All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1296: Go south

"No, I just had good luck. Brother Sibao was not only busy with the brick factory, he had to go outside and sell rabbit hair. How could I be so leisurely, I have to learn more from Brother Sibao in the future." Yang Xun also helped Say good things with Sibao.

"That's right, Dongbao, I'm running the Devil's Capital again this month, and I contacted the brick factory everywhere for business. I really didn't have much time to spend on the feed factory." The four BMWs climbed up the pole.

Hey, this IQ is also not saved. Since you have said so, then I will hand over the sales business of the feed factory to Yang Xun. You have nothing to say, "I thought you were too busy before, so I want to find someone to help you. At first, you were unwilling. Look, but now you are too busy, right? Then the feed factory will let Yang Xun be alive. "

"Yang Xun, let's see, how did you sell so much feed?" Lei Shigen started the conversation, but he didn't expect Yang Xun to be able to open the market so quickly.

"This is what I learned from our Xiaolei's family. All the pig farmers in our village have seen how happy the pigs have eaten the feed, so no one does not buy them." Yang Xun nodded to Sibao. Then he began to talk to the big guy about his experience of running feed in various communes.

It turned out that this kid had the advantage of knowing how many people he used to exchange eggs for buns before. Every time he went to a commune, he found their pig breeding experts and let them try Xiaolei's pig feed. As a result, the villagers in the same commune saw it. The pig with the feed looks so happy, he immediately found him and asked to buy it.

Yang Xun so easily used the peasant's character of longing for prosperity, no rabbits and no eagles to spread the sales of pig feed, and brought back so many deposits; this method opened the eyes of the cadres of Xiaolei's family. Not surprising, but it is the ability of others to use it well.

"I propose to transfer to Yang Xunzheng. I will give you a bonus when the goods of these customers are delivered, and the final payment will be given to you; now the eyes are also about to start school. If you have younger brothers and sisters who want to come to our Xiaolei's school, bring them here. Come on! Oh, Sibao did a good job, and your bonus was also paid back. "Ye said it was also the oldest team that mixed with yourself at the earliest, and it was not appropriate to be too desperate.

"Shigen, Sibao, and Laowu. In the future, if our small Lei family's business wants to grow bigger, we can't just look for people from the small Lei family. If you know someone who has the ability, we can use it. Introduced that we come here to work; then it will be the same as Yang Xun. Try it for a period of time. If you have the skills, you will stay! "Shen Long also opened a mouth for them. Now many people want to enter the Xiaolei family. Give them this Opportunity, they also have light on their faces, who has few relatives to take care of?

"However, there are some things to say at the beginning. I only want to have the same ability as Yang Xun. However, if there are people in our Xiaolei family who can do anything, try not to find outsiders. Also, recruiting talents, remember In several of our assessments, if the people introduced are easy to use, more bonuses will be paid at the end of the year. If the people you introduce do n’t work, if the things in the village are broken, then the bonus will be deducted and you will have to be held jointly and severally liable. "You Don't introduce all the friends of Huhupeng, you have to weigh the disadvantages yourself.

"Got it, Secretary Dongbao, I still have a few high school classmates who have n’t landed yet. I ’ll go back to their house and ask. Now the village is not enough to rely on the four-eye accountant to do the accounting alone. It will count. "Rashigen first agreed, and the rest of Shi Hongwei, Sibao and Laowu also met many people during this time, and began to wonder who was the right person.

"Don't worry about the four eyes, this is not to rob you to work hard. Now that our village is such a big stall, you can be busy alone? But you are our village. We still trust you the most. We will be new in the future. The account that the people who come here have to be audited by you, you are the leader of our Xiaolei's financial team. "Shen Longan made some appeasement.

"That brother, can I be the leader of our sales team at Leijia?" Upon hearing this, Sibao was coming up again, wondering if I could also be an official.

"I want to go south to Huadu in October. Then you and Yang Xun will follow me. I will see how much skill you have." Shen Long did not give a definite answer, but Sibao can listen to it. When I went to Huadu, I suddenly forgot everything.

After being busy with this, Song Yunhui and Zhang Weidong should also leave. Before leaving, they were a little reluctant. They all said that they had the opportunity to come over. Song Yunhui also wrote the social survey report. He felt the quality of this copy. Better, the content is more detailed, and will definitely be published in more advanced journals.

Shen Long went to the county town to deliver them. After that, he went to the county magistrate Xu. He mainly said two things. The first one is the brand and trademark of Xiaolei's pig feed. The name of the brand is very straightforward, so it is called Changde. Quickly, the trademark is a fat pig in the style of a New Year's picture. You have to give the peasant a ground. You make it too mysterious and everyone is not easy to accept. The pig feed is not coffee. What is the whole thing so tall? The name is good, and I asked the pig farmers in the village, they all like it.

"There is brand awareness so early ~ ~ Dongbao, you think very far, although at the moment it looks like it will cost more to register trademarks and get packaging paper, but our country will soon come out of supply. At this stage, it has entered a more intense market competition stage. At that time, it will have a loud brand, but it will take a big advantage; just like Liubiju pickles in Beijing, Tongrentang Liuwei Dihuang Wan, everyone will recognize it once it is said! " County Governor Xu ... Oh no, it is already Secretary Xu, and praised Shen Long again.

"I let the industry and commerce department cooperate with you to get this done quickly. I heard that the above is considering drafting a trademark law, and you are walking in front of other villages." Old Xu is from Beijing and has a deep background. News.

"Thank you, Secretary Xu, there is another thing. I want to give Xiao Lei's family a call. Isn't that why I'm going to the Canton Fair soon? If a customer sees our products, I have to inform the village Goods, it's too late to call the village and inform the village. "At this time, the phone has not been pulled to the countryside. If there is no county support, the post office will spend a lot of effort to pull the phone line to Xiao Leijia?

"Okay, I will let the post office prepare, and let them go with you when you go back." This is also true, and Lao Xu also agreed.

After the phone was settled, Shen Long put down his words. During the time he went to participate in the Canton Fair, the village committee must have someone answer the phone 24 hours, and then took three people to the south train.


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