All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1245: "Forbidden City Trilogy"

"Wang Jun, your new album is simply awesome!" As soon as the album was released, Shen Long received a call from Kitaro and spoke highly of his album.

"There, there, Mr. Kitaro is so polite. I was also inspired by you to have a strong interest in the music style of new age, and I have this" Forbidden City Remembrance. "Shen Long's face is now Yue Yue The thicker it is, it is a set of words to talk about these hypocrisy.

Yes, the album he has come up with is the only New World Music group in the world that is well-known in the music world in the future after Kitaro, the mind thinker, created by the Millennium Culture of the Forbidden City in the "Forbidden City Trilogy" The first "Remembrance of the Forbidden City".

New Age, also known as New Century Music, also translated as New Era Music, is a form of music between electronic music and classical music; it is a brand-new music model born more than ten years ago. Yuchang is different from any previous music. It does not refer to a category but a category. Everything different from the past, the improved music that symbolizes the change of the times and interprets the spiritual connotation can be included here, so it is named New Age.

Is characterized by: most of them rarely have strong rhythm, few stimulating and short sounds, close to light music, and often use vocal chorus and homophony in music.

Compared with the previous musicians, the creators of New Age Music no longer seek to use music to describe any image, but to express the feeling, the feeling of the snow falling and touching the ground in the quiet night; the dry wind blowing through the sedge The feeling of breathing; the feeling of the creases of lightning in the distant sky; the feeling that the lake in the evening beats the shore ...

This style has gradually flourished with the passage of time, and there have been a large number of world-renowned musicians such as Kitaro, Yani, Enya, Sarah Brightman, Secret Garden, Bandari, Matthew Lien, Hisaishi Ryo, Zongji Lang and so on. In China, there are also supporters of New Age such as Zhu Zheqin and Sa Dingding.

Kitaro was one of the earliest musicians known for the New Age style. Hearing that Shen Long actually produced a New Age style album, and the quality was still so high, he was naturally overjoyed.

He said on the phone that he still didn't feel enjoyable enough. When he dropped the phone, he hurried to Shen Long's house. He had to enjoy the album with him. In the audio-visual room of Shen Long Villa, Shen Long accompanied Xi Duolang to hear the album.

The rhythm of the historical narrative continues to change rhythm. The low percussion sounds like the bell of the Yongle Dynasty. The majestic hall covered by the glazed tiles of the Forbidden City represents the magnificence and glory of the civilized country in their hearts; the musical notes are like A fantastic and magical journey, like a large epic movie, the ancient and magnificent scenery glanced past, the rich and civilized scrolls were turned into musical notes to show; when the dream awakened, the curtain fell, watched the world, washed the lead Hua, sentimental and helpless, gradually disappeared.

In this album, there are sighs for the passing of history, praise for countless craftsmen who have worked hard to finally create a treasure, there is the majesty of the king, the sadness of the time, the vicissitudes of the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea; of course there is the awakening of the kingdom of the dragon, there are millennia The revival of dreams has the hope of rekindling after the fire rebirth ...

Using pianos, erhus, electric guitars, thin brass tubes, and even chimes and other advanced and ancient hybrid instruments that blend East and West, in one album, the history of the Forbidden City can be fully expressed. People can learn from this album. I can see the past and present of the Forbidden City, and even the history and future of China ...

"With this album, music lovers who love New Age are blessed, and there is one more New Age master from the East in the world music world!" Although I have heard it many times at home, Kitaro is still after listening. With great emotion and admiration, "Wang Jun, I will write a review article immediately after I go back and publish it in the most authoritative music magazine. I want to let more people hear your music! Hear the millennium echo from the Forbidden City."

"That's too much trouble for you!" Shen Long had already gained a great reputation in the classical music world before, but he was still a newcomer in the circle of New Age. If a long-known master like Kitaro recommended it to him, then the album The sales volume will definitely go up a lot? Shen Long is very grateful for this.

"No trouble, let people who like my music listen to good music, which is also my reward to them!" Kitaro suddenly seemed to remember something, and quickly asked, "However, I always feel that you have not told all the stories about the Forbidden City. Both the emotions and emotions are put into this album, will there be a sequel in the future? "

"It is indeed Mr. Kitaro, indeed, according to my plan, this series will be divided into trilogy," Forbidden City Remembrance "is the first part, the second part will be" The Forbidden City ", the name of the third part It's called "The Origin of the Forbidden City." But there is a trilogy for the Forbidden City series of the thinkers. Since the first one was copied, the next two will definitely not be missed.

"In this case ~ ~ I think I will definitely find you. They have long wanted to make a documentary about the Forbidden City. These pieces of music are just tailor-made for them." Kitaro nodded.

Of course, this was originally the soundtrack of the TV documentary "Forbidden City"; hey, it seems that since I arrived in New York, it has become more and more popular in Japan.

But think about it too. After all, there is a difference between eastern and western cultures. Americans have far less recognition of traditional oriental culture than Japanese, and it is normal to have such a situation.

However, this does not mean that Shen Long is willing to continue this situation. His efforts in the past few years have cultivated a large number of music fan groups. Just waiting for a suitable time can trigger a boom in oriental culture; this "Forbidden City" "Remembrance" is one of them, and the other will wait until "The Last Emperor" is released.

After being recommended by Kitaro, "Forbidden City Remembrance" triggered a crazy purchase of New Age fans, and also spread to the ears of other well-known New Age musicians. After they bought this album, it was also a big plus for Shen Long. Appreciate it as a new master figure in the music field of New Age.

And when the sales of "Forbidden City Remembrance" are getting higher and higher, Bernardo Bertolucci has also completed the post-production work of "The Last Emperor", the distribution company has also arranged the schedule, and made publicity activities in advance , Can be officially released.

The premiere day, Shen Long took Guo Yan to the premiere site, preparing to attend the premiere ceremony.

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