All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1263: See also Song Yunping

"It's good to have this idea. You're still young. It's a good thing to have long-term memory after a loss. Some people, after losing all their lives, haven't seen long-term memory." The old secretary was very pleased, and Shen Long chatted about his thoughts.

"In the first half of the above document, the villagers voluntarily formed small teams to contract, and they could not be contracted to individuals. This was done by several teams next door. They also filed earlier, saying that they can contract to individuals and where to learn from Anhui, but did not say anything. Study, I asked the commune, they also looked clueless; but, the land contracted to individuals, is this not a mess? Is n’t this a small landlord before liberation? Do you want a group? I ca n’t figure it out; Dong Bao, we must be careful in this matter. The commune cannot ask. We ask the county. We ca n’t move without asking clearly. I thought, we would rather not move. We must seek stability. Principle errors should never be made. Otherwise, Every movement comes, we all have to fight, "the old secretary reminded.

Of course, Shen Long knew what was right, but like the phrase often said, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous; Xiaogang Village has been contracted to households since 78, but by 82 it was clearly contracted to produce The document of the household was only released, and the document was re-emphasized in 1983, and it was only until this basic system was stabilized for a long time.

Nowadays, the discussion on this policy is still under way, and the voices of opposition are also very loud. If you rashly rely on your understanding of future generations, you will directly learn from Xiaogang Village.

So Shen Long didn't say his opinion immediately, "Uncle, that's what I said in the document, but you have more experience than me, and thought more thoroughly than me. What you said makes sense. We can't make mistakes."

The old secretary nodded. He wanted to be stable when he was old. He was instinctively concerned about changes. This young man could be so important. He was very satisfied.

However, Xiao Lei's family is the poorest village in the county. For many years, no girl has been married to Xiao Lei's family. There are as many as 30 bachelors who have reached the age of marriage in the whole village. It will continue; therefore, change must be changed, but how to change it requires strategy.

"Uncle, after all, this is related to the whole village, so I think, I still have to talk to some villagers to discuss, then go to other brigades to see how they do it, and just go to the county to find some recent Newspaper, understand the discussion above, so that the method you come up with can't go wrong. "You also have to understand what the local leaders think, and what attitude they hold towards the contracted production, so that they can do things well.

Shen Long ’s official for so many years in “The People ’s Name” is not in vain. These words are so dripping, even if the county ’s top listener ca n’t say anything, let alone the old secretary?

"Yes, we have to ask more and think more, then we can implement the spirit of the document steadily; I will open a letter of introduction to you, Dongbao, Uncle Laohan has committed a crime. You go by yourself. "The old secretary nodded again and again, in the end he was someone who had seen the world outside and thought more than himself.

"Okay, then I will find someone to discuss today, and go to other brigades tomorrow morning, and then go to the city to find the newspaper." The newspaper must be looking for, but if you bring back those newspapers, you have to read what the newspaper said. Not in line with my own ideas.

The old secretary slipped out and walked to Lei Dongbao's house after dinner. He took a flashlight and smiled suddenly, but he saw a lively meeting in his family. Everyone went straight to the subject and asked Lei Dongbao what he called a big bag.

The old secretary was not only worried. Although he had n’t heard the words that it was too easy to pull eggs, he still understood the similar reason. He played the round loudly and said that the big team had n’t discussed it yet. Waiting for Dongbao The proposal was discussed and discussed before it could be announced. It is still confidential, and everyone will not discuss it again, but everyone is talking about what this "remaining is their own" means. Between the speeches, the clear eyes of all the old and young are full of longing .

Seeing this look, the old secretary was also in a trance. It seems that everyone's hard life really has gone too long, and the Xiaolei family has been too poor for too long. Twenty-seven cents, if this is put into later generations, that is, the per capita income of the neighboring village exceeds four times that of the village, who can bear such a big gap?

"Old Secretary, I touched the bottom. The big guys thought about directing all kinds of land, but what to do in the end, I had to look at other brigades and newspapers." Shen Long in advance A shot was given to the old secretary before going to other brigades to understand their approach.

It took a few days to turn around the surrounding brigades, and found that the locals were still more conservative. At most, they only dared to contract to the production group, that is, group joint production compensation. Grouped into three or four small cooperative groups voluntarily, the cooperative group contracted the corresponding farmland according to the number of people ~ ~ according to the number of contracts specified by the brigade to turn in the grain.

This method is a bit more improved than eating big pot rice, but it has not completely liberated the productivity of the countryside. There still exists the problem of laziness and slippage. If this is done, the Xiao Lei family will definitely suffer from poverty.

I went back to the village and told the old secretary about it. The old secretary agreed to adopt this approach. It was better than the whole village to eat a big pot of rice together. And since everyone did this, they should not blame Xiao Lei's family for any problems On the head.

Shen Long echoed two sentences, and proposed to go to the county to collect newspapers. This was a good thing that had been said for a long time. The old secretary did not stop him and let Shen Long go.

After arriving in the county, Shen Long went to the relevant units, and relying on his excellent communication skills, he quickly got the newspaper he wanted, and by the way, he clearly understood the temper of the local leaders. The tendency to directly contract the production to the household is completely reassuring.

After doing this, Shen Long was ready to go back, did not want to come out from the unit courtyard, and met Song Yunping, she just came out of Xinhua Bookstore, the two met again on the street of the county town, Shen Long smiled and called Say hello, "Yeah, see you again, how is that rabbit? Are you diarrhea?"

Song Yunping also remembered the last time someone helped her, "Thank you, I went back to do what you said, the rabbit is already okay." Then she opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but again Did not say it.

This is certainly not a topic about yourself. Shen Long understood it a little, "Is this a problem with the rabbit?"

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