All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1821: Be implicated

"Secretary Dongbao, why don't you go to the county magistrate? Didn't you say that the county magistrate asked us to report to Xiaolei's family? Now that the Xiaolei's family is experiencing problems, why don't you ask him for help?" "Seeing that Shen Long was unmoved, Reese said again.

"It doesn't work to find County Governor Xu, I see, this is not easy, not only someone in the next village sue us, but also in the county are fighting!" Shen Long went to work with the County Governor Xu, many people saw By the way, it is impossible for the people in the village not to know that if the people working in the system have ears and eyes that are not convenient, they do n’t know when they will be buried in the pit.

Under such circumstances, why dare they come to find their own trouble? Shen Long can figure it out without thinking. This is because someone wants to give Lao Xu eye drops by himself, and wants to find out the problem on himself to beat Lao Xu's face, thereby reducing his prestige in Jinling County. If this is not visible, he just confuses it in The Name of the People.

Therefore, the more you cannot go at this time, or else people say that they are guilty of absconding, Lao Xu Ke is really buried in himself. At present, the matter of Xiao Lei's family is not a problem at all. Although they have different opinions, they cannot be counted as crimes. The only thing they can break through is that the brick kiln still has financial problems.

It is estimated that they want to see if they are making private profits on the brick kiln, and there are no loopholes in the village committee ’s accounts, and Shen Long need not worry about these two points; contracting the brick kiln was passed by the village committee. It is in full compliance with the organizational process. The contract fee for the village has also been given. A part of it is also used to support the long-haired rabbits and breeding pigs in the village. The old people in the village are also given pension fees. The whole village supports them.

As for the accounts, there is no problem. Shen Long is not Lei Dongbao. He is very serious about the accounts. There are no major problems. He has strict requirements for the accounting system. His four-eye accounting is not tossed by him, but Tossing and tossing is also effective. The level of accounting with four eyes has improved a lot.

Every income and expenditure is clearly remembered, and there is nothing wrong with it at all. You can hold the account book for them to check. Shen Longke did not put the benefit of a penny in his pocket. The village committee A few of them are also closely fixed, there will be no problem.

Since I don't worry about anything, what are we going to run? When I came to the village committee, apart from Sibao and Lao Zhuo, the rest of Shi Hongwei, Lei Zhengming, Lao Wu and Si Yan Accounting were all there. When Shen Long came in, the big guy stood up and looked at him worriedly .

"Sit and sit, it's not a big deal. I'll go to the commune to make it clear! Now the most important thing is that our Xiaolei's family can't be messed up. If we are messed up, people can pick out the faults. No way! "In the TV series, the people of Xiaolei's family went to the county to thank the government for not doing anything.

Although the practice of Lei Dongbao helped the village solve the problem, it also allowed Xiao Lei's family to develop a problem that they would go out together as soon as there was a problem. In the future, the wire factory would not repay the debt. One complaint, even with Song Yunping, unfortunately lost his life because of an accident.

Shen Long has also been a leader. He knows that leaders are taboo on such things. Naturally, he will not easily use this method. If you encounter a life-and-death major event, you do n’t have to say it, but this little thing ca n’t commit the whole village. A starter.

"I estimate that it will take a few more days. You will listen to my arrangement here. Hongwei, you and Zhengming are optimistic about the brick kiln. The brick kiln must not be extinguished. If the fire is extinguished, there will be more waste coal. You are optimistic about the village with others, and you must not cause trouble; Shigen, you go to the county and tell the county magistrate about the situation, saying that I went to the commune to talk to them. "Shen Long Arranged one by one.

"Secretary Dongbao, didn't you just say that it's useless to find the county magistrate?" Lei Shigen turned a little bit, just asked you to go to the county magistrate, but now let me go again?

"I asked you to find the county magistrate to tell him that there is no problem on my side, and I am willing to cooperate with the investigation, so that he can rest assured that if the commune really can't find the problem, he has reason to ask about it." Asking for help is not about letting others solve all the problems for you. It is about trying to do what you can. If you ca n’t, you can ask someone for help.

They want to hit Lao Xu's face through the affairs of Xiaolei's family. Isn't this an opportunity for Lao Xu? As long as he had no problem with this, Lao Xu could harden his waist to support Xiao Lei's family and slap back.

"I see!" Lei Shigen is the person with the highest level of education in Xiao Lei's family, but he is a little timid. Now that Shen Long is so calm, everything is arranged, and he is not afraid.

"Also, bring this to the county magistrate Xu." Shen Long took out his notebook from the bag. "This is the pig feed formula that I went to the provincial capital to find some experts from Anyun University to help out. I plan to Let ’s try it in our Xiaolei Village first. If it ’s easy to use, we will open a feed processing factory. This matter also needs the support of County Governor Xu! You will talk about it first, and then I will go to the commune. "

Well, college students are also experts? Although others may mistakenly think that they are professors and teachers of Anyun University, but what Shen Long wants is such an effect. Can Lao Xu go to Anyun University to ask? As long as my stuff is done well, it will do.

The order of speaking is also very important ~ ~ Say work first and then ask for help; this means, seeing no, I am wronged not only do not complain, I have not forgotten my own job, I never forget to try to lead small The villagers of the Lei family are getting rich. They have to clean up good cadres like me. When will the people of Jinling County have a good life?

"Got it!" When he heard Anyun University, Richmond couldn't help but admire him. This is the best university in our province. It must be difficult to find someone to help? Secretary Dongbao worked hard for our village, well, he thought that Shen Long was looking for professors and experts.

"Okay, the big guys are busy. I will go home and talk to my mother, and then go to the commune." Shen Long went home and comforted Lei Dongbao's mother. She hadn't had time to hear her say within two years. If you can't have a baby, just leave.

When he came to the commune and reported his name, he was brought in. As soon as the investigating team heard that the main leader had arrived, he immediately came to the spirit and started interrogating overnight. However, what they said, Shen Long could find the weight. The original words on the first-class journals provide theoretical support for themselves.

There is no problem with the ledger. At the end, the investigators in the investigation team ignited. "It's a problem that the ledger is so drip-proof!"

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