All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1217: Opportunity to perform

"Mr. Wang, this movie is one of the most important projects of Toei Co., Ltd. in the next few years. The total investment is about 1.4 billion yen. Because the production cycle of animation movies is very long, you do not need to complete this job immediately. After signing the contract, we will first pay you a deposit, and then give the results according to the progress of the film production. "Rin Chihara explained.

"It's still in the pre-preparation stage. When the project team is officially established, you may be invited to Tokyo to meet with the creative staff to discuss. Of course, there are excellent tunes like" Dawn of Heroes ", I think no one will Doubt your strength. "Rin Chihara was very hard, but he was very excited, because Shen Long signed the contract and the soundtrack problem was solved. He can also receive praise from his superiors for this credit.

"The story of" Three Kingdoms "I believe you are very familiar with it. I will give it to you in the shortest time after the outline of the script comes out. Then, after you understand the story we want to shoot, then you will conceive the soundtrack ..." The soundtrack is generally It can only be done after the film is roughly finished, but it can be conceived in advance.

"Okay, I know!" Shen Long nodded. In fact, he had already seen the "Three Kingdoms" by Toei Co., Ltd., and now he can take out all the soundtracks, but no one can even have the original painting. Start drawing, do you have a soundtrack? This is unreasonable.

"So, please!" Qian Yuanling deeply bowed, and then found a lawyer familiar to both parties with Shen Long. After reading it, the two parties signed their names on the contract.

Soon, Shen Long's second income in return for copying tunes arrived, and Guo Yan looked at the numbers on the cheer with excitement, "Qi Ming, you are so powerful; I didn't expect to make so much money writing tunes . "

At present, the awareness of copyright in China has not yet been awakened. Composers are basically paid for their deaths. Although they can write good tunes, they are the treasures of various orchestras. Their income and status are not low, but they are far from the United States. It wasn't until Yan came to the United States that the original orchestras couldn't play other people's songs casually.

If this country is like the United States, how much money can Chen Gang and He Zhanhao make by relying on "Liang Zhu Violin Concerto"?

"Eh, Qiming, do you say we can take Ning Ning now?" Now that the two of them are slightly more financially sensible, Guo Yan remembered her daughter. Since Ning Ning was born, she has not left. It's been a long time since I passed Ningning, and I really missed my children. So now that I have a little money, I am thinking about taking my daughter to study in the United States.

"We have enough money to study for the children, wait for a while; first get a tape recorder for her, and then make a few English tapes, let her learn English first." Shen Long shook his head, wanting to give the child better The education is correct, but education in the United States also costs money. Guo Yan underestimates the level of fees charged by good schools in the United States.

"I've been to several schools around me, and the tuition seems to be not high?" Guo Yan was puzzled. "And the education system in the United States is so much better than that in China. Not only does it teach students knowledge, but also various club activities. Being able to cultivate children's hobbies, students have less pressure. Ning Ning is about to go to junior high school. I have to write my homework very late every day. I can't bear the pain. "

"You are looking at public schools, and you go to private schools again?" Shen Long is a person who has undergone changes in the educational system. He knows what tricks Americans play. To put it bluntly, public schools with lower investment are all Children are pigs, if you go to a high-level private school, which is not stricter than domestic ones?

There is no such thing as gaining nothing in this world. If you want to live better than others, how can you do it without hard work? Poor children in public schools are happy every day, but they will be beaten when they enter the society; children in private schools have worked hard all day, and they have mastered the foundation of this society earlier, plus their families Background, don't be too easy to hang down the children from public schools in the future.

"I want to live a good life without hardships. There is such a good thing in the world? Unless you want Ning Ning to grow up and only be able to hang out at the bottom of the society, otherwise it would be better to send her to a private school; At that time, if I mixed up, I went to the president of the university to draw her a relationship. If not mixed up, I asked Ma Youyou to write a recommendation letter to Harvard, and strive to send our children to Harvard school. "The American school system is Two years in junior high school and four years in high school, six years are enough for Shen Long to come out.

"What? American universities can still have a relationship? Isn't it said that the American system has always been fair and didn't go through the back door?" Guo Yan was dumbfounded.

"It is indeed fair from a legal point of view, but the law itself takes more care of the interests of capitalists; the top universities such as Harvard and Stanford are not public institutions, but private institutions, and the board of directors is composed of capitalists. They are choosing The students will definitely take care of the interests of the same class. "

"If you think about it, if you are the chairman of a company and the boss of a partner company is a Harvard school manager, do you want your children to study at Harvard, is that still a thing?"

"Admission to American universities is not just about looking at grades, but also going through interviews. In their words, it pays more attention to the comprehensive ability of students; but how to judge this comprehensive ability is up to them. It ’s up to you to master equestrian skills. Strong ability, but if you worked with your father on the farm from an early age ~ ~ this is good at grazing sheep and horses, this is definitely not counted; what kind of talents have the strength to let children learn equestrian, it should go without saying? "

These words made Guo Yan silly, "Is this too dark?" If you go on like this, is Ning Ning not expecting to go to college? This is absolutely unbearable.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Ma Youcheng and Ma Youyou, and listen to what they say. Both of them graduated from Harvard. They are very clear about these." Shen Long shrugged.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare, and invite them to dinner at home!" For his daughter, Guo Yan didn't even think about the class.

After two days, Ma Youyou's brother and sister came to Shen Long's house with their partners. Before you could ask Guo Yan about the American education system, Ma Youyou gave them a surprise.

"Qi Ming, I have a concert next month. I want to try to play the new song you wrote, but it is not easy to find a performer who is good at hulusi and erhu in the United States, so I want to ask two to help, I do n’t know. Are you convenient? "

Is there a chance to perform so soon?

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