All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1301: Someone is looking for Comrade Lei Dongbao

"There are many places in the province where foreign exchange is to be used. Several large provincial factories are waiting for foreign exchange to introduce advanced equipment. You can get such a large amount of foreign exchange back at once, and the big guys will find Old Jiang; Many are key enterprises related to national economy and people's livelihood, and Mr. Jiang can't stop it! "

"But you can rest assured that Jiang Lao won't let you lose. He plans to get a batch of equipment from the provincial feed factory to give you Xiao Lei's house. Although the equipment of the provincial feed factory is not more advanced than the United States, it can be done for your family. It ’s enough for the company, and it ’s the internal transfer price, which is much lower than the market. In general, are your little Lei ’s family still making money! ”Lao Xu is also not very satisfied with this treatment. If an enterprise introduces the most advanced domestic equipment, does it have a bright face?

But this is a big game in the province, and he ca n’t violate the overall situation, and the introduction of advanced equipment by those large enterprises in the province does seem to have a greater significance than that of Xiaolei ’s. From this perspective, he must not only control himself. Mood, but also turned his head to appease Shen Long.

"No, Secretary Xu, this matter of tens of thousands of dollars, can Jiang Lao make a speech?" Shen Long was very dissatisfied. How can I get someone to spend it on the foreign exchange that I tried hard to get?

"Dongbao, don't just count the point where your little Lei's family sold at the Canton Fair. Didn't you also sign a follow-up supply contract with an American businessman? After that, if you add up each year, it won't be tens of thousands of dollars. Something is wrong, it's a big contract of hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars! "Old Xu shook his head. If it was really only tens of thousands of dollars, Jiang Lao wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"Secretary Xu, is this too much? Oh, they not only want to **** our little Lei's family into the bowl? Even the pan is not cooked, and the ground hasn't grown out, we must be worried! "Shen Long is almost going to take a table. Co-operating with you, is this our long-term meal ticket for Xiao Lei's family?"

"Yes, those people's plans are a little owed to your little Lei's family, but there is no way, you don't know that our country lacks foreign exchange, don't you know it all over the country now? Dongyang wood carving, Jingcheng cloisonne, Jingdezhen porcelain Not all the money for these companies ’foreign exchange earnings has fallen into their pockets, have they all been used to buy industrial equipment?” Lao Xu continued to persuade, “Dongbao, you are also a party member, and you ca n’t just start from Xiao Lei ’s family. , Also have to take into account the overall situation! "

"Can that be the same? Dongyang woodcarving and cloisonne are all developing handicrafts, and it is useless to ask for foreign exchange. Our Xiaolei family also wants to develop a high value-added feed industry. Nowadays, all parts of the country are calling for pig farming. An enterprise that is related to the development of people's livelihood! If I get advanced equipment from the United States, I will be able to produce more and better feed and let more people eat meat. Why is this not taking into account the overall situation? "

"Moreover, I have negotiated with other American businessmen and they sent me the quotation." Shen Long took out the list of equipment that David sent to him from his briefcase. "They also hope to make money from this. Click here, if this list is gone, the export of bamboo carvings and bamboo crafts will be a problem! "

"As soon as I received the equipment list, I wanted to go to the provincial capital to ask Xiaohui for their help, to see which equipment best meets the needs of our Xiaolei's family. Now it's better, and it was robbed by someone!" Shen Long was angry. Said.

"Let's see." Lao Xu used to work in the Jinzhou Chemical Plant, and he still knew the market for various industrial equipment. He picked up the list and looked at it. "A lot of equipment on this is very advanced, and compared to The price of the import and export company comes with a lot of concessions. If your little Lei family can really win this batch of equipment, it will make a lot of money. "

"No matter how good it is, what's the use? Isn't it robbed?" Shen Long said angrily. He knew that Lao Xu wouldn't care about this, and did this style fit the identity of grassroots cadres!

"Originally, I was trying to persuade you to come to the province, but after seeing this list, I think that this matter has not changed yet, so let's go to the province and find Xiaohui first Ok, then go to Jiang Lao Report and see if there is any change in this matter! "Lao Xu changed his mind. This is the foreign exchange earned by others, and they did not spend money.

With the support of Lao Xu, Shen Long immediately went to the provincial capital, went to Anyun University to find Song Yunhui, and gave him the watch and calculator. Song Yunhui watched the resignation for a long time, but the calculator was accepted directly, thank you again, This thing was indeed of great use to him; he immediately helped Shen Long find someone, spent a few days, and after Shen Long pretended to inadvertently bring up a point, came up with a set of plans that was most suitable for Xiao Lei's family.

"Okay, you have worked hard this time! If this is done, I invite you to drink." Shen Long hurriedly packed up the information, found Jiang Lao in the province, and reported him the work.

"Old Jiang, I also know that there is a shortage of foreign exchange in the province, but our little Lei's family did not plan to spend this foreign exchange at all, did we? We all intend to use it in the people's livelihood enterprises that are related to whether people can eat meat. Isn't the chance? Erbodu is so old ~ ~ In order to earn this foreign exchange, the bamboo strips in his hand are full of mouth, he hopes that our feed factory will get better soon, he will give My grandson buys more meat. Now how do you go back and explain to Uncle Er? "Shen Long also played an emotional card.

It sounded guilty that Mr. Jiang was guilty. He also called Brother Erbo at Xiaolei's house, but now who doesn't lack foreign exchange, he can only give Shen Long a chance, "Dongbao, why not?" You will go to the meeting with me tomorrow. I will call all the units that want this foreign exchange. You will talk to me and other leaders. It makes sense to see who said it. "

By the next day, Shen Long encountered the siege of several large enterprises in the province, no matter who the foreign exchange would eventually fall on, it would not be cheaper for small village-run enterprises, otherwise we big state-owned factories Where does your face rest? And now that foreign exchange is already very difficult to fight for, let these small businesses be included, how will the future live? This mouth must not be opened.

Dozens of people besieged Shen Long together. They either quoted from the scriptures to move out various policies, or kept mentioning the relationship between several major leaders in the province and their own factories to play emotional cards, or they came up with various data to indicate the introduction of their own factories. The necessity and urgency of equipment.

In this situation, most of the leaders in the province are more inclined to them. When the meeting is about to end and come up with the final treatment plan, Jiang Lao ’s secretary came in quietly, “Someone is looking for Comrade Lei Dongbao.”


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