All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1298: Dongbao, you are too good

"Lei De, hello, arts and crafts?" Shen Long stepped forward to greet the young foreign businesswoman in English that was awkward but fully understandable.

"Wow." The businesswoman saw that a man dressed as a farmer could speak English and was attracted to herself, plus she was really interested in these bamboo weaving and bamboo carving crafts, so she came to squat down and looked at the stall Samples, Sibao and Yang Xun were dazzled by the light of her chest again.

"Very beautiful thing, how many dollars do you plan to sell? I want to buy two and take them back as gifts for my children." She fancyed two small animals made of bamboo.

"Twenty dollars one." Shen Long directly doubled the price and then successfully completed the transaction. This is just a small amount of money for foreigners.

Seeing that the foreign woman Zizizi took things away, Sibao and Yang Xun admired the five-body investment, "Dongbao brother, you are so powerful, just two things can sell forty yuan?"

"More than that, this foreign friend paid US dollars. Forty dollars is now almost equivalent to 80 yuan." Li Laosan lowered his voice. "This is still the official price. If you find someone to change in private, And more. "

"Only these two gadgets can sell 80 yuan?" Erbo was stupid, "I will make a few of these things in the afternoon, if I can really sell them like this ..." I can't make a good one day. Hundreds of dollars? Half a year's effort has become ten thousand households?

"Hi, man, this is also good luck. If you come across something you like, if you sell more, the foreigner will start to reduce the price. Although the foreigner has money, it is not easy to earn their money. Second chance, if you buy it in the village, who will buy it? "Li Bosan broke the second uncle's illusion.

"Don't be afraid of you, the foreigner can't eat you, Yang Xun, you should go to the village next door to sell pig feed. When you meet the people you want, they will introduce them and take them to see them and it's done." Shen Long On the one hand, he taught Yang Xun and Sibao.

"Brother, I have another chance next time, so I will try it." Yang Xunwei thought about what Shen Long and Yang Zizi said, and began to observe the foreign businessmen who came and went. Sibao's legs looked very spirited, but When I heard that I wanted to say hello to the foreigner, I still counseled.

In the next half an hour, they would have no such luck. Foreign merchants entering and leaving the venue mostly come and go in a hurry. Few people can focus on their samples, not to mention asking for prices; Yang After patrolling himself for a long time, he waited for an opportunity, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no one.

"Dongbao brother, I'm afraid it won't work." Sibao started to retreat again. If he had just sold two, he would like to say hello and go back.

"Why not? Isn't it just nobody watching? I'll find a way to lead them to see!" Shen Long had already thought about this situation, and was already prepared, he pulled out a bamboo made by his uncle from his bag. The flute came out and greeted Erbo, "Erbo, you took out all of your guys. Here we will make a fruit basket for foreigners."

"Can this be done?" Erbo realized at this time why the kid brought him specifically. This was for him to demonstrate live. He was confident in his craft, but look at the rushing foreigner, even if he started to do it himself. No one watched the work?

"Just look at me, don't I still have this?" Shen Long shook the bamboo flute in his hand and attached a flute film to the second hole. "I went to school for two days in the army. It comes in handy. "

Let Shen Long play "Jasmine". This familiar tune spread. Many foreign businessmen who heard "Turandot" slowed down and looked towards Shen Long.

"Two uncles, two uncles, foreigners have come to see you, hurry and drop!" Yang Xunjiling immediately reminded the second uncle.

"Oh, oh, I'll do it now!" Erbo immediately started weaving with a thin bamboo stick. At the beginning, he was a little nervous, but he calmed down as soon as he started. This is because he has done thirty or forty. The work of the year can be woven skillfully even with closed eyes.

Callus-covered hands and flowing water generally weave slender bamboo strips together, and a delicate fruit basket is formed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those foreigners attracted by the sound of Shen Long flute opened their mouths in surprise, "Oh , Buy cakes, annoy him, this is real art! "

"Hey, there is still this hand. I knew I would have brought my carving knife!" Li Laosan regretted it. Why did I come to the Canton Fair so many times, did not expect to have this hand?

No, when I come back next time, I have to bring my guy to perform live, but it seems that there is no live carving, I have to find a way to let the foreigners see it! Oh, Erli, his youngest uncle seems to be able to lute, or should he bring him too?

Lao Li, this is still good, the stonemason next to it is a little depressed, can I move a big stone to perform the carving of the lion on the spot? Will the police definitely drive me away?

After Er Bo compiled the fruit basket, Shen Long stopped playing. He stood up and took it up from Er Bo's hand. "Gentlemen, ladies, real craftsmen weave crafts on site. do not miss it."

"I want this!" "How much?" The two foreign businessmen spoke almost at the same time. They looked at each other ~ ~ They quickly walked towards Shen Long, and they even started bidding. The first one opened. It was thirty dollars, and the second one immediately added five dollars, and the two quoted them in turn, and looked at them and rushed for fifty dollars.

"Sir, two gentlemen, you don't have to do this, just wait for a while, and you will get the second one immediately." Shen Long hurried over to persuade for a while, and then asked Erbo to make another one for them.

"Can I have one too?"

"How much is this? It looks cute!" Many foreign businessmen began to choose their favorite products in front of Shen Long's booth, and they were envious of Wang Sansan and other stall owners.

"The twenty, the fifteen ... Sibao, Yang Xun, still wondering why, quickly greet the guests!" Shen Long asked the guests while letting them help.

"Brother Dongbao, immediately." Yang Xun communicated with the other party in stuttering English. He couldn't understand too much, he could only pick up what the other party was picking up, and he even said prices with pen and picture.

Later, Shen Long simply handed over the quotation to them, and he was responsible for in-depth communication, and occasionally recommended the products recommended by the stall next door.

Nevertheless, by the end of the night, most of the samples on their stalls were sold out. Before the meal, the statistics were harvested. Sibao and Yang Xun expressed emotion again, "Brother Dongbao, you are so amazing!"


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