All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1239: Japanese sensation

"Wow, mom, is this my new home?" When he came out of the airport and saw the big house in front of him, Ning Ning felt as if he was dreaming. From the small two-room room of 40 square meters in Beijing, he moved to the outskirts of New York. For a villa of more than two hundred square meters, she could not adapt to it for a while.

"Let's live for two years first. When you are in high school, we will change the bigger one!" Shen Long brought Ning Ning into the house and showed her the living room, study, and her bedroom and practice room. Ning Ning didn't blink too much all the time, all this was so dreamy, she secretly unscrewed her arm, so she believed she was not dreaming.

"Wow, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck!" Ning Ning threw himself down on the bed, rolling around with dolls holding Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

"Tomorrow we will have a meal with our aunt, and then take you to visit Disneyland." Let's stroll around and gain insights, and wait to come back to talk about learning and school.

Now that the family conditions are good, and they are in a good school, they have no problems with Guo Yan. I believe Ning Ning should not be as tragic as in the TV series?

The next day, my aunt and uncle arrived at Shen Long ’s house on time and brought gifts to Ning Ning. Since Shen Long gradually became famous, her aunt strengthened contact with them. A musician came out of the house for the couple. It ’s also a good thing; when I met this time, my aunt and uncle were n’t as proud as they were at first, and they were kind and amiable. At first glance, it seemed that they were really close relatives.

Hey, this kind of thing is the same there. Did n’t Guo Degang say it? The poor people stood on the cross street and played ten steel hooks that could not catch the hearts of their loved ones.

Everyone is also a relative, and after telling the truth to New York, apart from being a little cold, they did not do anything that is not right for them.

After receiving the aunt's family, Shen Long and Guo Yan took Ning Ning first to stroll around New York, then went to Los Angeles, had a good time at Disneyland for two days, then came back home and told her about the school The thing, analyzed the difference between Chinese and American schools, so that she can have a preparation in advance.

In addition, she also did a few lie-ups at home, inviting parents around to bring her children to play, so that Ning Ning met many friends before entering school, so that she would not feel lonely and lonely after going to school.

With sufficient preparation, Ning Ning adapts quickly after coming to the new environment. After returning from school every day, Shen Long and Guo Yan will talk to her about what happened in the school and help her analyze the problem with a relatively equal attitude. Ning Ning is also willing to tell the truth to them, and Shen Long gradually feels relieved.

After the family affairs were resolved, he could put his focus on work again, and took out several good songs one after another, such as Zhao Jiping's "Yellow River", when he took Ma Youyou to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, he passed the Yellow River, see I thought of this song when I came to the magnificent scenery.

Zhao Jiping, as the first musician in mainland China to be contracted by an American record company, his strength should not be underestimated. His symphonic music "Sunbird", symphonic narrative poem "Farewell My Concubine", chamber music "Guan Shanyue--Silk The Impression of the Road is well received by the international music industry.

Has collaborated with Ma Youyou, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and other well-known international performers and orchestras. "Yellow River" is also one of his representative works, and it will definitely win praise.

The fact is as Shen Long expected. This song really caused a lot of sensation in the United States. The critics gave a high rating. In the public performance, it also received enthusiastic response from the audience.

Shen Long's status in the American music industry has also improved, but there is still a gap between entering the top circle and having a concert at the Carnegie Hall. You need to wait for the right time.

At this time, the first part of Toyo Corporation's "Three Kingdoms" animated film was finally completed, and it caused a warm response after it was broadcast in Japan, so Rin Chihara immediately found Shen Long and told him what he said before. The theme concert can begin.

So Shen Long simply put aside his entanglement with Carnegie Hall, entrusted Ning Ning to Guo Yan ’s aunt, and took Guo Yan back to China, summoning the performers he had collaborated with last time and bringing the whole class They traveled to Japan and held "Three Kingdoms" theme concerts in many cities in Japan.

Their performance was warmly welcomed by Japanese music lovers. Every time they went, the tickets were robbed. The local media scrambled to report. After the performance, they had to call the curtain several times in a row before the audience would stop applauding.

There are even many enthusiastic fans who come to wait outside the hotel where they stay, in order to take a photo with them when they come out, and take a few more autographs.

"My obedient, why are the Japanese so enthusiastic?" Fang Jinlong, who is still young, was very surprised to see this scene, and he was a little afraid to go out to go shopping ~ ~ Shen Long smiled and said nothing, waiting for you to become famous in the future When you come to Japan again, it is called passion! Japanese music fans all regard this master who is good at playing more than three hundred musical instruments as a god.

"However, Japan does save a lot of good things. I was very excited to see which Japanese performer played shakuhachi the other day. Although shakuhachi already existed in China, there are not many people in China. Yes, I have to find an opportunity to learn shakuhachi, so that some people say that we do not value traditional culture in China! "Fang Jinlong said.

"If you want to learn this, I will go to Qianyuan Rin and let him introduce you to a shakuhachi master. Do you communicate with each other? I wonder, they also envy your accomplishments on the pipa." Of course, this kind of thing Shen Long Is happy to see success.

In fact, the reason shakuhachi declined in China is because China has found a better alternative instrument in the future. The sound of Nan Xiao is round and soft, and the sound of shakuhachi is slightly bleak, which is not popular with scholars and officials, so after Song, Xiao and flute gradually replaced shakuhachi.

Is the desolate taste of Japanese obsessed with shakuhachi, so it has been inherited and carried forward in Japan and has been spread to today.

"Thank you teacher Wang!" Fang Jinlong listened to music. Wang Qi is older than him next year and has a higher status than him in the music industry, so he always used to call him a teacher after joining the orchestra.

"You're welcome, this time Japan's performance task was successfully completed, but don't let the big guys slack off; I'm also working hard in New York here, and I want to take you to the United States to perform one day." Shen Long's goal is not only Japan.

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