All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1267: Uncle is back

With the county magistrate Xu, Shen Long was relieved. In the future, if the commune came to trouble, he could use the county magistrate as a shield. This time, he not only solved the policy problem, but also mentioned that the small Lei family found a Solid backing.

"Thank you County Mayor Xu for your support. We will report to you as soon as our Little Leijia Brigade will make a report!" Shen Long has found an excuse to come and pay a visit next time. I believe County Mayor Xu will also be happy to hear him. Reported.

After coming out of the government compound, Shen Long hurried to the door of Xinhua Bookstore and saw that Song Yunping was already waiting there. He walked through in two steps and apologized. "I'm sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry, I just went to the government to do something, and after a long time, I was late. "

"Don't use it, in fact, I haven't been here long." They are helping themselves. They can blame others because they are a little late. Song Yunping looked at Shen Long expectantly, wondering how he was inquiring about it. .

"I went back and asked. In a situation like yours, where the problem is very light, just write an application and hand it in. Then they will meet every week to discuss this problem, and they will usually take off their hats. I also asked for help there. Mayor Xu said that the work of the comrades of the commune was delayed. You will write the application and I will go to the Hongwei Commune with you to convey the meaning of the county magistrate to them. They will definitely give it to them immediately. Do. "Shen Long didn't mind wearing tiger skin at all.

"You also went to the county magistrate to ask?" Song Yunping finally heard the hope of picking up his hat at his house, and his tears came out with excitement.

"It's not special. I just went to the government compound. I originally wanted to ask about the contracted brick kiln in the village. I didn't expect to meet the county magistrate ... I looked at the county magistrate and I'm very happy. I'll help you by the way. Asked. "Shen Long said that he and the county magistrate knew each other." Have you brought pen and paper? We quickly wrote the application and went to your commune. "

"Bring it!" The two went to the roadside to find a concrete table, stood on the street and wrote the application, and then came to the Hongwei Commune together.

Entering inside, Shen Long showed a bit of stubbornness and asked, "Who controls hats here?" He knew that these old fritters were not aimed at Song Yunping's family, or they were too lazy to do things like this. Just eat this set, if you talk to him in a low voice, he will ignore you.

There are two people in the office now. The older one glanced back and pretended to look at the document. The younger one shrank his neck when he contacted Shen Long's eyes, and then saw Song Yunping shaking again , "Aren't you here before? Last time I told you to go back and wait for the news, it's only a few days since you came again?"

"Jiang Xu County Mayor told me that you might have forgotten your work. Come, let me look at what you are all doing?" Shen Long walked to his front, looking down at him with his hands on the table.

"Xu ... County Governor Xu? Which one are you?" As soon as he heard the name of County Governor Xu, the guy stood up subconsciously, his eyes dribbled, and looked at Shen Long, secretly guessing him Relationship with Xu County.

"Me? I just came out of the county magistrate's office and went to report to the county magistrate. The county magistrate said that this matter should have been done long ago. Isn't it the case?" Shen Long revealed. Deputy Lao Tzu disdain to tell you who I am. Actually, if I say that I am the deputy secretary of the Xiaolei family, this status is a bit uncomfortable.

"Comrade, comrade, this should have been done long ago, but you also know that now all the brigades are busy grouping together to pay for the joint production, so there is a delay." The old man saw that the situation was wrong and immediately came to the round. .

"Can we do it now?" Shen Long didn't turn his head and continued to stare at the young man.

"I can do it, I can do it. You can send your application back and wait for the meeting on Friday. I will report it to you. I will definitely be able to pass it." The young people nodded, and everyone could go in and out of Xu County. Office, if you do n’t do it, what would you say? I must not be scolded to death by the leader of the commune?

"The application is here!" Song Yunping hurried forward and handed it over.

"Okay, I'm going to the county town next week, and I will come to see you again when the time comes." Shen Long was screaming again. He might indeed go to the county town next week, but that was to help the brick kiln to contact customers, but I heard these people In his ears, if he didn't do it well, he went to the county magistrate Xu to complain.

"It can be done well, it can be done this Friday, don't have to wait until next week!" The young man quickly promised, he almost swears at the swearing, and at the same time he still murmured in his heart, when did the Song family know such a strong character ?

"Okay, I remember your sentence. If I can't handle it, I will come to you again!" Shen Long tapped the young man with his finger, and then exited the office.

"Comrade Lei, thank you very much this time!" From the commune, Song Yunping was excited and didn't know what to say.

No need to thank you, just be my wife. Shen Long smiled and said, "I am also for our Xiaolei family's folks. After your problem is solved, can we go to the village to raise long-haired rabbits with peace of mind?"

"I ... I will go to Xiaolei Village with you." Under the gratitude, Song Yunping blurted out, but regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. In this era, in a rural environment like this, a girl's family followed a man. Go to their village and let others see that they must think they are dealing with ~ ~ and they are still almost done.

"This is no hurry, I have to be busy with the brick kiln when I go back. It's almost New Year now. I don't think I will have time to think about raising rabbits until after the year. In 2010, I asked the woman director of our village to invite you. "Of course, Shen Long knows this situation, and naturally will not make Song Yunping embarrassed.

Song Yunping breathed a sigh of relief after hearing it, but didn't know why, but he was a little lost.

After finishing things, Shen Long went back first, took Shi Hongwei, Sibao, and Lei Shigen to clean up the brick kiln, doing all kinds of preparations before officially opening the kiln to burn bricks.

As soon as the time passed, the Spring Festival was approaching. On this day, Shen Longzheng was checking alone in the brick kiln in Houshan, and suddenly heard someone voice, a man and a woman, the voices were all low.

Shen Long understood that this was Song Yunhui's return from the winter vacation at the university. Song Yunping went to the station to pick him up, and then the two cut the way home and passed by.

Yo, the uncle is back, then I have to pick it up.

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