All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1285: marry

County magistrate Xu is a college student. He used to work in a state-owned enterprise before. The ground connection was less, and the work was not quite rounded. It is reasonable to let himself replace the old secretary. The old secretary is an old party member, and he sincerely hopes that the Xiao Lei family can develop more smoothly, but it is hard for the old secretary to let him go down so stiffly. "

"And, if it ’s just our little Lei ’s family, I ’ll just go and accompany the old secretary, and ask him to check things in the future. This will pass; but, the old secretary has always supported me, This is something that is known to Shili and Baxiang. If it spreads, people in other villages should think about it. This support for reform has nothing to do with it. Should our village slow down? Otherwise, my village secretary Will the position be replaced by others? "In terms of working experience at the grassroots level, Shen Long can be many times thicker than Xu County Chief, and so many questions came to mind at once.

"Dongbao, some people in the county used to say that I was not grounded and did not understand the basic operation standards. I was still a little dissatisfied, but now I hear you say that I did find that there are many places where I do n’t see far enough "County Magistrate Xu did not speak for a long time, and he got up and patted his shoulder for a long time.

"You gave me a wake-up call today to make me understand that working in the county is totally different from working in a state-owned enterprise. Those who are capable of getting up and down and letting the mediocre and the inferior get rid of this kind of thing, but You should also consider more when you do it; then so, I will go back to the old secretary to raise the level, but he will not be allowed to take charge of the specific work in the commune, and he will be left at Xiaolei ’s house to help you check it. "County Magistrate Xu is a wise man. I just didn't realize it before, and I can come up with a solution if I think of it.

"The old secretary is not an ordinary person. Xiao Lei's family can develop so well without the support of the old secretary." This solution satisfied Shen Long. The old secretary can still make progress when he retires. Although it is just a fake name, then There is also brilliance on the face, and it can also serve as a model for cadres in other places. It does n’t matter if you are incapable of reform, as long as you are willing to let go of power and let the capable young people come up, this is also a credit. As long as it is credit, I can see When you see it, you should get a reward.

"It seems that I will come to your little Lei's house more in the future, not only to see the little Lei's family's changes, but also to learn some valuable experience of grassroots work from you. You will be reminded and reminded me of similar things in the future." In this regard, County Governor Xu felt that his work was suddenly bright, and why those people in the county would object to him also understood. The next step will certainly not be the same as before. Jinling County's work is promising.

"That's how your prime minister can hold the boat. If other leaders, I dare not say that." Shen Long laughed and put it on other people. After hearing this, you might think you lost face? He also told him so much when he knew the character of County Mayor Xu.

"Haha, you, you, I'm still boasting about you, and now I'm patting the horse fart again." The county magistrate smiled, but Shen Long could feel that although he said so, he was still very happy. Do you like to listen to good words? Especially this kind of truth.

"Okay, I won't delay your work anymore. I will go back to the county first. After two days, I will call the main officials of the communes and villages in the county to the county. You will give them a report and share Xiaolei. The successful experience of the family; then do a good experiment and strive to submit the application for the establishment of the feed factory as soon as possible. "Xu County Mayor can't wait to go back to work.

After he left, Shen Long arranged the work of the piglet feeding trial field, and then came to the county town with the report. As a teacher, he gave a lesson to all the village heads of the county.

After sharing the successful experience of Xiao Lei's family, Shen Long summed up the following, "......... Xiao Lei's success cannot be achieved without the support of policies, the care of leaders at all levels, and the village committee. Leading role of the party branch ... If you want to lead the villagers to work hard to get rich, you must seriously study the relevant policies and return to play the subjective initiative. The advanced leading role of party members, starting from the actual situation of the village, develop according to local conditions ... "

"Comrade Dongbao's theoretical level is very high. I heard that he was not well-educated before he was restored by the army? When did our country have such a high demand for cultural level?" Suddenly, some county leaders couldn't help but ask County Mayor Xu.

"I'm also quite puzzled about this matter. I didn't know until I asked Xiaolei's family. Comrade Dongbao was also considered shameless. After returning from the army, he studied hard and bought a bunch of books from the Xinhua Bookstore and went back. Not only did he study by himself, he also set up a book corner in the village committee, so that other cadres of the village committee and anyone in the village who wanted to learn could browse it. Now that there are changes, it shows that he has worked hard. "Xu The magistrate explained.

I heard a lot of people next to me feel ashamed. People in a small village party secretary work so hard, what about me? How long have I not read a book well?

After the meeting, Xiao Lei's family was notified quickly, and the old secretary's level was adjusted upwards ~ ~ but still staying at Xiao Lei's house, Comrade Lei Dongbao officially became the leader of Xiao Lei's family. .

Hearing this news, the old secretary Le opened the flower. He did not expect that he could still fall into such a good thing before he retired. After inquiring, he learned that someone had helped to say good things to have such a result, so he made a special trip to find Shen Long Thank you, "Dongbao, I know what you said to County Governor Xu, and Uncle really wants to thank you!"

Shen Long was polite, but he knew clearly that when he said this, there were only himself and County Governor Xu, but he did not disclose it to the outside. This must be the wind from the County Governor Xu, in order to let himself gain The old secretary was so grateful that he just conveniently worked at Xiaolei's house.

And after this word spreads, it can also promote the work enthusiasm of other communes and villages. The county magistrate Xu has improved his wrist. I have taught him so long.

Soon, the results of the piglet test field also came out. The growth of the piglets with the premix was obviously better than the useless ones. They were able to eat, drink, and fat, and the villagers were glad to see them. I wish I could just take it home and raise it.

In this case, the application should also be submitted. After Shen Long handed it over, the county magistrate immediately approved it, and asked the county's credit union to issue a loan to Xiaolei's family, and the feed factory quickly started construction.

When the feed factory was built, it was summer vacation, and it was time for Shen Long and Song Yunping's wedding.


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