All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1226: On TV

"The miraculous music, even the birds in Central Park have been conquered by his music!" Pete blushed excitedly. He was just a newcomer to the TV station. He could only shoot some news that no one watched. After Clark informed the TV station about this news, others didn't believe it, and it fell into his hands. He came with a skeptical attitude. He didn't expect all this to be true, but now it's developed!

"Oh, I bought the cake. Is this a movie? Using special technology?" The tourists around were also stunned by the scene in front of me. Is there such magical music in the world? So much that they didn't believe it was true when they saw it with their own eyes.

"No, I've been here just now. They didn't make any preparations. As soon as they set up their cameras, they started playing." Said a tourist who had been sitting here and resting.

"It may be something like corn kernels or bread crumbs on the clothes. Birds like to eat these." There are still people who are still skeptical.

"At least I didn't see it!" The tourist in the chair shrugged. "Well, I saw that the bird didn't. The bird didn't eat corn kernels or bread crumbs. They only eat bugs, but it was also heard by the music. Attracted. "

"How do you recognize it?" Is this not a childcare? Other viewers are increasingly suspicious. This bird looks uncommon. Can you distinguish the species so far away?

"I am a professor of zoology at Cornell University. I can recognize all the common animals in the United States, including birds, of course!" The uncle is not happy, do you question my professional ability?

"Hello sir, I am a reporter from XXX TV. I heard that you are an ornithologist at Cornell University? Can you analyze and analyze the cause of this phenomenon?" This conversation also reached Pete's ear. Here, he came over for an interview immediately.

"Of course, of course, I think the key lies in the frequency of the music he plays, using that unique instrument to imitate the calls of various birds, so that the surrounding birds think they are companions calling themselves ... "The professor of zoology at Cornell University spoke eloquently. Cornell University's zoology major is very famous and ranked among the best in the United States. From his mouth, these words can be recognized by many people.

"Thank you very much for your explanation. Can you give me your business card? Maybe our TV station will interview you." A hot news often lasts for several days. First, special events detonate attention, and then the TV station pays attention to this phenomenon. Carry out an in-depth analysis to maximize the benefits, and Pete understands the truth.

"No problem, I'll wait for you to call." The professor is also very happy. Zoology is a relatively hard discipline. With less investment in scientific research, if it can appear on TV several times, let more people know themselves, It will be easier to request research funds in the future. In the American academic world, anyone who can get research funds will have control of the laboratory.

After more than ten minutes of performance, seven or eight birds had stopped on Shen Long's shoulders and arms. They all looked at Suona curiously. Do they have their own kind of hidden inside?

"Mr. Wang, a splendid performance! After the news is broadcast, you will definitely stir up the whole of New York!" The recent New York is simply too calm, there is no political scandal, lack of star lace, economic and financial circles, too In a pool of backwaters, everyone was worried about watching hot spots.

Now that such a news broke out, surely it can attract the attention of many viewers, right? Looking at more and more tourists around you will know that ordinary people will definitely be interested in this incredible news.

"Thank you, good luck today. In general, similar situations rarely occur." Shen Long shrugged. This must be made clear in advance. Otherwise, every time you perform "Hundred Birds and Phoenix", everyone expects birds It's too much trouble if the child falls.

"If it can be said to be accidental once, but you have successfully achieved it twice, it means that your music has conquered these birds." In order to ratings, even if it is fake, they have to be true, What's more, all this has been recorded in the camera, which is absolutely true.

"How did you do it?" The tourists also gathered around. Someone carefully observed every detail on Shen Long's clothes. However, they did not find anything similar to corn kernels and bread crumbs, using food to lure them. The bird's guess is not self-defeating.

"As the professor said just now, I used Suona to imitate the bird's cry ..." Shen Long spoke happily and popularized the knowledge of traditional Chinese music to the people of New York.

"Mr. Wang, hello, I am Curtis, a professor of zoology at Cornell University. After watching your performance, I thought of a very good research topic, that is, the interaction of various musical instruments and animals. Do you have any interest and I'm working on this subject together? "Professor Curtis also found an opportunity. After the news is broadcast, he will take the video and this subject to ask for research funding. Will he be approved?

As for whether it is possible to research something useful in the end, it is not his concern. The road of human exploration of science is destined to be tortuous, as long as he can get funding, write a few papers, and maintain his position in the academic world. That's it.

"I don't know much about science, but without delaying my job, I will be happy to help you ~ ~ Well, this can also help myself to prestige, why not agree?

After the show was finished, Shen Long stayed and chatted with the big guy again, and continued to play a few songs with suona until he was about to eat lunch.

Pete and Shen Long sent them home and hurriedly left. They did n’t even take care of their meals. “We need to go back immediately to complete the writing of the manuscript and the editing of the materials to strive to release the news in the shortest time. News, what is hungry? After a while, just buy a burger on the roadside and deal with it.

In the afternoon, Pete called Shen Long again, "Wang, the program will be broadcast at the prime time of 8 o'clock tonight. You must watch on time, Wang, you are absolutely hot this time!"

"Thank you, I will watch it at that time!" This is only the first time, and I will definitely have the chance to be on TV in the future.

Guo Yan wasn't as calm as Shen Long. After eating, he took Shen Long to sit on the sofa and tuned to Pete's TV station early, anxiously waiting for the show to begin.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Pete's voice finally came from the TV, Guo Yan excitedly embraced Shen Long's arm, "Qi Ming, let's go on TV!"

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