come to sit here often and let me listen to the teachings a lot." Kitaro was deeply impressed by Shen Long's cultural knowledge.

"Don't dare to do it, and I have a very pleasant exchange with Mr. Kitaro, and Mr. Kitaro's attainment of traditional Chinese music also opened my eyes." Shen Long replied modestly again. In fact, he was also curious about Kitaro.

Because the famous composer in this world has not received orthodox music education, he did n’t even know the staff at first, he used his own way to record the music score, and the written music score is somewhat like a picture. Every time he writes the music score, he still has to It was really interesting that someone helped translate it into a musical notation before giving it to the orchestra.

After tasting tea, Kitaro invited Shen Long to visit their studio and showed them their collection of musical instruments, many of which are traditional Chinese instruments.

During the visit, Shen Long looked at a Japanese businessman who was waiting in the meeting room respectfully, so he said, "If you have a guest, please go to the reception and don't delay the business."

"Don't worry, it's from Toei Co., Ltd. They are now planning to make an animated film and want me to help them with the soundtrack. Now I'm going to tour, I don't have time to worry about it." Kitaro said indifferently .

"Oh? What kind of animation movie?" Shen Long asked in his mind, could he be the one he imagined? Is n’t it a few years before I start drawing? And composition is not Kitaro.

"It's an animated movie about the Three Kingdoms. They want to make" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "into an animated movie to bring to the audience in Japan. To be honest, I'm somewhat interested ~ ~ But I can't get away, as long as I politely refused It ’s just that they do n’t seem to be too reconciled, saying that the preparation time for this animated film is very long, and there is no need to worry about the time at all. ”The answer is the same as Shen Long ’s guess, and it is indeed the classic Three Kingdoms series.

"" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ", when I was abroad, I heard that the filming of" The Dream of the Red Mansions "had been put on the agenda." The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "had to wait a few years. I did not expect your country to be ahead." Japanese Shen Long was quite impressed by the obsession with the Three Kingdoms.

"It's just an animated movie, not a real-life work. Mr. Wang doesn't have to regret it." Kitaro heard Shen Long's mood change.

"No, it's just emotion, letting such classic works be seen by more people. This is a good thing, but I regret that I can't do anything." Shen Long sighed.

"Oh? Is Mr. Wang interested in this work? Oh, yes, if it is Mr. Wang, he will be able to write good music!" Kitaro looked at Shen Long, and then see which member of Toei Co., Ltd. Suddenly, my eyes lit up, "Why don't I go and talk to him and let Mr. Wang try it? If Mr. Wang's work is suitable, I think they will accept it!"

Ok? Didn't expect to come across this opportunity to meet this accident?

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