All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1243: You have made contributions to the cultural exchange between China and foreign countr

In fact, this movie was historically jointly released by three companies: Italy Yankee Film Company, British Dao Film Company, and Chinese Film Co-production Company. "The Last Emperor" was able to enter the Forbidden City real shooting, and China Film Company The efforts are inseparable.

But Bertolucci does n’t seem to have contacted China Film. It ’s normal to think about it. Now China has only been open for less than a decade. Even in the era when Shen Long crossed over, foreigners are still full of prejudice against China. , Not to mention in this age.

"Actually, we have thought about it, but we haven't been able to find a suitable candidate, and we don't understand the situation of film companies in China." Bertolucci asked Shen Long to help with the soundtrack. The idea of ​​using Shen Long's relationship to achieve cooperation is of course happy to hear him take the initiative to speak.

"It ’s just that, you may need to talk to other companies about profit sharing, but according to my ideas, even if you divide it with Chinese film companies, you will not lose money; after all, many viewers are curious about China and can Shooting on the spot can satisfy these curiosities and bring more box office. "Shen Long wondered if he could help China Film Company to gain some benefits by the way? This also helps to build a good relationship with them.

"It should be." Bertolucci is a film director who is more inclined to art, and he is not very obsessed with economic income. He is more concerned about the completion of the film, and he thinks that Shen Long makes sense. Since the Chinese film companies have helped them solve the problem, they should get a share.

"And after arriving in China, they can also provide you with convenience in crew, transportation, accommodation and other aspects, which can help you save a lot of money and trouble." Shen Long also wondered whether the film crew can join the crew Among them, even if it is just a fight, will it help them grow their knowledge?

"You can list all the help you need, as well as the remuneration and share you are willing to pay, and I will negotiate with the relevant person in charge according to these." Shen Long said at the end, and Bertolucci wrote down all of them.

After a few days, Bertolucci signed contracts with Shen Long and Li An, and then communicated the results of his negotiations with other film companies. He persuaded these companies and came up with the corresponding conditions.

Then Shen Long took these things to the consulate in New York, found the leader responsible for these things, said the things again, and then explained his views, "I think this is a good thing that is conducive to cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. , Can also bring a huge amount of foreign exchange to the country. "

"Betorucci is a well-known big director in Europe and America. His work will be appreciated by many audiences. After the movie is broadcast, viewers in Europe, America and even the world can see the Forbidden City on the big screen and see China ’s profound Cultural heritage; it will certainly attract many foreign tourists to visit China. "

"After they arrive in China, they will naturally consume and allow us to earn foreign exchange; we can also see the rapid changes since China's reform and opening up, which has generated plans to invest in China ..." Shen Long Barabala said a lot, from Political, cultural, and economic perspectives to explain the benefits of this cooperation.

Heard the leader nodded again and again, "Xiao Wang, you said something very reasonable, so, you give me a copy of the script, I will ask someone to help, if there is no problem, I will apply to the country."

Once this leader pays attention to it, the progress of the matter can be much faster than before. After a long time, Shen Long received the notice from the consulate. The script is not a big problem, and a few details have been changed. As for the specific cooperation, Let Shen Long go back to China to chat with relevant departments.

So Shen Long told Bertruchi this good news, and then returned to the country with the urgently modified script, this time he returned to bring Guo Yan and Ning Ning; Ning Ning has lived in the United States for more than two years I have n’t returned to China to watch it. I just took advantage of this opportunity to take her back to walk around and let her remember that she is still a Chinese.

Shen Long did n’t want to raise an abc. According to his ideas, after Ning Ning finished college, she brought her back to China. At that time, he first developed together in the United States and China, and then gradually moved the center. Back home.

In two years, there have been no small changes in Beijing. Shen Long continued to stay in the Great Wall Hotel, and then went home to meet Wang Qitian and his father. Wang Qitian did a good job in the unit, and has now been slightly upgraded.

He happened to be responsible for the work related to cultural exchanges. The purpose of Shen Long ’s return was just within the scope of his business. Since Shen Long would definitely not cede the benefits to others, he revealed some rumors to Wang Qitian at the dinner table to let him First report to the leaders of relevant departments.

The relevant departments had heard a bit of wind ~ ~ Now that Shen Long is back, China Film and other relevant departments immediately took action and took Wang Qitian to discuss with Shen Long.

"I thought about it for you when I came. From a general perspective, this matter is good for all units; isn't the Forbidden City over-funded? The crew is willing to donate a fee for the restoration of the Forbidden City. For daily maintenance, comrades in the Forbidden City will also be asked to supervise the scene when shooting to avoid damage to cultural relics. "

"If they can't destroy the cultural relics, they can't let them go in to shoot." The staff of the Forbidden City thought for a while and said that they really need funds now.

"China Film Company provides them with the convenience of shooting, and by the way can train a group of young film crews; in addition, after the film is released overseas, it will be divided into China Film Company according to the box office, video rental and sales, directed by Bertruchi. The reputation and the quality of this movie will definitely not be less. "

The movie "The Last Emperor" was mediocre at the box office, but after winning several Oscars, the income from video tapes was ok.

"It's a good thing to be able to earn foreign exchange from the country, but what we value more is to enable our young people to learn advanced experience abroad." Xu Wangqiu, who is responsible for foreign cooperation with China Film and Television, said.

"There will be many such opportunities in the future. When I chatted with the people of Toei Corporation last time, I heard that Japanese director Junya Sato made a movie related to Dunhuang, and I will definitely cooperate with you at that time!"

"Haha, bright, you have made contributions to the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries this time!" The leaders laughed.

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