All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1292: Good comrades like Lei Dongbao must support

"Oh, are you making bamboo handicrafts now?" Jiang Lao took over the unfinished handicrafts from an old man. This is a fruit basket made of fine bamboo sticks. Although they have not been completed, they can be seen. This thing is exquisitely crafted, "Good craftsmanship, this fruit basket is beautifully made."

"It's almost done. If you like the leader, I will do it for you." The old man was very happy to hear that the leader liked his craft.

"Then I can't take it for free, Dongbao, how much do you plan to sell this thing? I pay for it!" Jiang Lao really likes this fruit basket, saying that he will let the secretary pay for it, "Also, Dong Bao, how did you think of using this thing to earn foreign exchange? "

"Did I not read it in the newspaper? I said Dongyang woodcarving was well received at the Canton Fair and earned a lot of foreign exchange for the country. I thought about it. Although our village does not know woodcarving, these elders do bamboo weaving and bamboo carving. But a good hand, maybe I can go to the Canton Fair to exchange foreign exchange. "Although the reform began only in 1979, the Canton Fair started in 1957.

In the early Canton Fair, because China's industrial development was relatively backward and lacked industrial products for export, but handicraft products were very well received by developed countries and regions. Dongyang wood carving is one of the best. When Shen Long found that there were Immediately after the bamboo weaving and bamboo carving crafts, he thought of this.

It is also common for industrially backward countries to rely on tourism and handicrafts to earn foreign exchange. In the era when Shen Long traversed, the big guys did not bring industrial products back to countries like Nepal and Cambodia, but most of them would With some local handicrafts, this market is relatively broad.

"Dongbao, although your method is good, there is no way to support you in the province. The number of places to go to the Canton Fair is limited. I have to take care of those large enterprises and companies that have already had successful experience." Of course he knows foreign exchange, but nowadays, no one can go to the Canton Fair. Xiaolei's stall will certainly not get this qualification.

"It's okay, I have heard that many people take their things outside the Canton Fair and wait for opportunities. I'm also learning English with my wife-in-law these days. "I'm not afraid, as long as I go to the Canton Fair, I will definitely be able to sell things, and now there are not many people who understand the preferences of foreigners better than I do.

"You still learn English?" Jiang Lao completely served, "Oh, as our country opens to the outside world, there are more and more places where English can be used, but there are not many people around me who can speak English. Let them You do n’t have to worry about learning. This time you should bring them all together. Let them see. Dongbao, you are a farmer who is learning English. Are they embarrassed not to work hard? "

"Come on, Dongbao, tell us a few words and see what you have learned?" The county magistrate Xu was also surprised. I don't know English either. I studied Russian at university.

Shen Long opened his mouth, "; Mr.Jiangtoinvestigate.Xiaoleijiacannotgetrichwithoutthesupportof; leaders."

Finished scratching his head, "These sentences are what I asked my daughter-in-law to send me the dictionary to teach me in advance, and the rest of me will only be the simplest hello, howmuch or something."

"Haha, it's quite like that, come and tell me, what was Dong Bao talking about?" Jiang Lao was suddenly happy, and an English-speaking secretary helped him translate it, "Secretary Dong Bao said, welcome When you come to investigate, Xiao Lei's family can't get rich without the support of superior leadership; although the grammar of Dongbao's secretary is a bit problematic, the pronunciation is still accurate. "

Hearing this, Mr. Jiang was even happier. "Oh, I haven't heard people say similar things to me for so many years, but this is the first time in English! Just rush this, and I have to support it! "

"Come on, Dongbao, tell me, what help do you all need from Xiaolei's family? Oh, the Canton Fair can't be done. There has been a unified plan in the province, and now it's all in August, the list "It's already settled." Jiang Lao said, Shen Long gave him too many surprises today, he now has a sentence in his heart: a good comrade like Lei Dongbao must support.

It's just that the Canton Fair is divided into spring and autumn. The autumn is held in mid-October. The units to be visited in this province are indeed determined. In this regard, he can't help. The province is counting on this foreign exchange to introduce equipment.

"Can I ask you to do me a favor? Don't ... don't pass on what we are going to the Canton Fair, otherwise there will be more people, and our little Lei family's things will not be sold." Shen Longzhuang I am embarrassed and said in a huff.

"Haha, you, you, began to care about your own interests by this time?" Jiang Lao was happy again. Shen Long had just behaved not like a farmer just now. This sentence now reflects the cunning that is unique to farmers. Let Old Jiang felt a lot of kindness.

"However, you can rest assured that the Canton Fair in private is not something that is suitable for publicity. Xiao Zhong, please don't write about it." Jiang Lao not only agreed, but also told reporters from Xinhua News Agency. Zhong Dajun.

Zhong Dajun also agreed, and then Shen Long made another request ~ ~ Also, I think if our little Lei family is lucky and can exchange to foreign exchange, can we stay and use it for ourselves; Jiang Lao, I did n’t plan to buy anything else. Those high-tech students at Anyun University recommended several advanced machines for producing feed for me. I want to buy them. "

At this time, foreign exchange could not be used casually. The foreign exchange earned by various units must be turned over to the foreign exchange management department, and then the import and export company should be reported to apply for the introduction of certain equipment. If the channel is on the right track, villages like Xiaolei ’s There is no opportunity to run an enterprise.

Lao Jiang didn't think how much foreign currency Shen Long could get. He still could make up the small amount, so he agreed with him casually, "Well, as long as you can get foreign currency, I promise to leave it to you."

"Eh, thank you Jiang for getting old; oh, there is one more thing. When the feed factory is opened, I will definitely use a little of the planned materials. I guarantee that the amount will not be large, and I will not sell it to others. , For our own feed factory, can you help to solve it? "Although the feed factory also needs to use the planned materials, but they are all trace chemical products, the quantity is not large at all, than the reinforced cement required by the prefabricated board factory Much smaller.

"It's no problem, I also want to see your Xiaolei's feed produced as soon as possible." This is also a trivial matter, not to mention that Jiang is old, Xu County may be able to get it done, and it is difficult for him to open his mouth. Is it such a trivial matter? "Dongbao, are there any other requirements?"


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