All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1270: Village Party Secretary can also play a big battle

"It's all at the door, why don't you come in, hurry, come and sit in the house." Song Jishan and Song Mother have been thinking about Song Yunping's marriage. Earlier, they didn't take off their hats at home. There is also a college student Song Yunhui at home. They did n’t even think about the young people in ten miles and eight townships, but they did n’t find the right one. At the moment, there was a guy who came to the door, and it seemed that they had a good relationship with Pingping and Xiaohui. The next two of them are excited.

"Dad, Mom, this is Comrade Lei Dongbao, the deputy secretary of the Little Leijia Brigade I told you before. Our family can take off their hats and rely on Comrade Lei." Song Yunping didn't know why he felt a little bit cheeky.

"Oh, it's Comrade Lei. After Pingping said, I always wanted to go to Xiao Lei's Brigade to thank you ... I was still stunned. I quickly cooked for Lei!" Song Jishan quickly came out and pulled Shen Long is about to enter the house.

"Uncle, aunt, I've just eaten at home." Shen Long was a bit stunned. This morning's meal was too early, and the meal at noon hadn't arrived yet. What should I eat? Shaking hands repeatedly refused, Song Jishan refused him, but had to let Mother Song burn a few bowls of sugar water, and gave two poached eggs, persuading Shen Long to drink.

This is a big gift in today's rural areas. Ordinary people who are willing to eat eggs are all saved and exchanged for money to spend at home. The same is true for sugar. Generally, it is a gift to bring a pack of machine noodles and a pack of sugar to relatives.

When drinking water, Song Jishan didn't speak, but Mother Song kept banging on the side of his house. How many people are there in the house? Barbara, who used to do it, heard Song Yunping blush for a while. Isn't this the mother-in-law's son-in-law? Song Yunhui couldn't hear it anymore. After seeing Shen Long just finished drinking the sugar water, he quickly said, "Dad, Mom, Comrade Lei asked me to go to Xiaolei Village for a social survey. By the way, my sister told me how to breed long-haired rabbits. , We have to go to the Xiaolei family brigade. "

"That can't be delayed, I'll go cook some eggs for you and eat on the road!" Mother Song is about to get up and work hard. Now she not only treats Shen Long as a benefactor, but also sees her son-in-law. A little rough, but he spoke and acted decently, and he also felt cultured. Pingping would definitely not lose money if he followed him.

"Don't use it, just take a few steps, and you will arrive at Xiaolei's house in a while." Shen Long repeatedly shook off. If you continue to eat, Song Yunhui's college fare will be troublesome. I have a lack of food and drink, but it is still a very difficult thing to get money. How can I be so embarrassed to eat more?

"Be careful on the road!" Song Jishan and Mother Song stood at the door and watched the three people go away. They didn't return to the yard until their figure disappeared. Then Mother Song couldn't help but whispered in Song Jishan's ear, "You think East How is this child, Bao? "

Song Yunhui did n’t know that his mother had regarded Lei Dongbao as his son-in-law. He is really thinking about social investigations. Although he studied chemical engineering, the social responsibility of college students during this period was not that of later generations. Of college students are comparable, they are also concerned about changes in society, "Comrade Lei, listen to you mean that all village women want to grow long-haired rabbits? Then the money to buy rabbits from there? And if someone learns No, what if we raise the rabbit to death? "

"Although it is not expensive to grow rabbits, our Xiaolei Village is poor. Most people really can't get this money; so I thought about waiting for the first batch of bricks to be burned in the brick kiln. The fee is paid to the village, and then the village pays a part of the money, and each household pays a part of the money, so that the funds to buy the rabbit are all the same. "Shen Long had long thought about it.

"Since the rabbits are not expensive, the contract fee of the brick kiln should be enough? Why should we let the villagers pay?" Song Yunhui didn't understand.

"It is estimated that your sister is clear." Shen Long smiled and did not answer directly, but glanced at Song Yunping next to him.

"Xiaohui, everyone will not cherish the things that come from Bai. Only when they have paid out will they cultivate the long-haired rabbits more carefully, so the Xiao Lei's family can't come up with the money, but can't give it away for nothing!" Song Yunping knows farmers' ideas better than Song Yunhui.

Shen Long was also deeply touched by this point. In the future, when poverty alleviation happened, many similar things happened. The breeding pigs and sheep for free for poor households were slaughtered as soon as they turned their heads. Such news is not uncommon.

So he did not plan to distribute it for free, "And the money that the village committee helped them to pay after selling wool, which is equivalent to a small interest-free loan! This money is a small matter, But you can't develop the habit of waiting for it. "

"As for the problem of raising rabbits, it is necessary to treat them differently. We do n’t care if we see the accident or the farmer. In case of accident, we will help the farmer to replenish the rabbits. When the rabbit hair is sold, we will make up for the loss. As for those careless farmers, they are directly stripped of their breeding qualifications. "Shen Long continued.

Song Yunhui listened extremely fascinated. These things were not accessible to him at school. He used to not understand why he seemed to be a good policy, but the effect of implementation was not satisfactory. Hearing Shen Long said He understood some of these words, and he could not help feeling with emotion, "Hey, the countryside is really too complicated. I originally thought it was easy to manage a village ~ ~ I did n’t expect the doorway inside so much."

"It's still very few." Shen Long laughed. "I heard people say that if someone has the ability to solve a village problem, it is not difficult for him to solve the problem in a county, although the situation in the county and the village is not. It ’s the same, but the truth is conceivable. "

"According to what you said, I have summarized the route of getting rich in Xiaolei Village. First, we will use the distribution of production to households to solve the peasants' food problem, and then use the collective small industry to solve the problem of starting capital, and then use the funds obtained from the industry to feed the breeding Industry, thus forming a healthy development chain. Although your plan is small in scale, the development potential is not small. "Song Yunhui began to get excited when he said," I originally thought that there was not much to write in this social survey. But listening to your introduction, can you write a big article in it! The school will show it to the teacher, and the teacher will be very happy? "

"Do you think I was talking about having you come to do a social survey? I really want you to write a good article." Shen Long laughed, don't look at Lei Dongbao now just a little Village party secretary, but the village party secretary can also play a big battle.



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