All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1228: Premiere

"I'm very happy to be appreciated by you, but in the past two days someone found me through Yo Yo Ma and wanted me to hold a concert; you know, Yo Yo Ma and I are friends. I need to look at his situation before making a decision "Shen Long patted Guo Yan's hand gently under the table and motioned for her to calm down.

Ok? When did this happen? I do n’t know? When Ma You and I went out shopping, she didn't tell me about it? Guo Yan was a little dazed.

"Damn it!" Chris scolded his mother directly, "I knew those guys would not miss any chance! Mr. Wang, haven't you promised them yet?"

"Not yet, after all, it's just just contact. This is my first appearance before American fans. I must be cautious. If it fails this time, it will be difficult to get another chance next time!" Shen Longsha said interveningly, in fact, who was there to find him, there were quite a few reporters who came to interview him in the past few days, but the performance company was still the first one.

"Yes, yes, you really need to be cautious. You must find a company with excellent strength so that they can help you deal with venues, publicity, and ticket sales. The average company can't do this; and our Chris company in New York The classical music industry has been operating for many years and has a wide network of people ... It can certainly help you deal with these things. "Chris was relieved to hear that he had not signed up yet, and bragged about his company.

"We have already made a plan, you see." Chris took out a performance planning book from his briefcase and pointed to the text above to explain to Shen Long one by one, "For the venue, we chose New York University Concert Hall, this concert hall can accommodate ... We want to start as soon as possible. At the very least, we must release the news of the show while this wave of news has not stopped, so as to attract more audiences to buy tickets ... On the team side, I can help you find an experienced orchestra to cooperate with. This is their information ... "

This was originally a plan within Chris ’s company. Now I heard that someone has taken the lead, and Chris has to take it out directly. “In terms of performance sharing, we deduct the venue fees, publicity fees, orchestra expenses, and live material costs according to the rules ...... In addition, you can probably get 30% of the ticket income ...... "

In fact, Chris said it was less. Generally speaking, in this kind of concert, Shen Long and Guo Yan could get about 35 percent. Chris intentionally lowered it, and he has n’t said anything about the royalties. Shen Long has a few songs of his own. You created the music, Ma Youyou paid his corresponding fees when performing.

But relatively speaking, Chris is quite reliable. He did n’t squeeze Shen Long too much. After all, he mentioned Ma Youyou just now. If the gap is too big, he would understand it when he went back and asked Ma Youyou.

"It can be seen that your company is very strong, and the plan has been done with great care." Because of this, Shen Long's tone eased a bit, at least this company really wants to do a good job in this concert, then both parties have There is room for communication.

"Of course, Chris Performance Agency deserves your trust." Chris said proudly.

"That's fine, I'll go back and talk to the company introduced by your friend. If the conditions given by him are not as good as yours, I will tend to work with you." Another few words from him, Shen Long Take Guo Yan away.

"When did Pony introduce you to the company? Why didn't I know?" Guo Yan couldn't help asking when she came out of the cafe.

"Haha, then what company is looking for me, this is what I fooled him, otherwise he can show us the plan." Shen Long laughed.

"Shouldn't people be angry? If you don't agree, what if someone finds someone else to do a performance? It's not easy for us to get such an opportunity!" Guo Yan began to worry again.

"Don't worry, as long as you can help him make money, you have to accompany him with a smiley face if you hit him with temper. If you can't squeeze oil on you, even if you kneel down to him, he is too lazy to look at you. American businessmen are pee-like; if I do n’t say that, he still thinks of us as turtles! "

"I'm not in a hurry. When he finds it next time, I will ask a friend to do a favor and let his agent Banana help us talk about the conditions. I guess he has just told us that the conditions are still moisture." In fact, Shen Long can talk on his own, but this will make Guo Yan feel strange, so I will simply find a professional agent to help, and it will be a big deal to give Banana a reward.

Sure enough, within two days, Chris came to the door again. Shen Long pretended to be moved by his sincerity and asked Banana to come over to help him negotiate. As soon as he saw Banana, Chris understood, got, Let ’s still follow the industry standards, and the stuff we hide must not be hidden from this famous broker in the industry.

Since everyone is a professional, and the profit sharing of the concert has a fixed standard, it is simple. Chris took the initiative to raise the price and it was almost the same ~ ~ Shen Long proposed two The first condition is to invite Yo-Yo Ma to come to the performance. Chris has no objection. With the well-known performers like Ma You-Yu, the appeal of the concert will only be higher, and the tickets can also increase the price; Shen Long sells A little bit of your own interest has made Ma Youyou get a higher appearance fee, which is also considered to repay Ma Youyou for your help.

Second, the band members recruited himself. He wanted to find out if there were any other musicians from China in New York. He wanted to use this opportunity to help them; do n’t worry if you ca n’t find it. There are many Chinese proficient in Kitaro. As for the players of traditional musical instruments, as for the players of western musical instruments, it is enough for Boris and Robert to play.

After all, this is not a performance at Carnegie Hall, and the requirements for the players are not so high. Boris and they are originally professionals. They definitely have this level.

Kitaro and Ma Youyou have already greeted each other, and it is also an unwritten practice in the classical music world to use the band members they are familiar with, so although Chris may suffer a little loss, but for more benefits, he Still agreed.

So the two parties successfully signed the contract, and then Chris immediately released the news, while Shen Long ’s wave of news in Central Park had n’t passed, and released the news that the magical oriental musician was about to hold a concert.

"Our premiere in the US is finally about to begin. Although it is not Carnegie Hall, it is also a good start. Let us prepare for it!" Shen Long called all the performance members and said solemnly.

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