All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1255: Return home

"Comrade Wang Qiming, welcome back to China!" However, until the leader who came to pick up the airport, Shen Long did not hear the system prompt from his mind. It seems that even if he won the Oscar Award and the Grammy Award, he led the orchestra in the card. The Concert Hall, performed in the Golden Hall of Vienna, did not meet the requirements for the completion of the task.

"Thank you very much for your leadership to greet me ..." Now that the leader is still in front of him, Shen Long has no time to think about these things for now, and he quickly stepped forward and shook hands with the leader to express his thanks.

Speaking at the airport, the reporter filmed, and then went to the hotel to attend the banquet, and walked down the flow until Shen Long returned to the Siheyuan, which he bought last time and went back to Beijing to lay down on the bed.

What is the actual cause? Shen Long recalled Wang Qiming's wish. He wanted to regain his dreams. What can his dreams have besides music and family? Now that Ning Ning has gone to college in the United States, Guo Yan is also doing well, and even Wang Qitian's career has gone a lot smoother. What regrets does he have?

Could it be the proprietress Achun of Xiangyuan Building? In the TV series, the two of them came together, but are you really feeling about Guo Yan? It's almost the 21st century now, you can't think about both? In comparison, it seems that it is better to maintain the original configuration. Isn't this the reason?

Maybe ... maybe it's because of my previous success abroad? Wang Qiming does not just want to be successful in the United States, he also wants to be recognized in the country, otherwise he will not choose to return to the country in the future!

Yes, it should be like this. No matter how the Chinese develop in the United States, they will always encounter glass ceilings. If they really want to make a career, they still have to return to the country.

As soon as he thought of this, Shen Long suddenly understood that if it was as he expected, it would have to stay in this world for a while.

So when do you return to China? If we wait for the new century and China ’s economy has improved greatly, it seems that it is a little late, not to mention returning to China after a few years, then returning to China is simply to enjoy convenience; the same is from the United States Can the returned scientists, Yang Zhenning and Qian Xuesen, have the same status and evaluation in China?

If you want to get higher recognition, you have to walk with your motherland when you haven't started. What does the sentence in "Moscow Don't Believe in Tears" say: If you want to be a general's wife, you must marry first Lieutenant, he spent 20 years in the border, the forest, the desert, and even the rain of bullets and bullets.

For the same reason, if you want to be a leading figure in the domestic music industry, then you have to accompany the country to fight together, otherwise even if you are stronger, there is no way to get the approval of the country and the people.

Then come back early. I have nothing to ask now in the United States. Anyway, I am now close to the glass ceiling of the United States. Unless it is a nationality change, it is almost impossible to go further, even if I joined the United States. Nationality, at most, is to raise the glass ceiling a little bit, and you will still encounter the same problem after a few years.

Why bother with those depressions anyway, anyway, it ’s enough to make money on music and cut leeks on the US stock market. It does n’t make much sense to stay in the US, so wait for this time to go back and prepare for it, Consider the matter of returning home.

However, after staying in the United States for so long, I am not saying that I will be able to come back, and Ning Ning still does not know what kind of decision will be made in the future. This matter has to be discussed for a long time. Wait and go back and discuss with Guo Yan. .

Wake up after sleeping, Shen Long continued to participate in various celebration activities. This time he took these folk music masters but showed a lot of limelight in the world. There are more things that need to be done after returning.

Is the leader going to meet you? Since I want to come back in the future, why not give a good impression to the leader? Previously, people had a good impression of Shen Long, and they could not fall off the chain at this time.

You also have to go to school lectures. How do you say that you have also taken the honorary professor degree of the Conservatory of Music? It is also appropriate to go back to your alma mater and share some of your life experience with the younger generation; Shen Long actually pays more attention than being interviewed by leaders This matter, after all, these young people represent the future of music.

So Shen Long shared a lot of dry goods at the speech, especially about the operating rules of the foreign music industry. One is to give the children who want to go abroad to guide them, so that they can better adapt to the life after going abroad, avoiding many Detour; secondly, it is also useful for those students who stay in the country, so that they can understand the development of the British and American music industry and the gaps in the country. Knowing these, they can avoid the same problems after they start working and help the country. 'S music industry develops faster.

I also go to domestic music institutions to make reports and use their experience to promote their reforms ~ ~ so that they can survive better. Nowadays, all orchestras receive TV, movies, Hong Kong and Taiwan music Due to the impact of various aspects, the audience is constantly losing. If it continues this way, I do n’t know how many institutions will be closed. It is not possible without change.

In the end, Shen Long and the band members performed two performances in Beijing for the Chinese audience, so that Chinese music lovers can also enjoy the world's top performances.

Although the global tour has been very tired, I thought that this time it was for the audience of the motherland. Fang Jinlong and others were very happy. Although they were warmly welcomed abroad before telling the truth, those audiences can understand the essence of traditional Chinese music. ? To say that it still depends on the domestic audience.

With such a mood, they all took the best form. This performance reached their highest level since the start of the performance, so that the domestic audience was also full of ears and happily enjoyed a wave.

After completing this task, Shen Long can finally return to New York, and Fang Jinlong and others have also returned to their respective units. With this experience, they have not only obtained a bumper harvest in the economy, but also accumulated a solid for themselves The qualifications are expected to increase rapidly after going back.

Went back to New York and found that Ning Ning had just returned from vacation. The family reunited together. Shen Long shared with them some interesting facts during the global tour at the dinner table.

After finishing his meal, he called Guo Yan and Ning Ning to the study and talked about the business, "I'm thinking about this end of the global tour seriously, and then I want to go back to China a little bit, I don't know how you two considered ? "

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