All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1230: Successful performance

The next song is also Shen Long's plagiarism of Yani's work "With the Orchid". In traditional Chinese culture, orchids have a unique meaning. The idioms such as Konggu Youlan and gentlemen such as orchids are all celebrating the orchids. High quality.

And this tune shows this noble quality of orchids; the elegant tune, light and light, like a flowing cloud, clean and calm, lingering in a distant dream, looking for the long-desired tranquility; beauty is there Tonight, the dream-filled scenery stays at this moment in the dusty, silent night.

The audience at the scene unconsciously immersed in this tune. They followed Shen Long ’s music to see the orchid and felt the freshness and nobleness of the orchid. At this time, they seemed to get rid of the glitz and hustle and bustle of New York and enjoy this Rarely relax, the body and mind become quiet.

Until the end of the music, they were still immersed in the tune for a long time and could not extricate themselves. After a while, they remembered applause. After seeing this scene, Guo Yan was relieved. I thought they did not like this tune.

Next, Guo Yan took a short break. Shen Long took out the suona and played the song "The Hundred Birds and the Phoenix" that was popular in New York these days. The audience suddenly turned from tranquility to excitement; but it is a pity today. The performance was indoors, they didn't have the chance to see the birds being attracted by the music, and the magical scene of falling down.

In spite of this, they were still greatly satisfied, and in their minds they compared the bird calls he had heard, guessing how many kinds of birds he used to imitate Suona.

After the performance of "Hundred Birds and Phoenix", most of the audience applauded as before, and in a corner behind the auditorium, a middle-aged man whispered while applauding, "It has been a long time since I came out. Hearing such authentic Chinese music, I heard that I am a little homesick; by the way, how did you check the information about these two people? Are they Chinese or American?

"After you said that, I immediately contacted the country. They used to work in the domestic symphony orchestra. They have a daughter, and now Wang Qiming's brother Wang Qitian takes care of ... In the past, he always worked honestly in the unit, but it was also No problems were found; as for the nationality, the two of them have already obtained the green card, but they have not been naturalized yet. When we came to our office last time to handle the formalities, some staff heard Wang Qiming talk about it, and he seemed to have no intention of naturalization. "

It is not convenient to work in the United States without a green card, so Shen Long took advantage of the financial slack and handled the procedure. He was very clear about the doorway and he could get it done without much effort.

"Well, after returning, look for opportunities to contact them and see if they can be invited to perform at the Chinese Embassy during the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival." The middle-aged man nodded, and the people next to him quickly took notes.

Then it was Guo Yan ’s turn to take the stage alone, and she brought the famous gourd song "Phoenix Bamboo under the Moonlight" to the audience, which also won applause.

After the previous preparations, Shen Long finally came up with "Silk Road", "Night Fight" and some of his new compositions. Compared with "Nightingale" and "With Orchid", the traces of traditional Chinese music are more It may be a bit awkward at the beginning, but after the adaptation of "Nightingale" and "With Orchid", the audience can already enjoy this kind of music.

Is different from the "Nightingale" and "With the Orchid" just now. This time, the oriental color in the music is more intense, but it is still a good song ... The critics also judged these.

Although it is not consistent with the orthodox music style of New York, it also conforms to his identity. After all, the style of each excellent composer has a strong national character ... The previous Wu Manche, and the one next to it Isn't that Mr. Kitaro's work? Someone glanced at Kitaro.

I have n’t made a trip today. These songs are enough for me to write a good article. Think about the manuscript fee that is about to come, and the aura brought by the identity of a new style of music discoverer. These critics The corner of the mouth didn't feel like a smile, it was really a beautiful night.

Oh, yes, Ms. Banana seemed to have said when you came in, let us not leave in a hurry after the show, there seems to be a cocktail party for a while, um, you have to say a few words to him at the cocktail party, he The strength is enough to gain a foothold in the New York music world, and it is certainly no harm to have a good relationship with him in advance.

Unconsciously, more than two hours passed quickly, and the concert came to an end. After the performance of "Dawn of Heroes", almost all the audience stood up and gave warm applause.

These unruly guys such as David Byrne even blew their whistle, attracting everyone's eyes for a while, what are you doing? This is a classical concert, not a rock music scene. They know that these guys are exactly the same rock musicians. Even if they come to this place, they will not change their habits.

"Nice performance ~ ~ This is a very successful cultural exchange event. Xiao Wang can also be regarded as an American who feels the charm of our Chinese culture. Such a comrade deserves recognition!" People also got up and applauded.

"I think what happened today, as well as the previous things should also be transmitted to the domestic, let the domestic media know." The person next to him said wisely, if the news is transmitted back to the country, a little more polish, to them These people are also good.

"Well, it's a good idea. Looking back, you will collect reports from the American media during this period, as well as articles about today's concert, and send newspapers, magazines, and video tapes back home." The middle-aged nodded Road.

"Okay, I'll start preparing when I go back." Well, not only do we have to send newspapers, magazines, and video tapes, but we also have to get our opinions, or the domestic media can't grasp the direction of propaganda.

Applauded for a while, the middle-aged man planned to sit down again, and then waited for the exit, but the audience next to him was still standing, still applauding enthusiastically.

Shen Long led Guo Yan, Ma Youyou and other members of the orchestra to bow the curtain again and again, the applause of the audience still did not stop, smiles appeared on the faces of Shen Long and Guo Yan, Ma Youyou quietly gave them thumbs up, the audience Their enthusiastic response is enough to prove that their performance was a great success!

This time I only succeeded in a normal concert hall. Maybe after a while, I can go to Carnegie Hall to enjoy the same success!

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