All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1306: Brigade support can also be very good

At this time, no one can sit on the train soft sleeper. Only those at the county level or above are eligible to buy tickets. This time Shen Long also got a letter of introduction from Lao Xu because of the special circumstances. Tickets to buy.

So as soon as he heard that he was a small brigadier, he planned to come over to catch people. While pulling Shen Long out, he also blamed the railway staff, "What do you do? What can anyone do? Put it in a soft sleeper? ... Director, wait a moment, I'll clean it up for you right away. "

"Don't move!" When he saw his face, Shen Long got angry and slapped his hand open. "Why? I bought a ticket and can't take the car? Is this the rule there?"

"This comrade, do you have to take a ticket to take a seat on this train? Why do you want people to give up seats since you didn't buy a ticket?" People in the same car also couldn't pass it.

"What is your qualification to sit in a soft sleeper? Is this a soft sleeper ticket you bought through a crooked door?" This man glanced at the dress of Shen Long's speaking man, daring not to talk, and reached out again to grab Shen Long's Shen Long slapped the clothes off again.

The two of them were so troubled that the leading comrade outside was a little impatient and came in from the door. In the end, he deserved to be the leader. This superficial work was better than the average person. First, he blamed his men in a fake way. And then squeezed a smirk and said to Shen Long, "This comrade, he is this character, don't blame him. I'm going to the provincial capital for an important meeting this time. I want to take a good rest on the train, so I can Can't you trouble make a seat for me? Move to the hard sleeper next to me? I will give you the original price of the soft sleeper ticket, and the hard sleeper ticket will be given to you. "

Shen Long took this little money in his heart and saw through his hypocrisy at a glance. What good cadres would he bring out? "Oh, this is a coincidence. I'm going to the meeting too. I also need to take a good rest; I don't know what this leader is calling? What is the job?"

The leader couldn't help but feel a little shocked. A brigade clerk dare to speak like this. What is his origin? He hadn't spoken yet, and he could not wait to show his identity as a leader. "This is Director Liu of our provincial fertilizer plant office. You said that you are a small party secretary and run so far to have a fart meeting ... "Fertilizers are tight supplies now, no wonder this man is so good, but this time he hit the iron plate.

"Shut up!" Reminiscent of the present time, the cold sweat on Director Liu's forehead came down and stuttered and asked, "This comrade, are you going to have a meeting there?"

"Go to the capital for a meeting!" Shen Long took out his National People's Congress deputy card from his pocket and showed them that it was about to start a meeting. He walked a few days in advance and wanted to go to the capital to do something. By the way, Lao Xu's family has something to do with it. If it's not for a meeting, Lao Xu can't help him lie down.

Director Liu ’s face suddenly turned black, and he gave a fierce glance at his hand. Your mouth is fast Nima! If you do n’t say my status, I ’ll just leave. It ’s better now. If someone meets the leader of the province when they go to a meeting in Beijing, I just have to take a sentence and I ’ll have to get stuck. The director of the office doesn't have to do anything.

"Oh, no wonder I just thought the name Lei Dongbao was familiar. You should be Comrade Lei Dongbao, the branch secretary of the Xiaoleijia Brigade in Jinling County, Liangxi City?" The leader of the same box also remembered seeing this in the newspaper. The name is, "Your village is now a typical example of getting rich in the country. Secretary Dongbao is doing a good job!"

"Yes, yes, I also remembered. Our city's arts and crafts factory can earn foreign exchange this time at the Canton Fair. This is the credit of Dongbao Secretary. If Dongbao Secretary helped Mr. Qiao of our city The title of the United Nations-certified folk craft master, those foreigners can buy so many goods! "The upper bunker also leaned forward to talk.

Director Liu ’s face is black and white for a while, and I said, can your brigade supporter be so good? It is also representative of the whole country, and it is also a typical national level. Can it still have a relationship with the United Nations? No wonder I can sit in a soft sleeper. Why do I have to leave so early today? If I take the next bus, won't it matter?

Also, what the **** are you talking about? If Director Liu ’s gaze could kill people, his men would have died many times before, but now it ’s not time to clean up him, I have to comfort Director Lei. Our factory director will also go to Beijing this time. During the meeting, if Secretary Lei came to our factory director in front of everyone, wouldn't he pick my skin back when he came back?

"Oh, it turns out that you are Secretary Lei of the Little Leijia Brigade. I have heard the name for a long time!" Director Liu put all his thoughts on the drill camp. Then he had time to read the newspaper. He didn't know Lei Dongbao's name at all. But since he was a brigade, he felt that the other party definitely needed fertilizer. "We have always been very supportive of rural reform and getting rich. Do you have a lack of fertilizer in your Lei family? I will send you two vehicles from the factory on the train? Photo Transfer the price internally. "

"Missing, definitely missing! Now the fertilizer is so tight!" Hey ~ ~ This compensation is not bad, but only two cars of fertilizer want to kill me, that is too small to look at me, "Oh! , Our village is planting rice and fruit trees again. This fertilizer is really lacking. I am worried about this. I am about to replant late rice. The fertilizer has not landed yet. I will go to Beijing Not at ease at the meeting! "

"It's okay, isn't this me? Isn't our factory producing fertilizers? Secretary Lei, how much are you missing? Say the number, I'll make it up for you!" Director Liu's heart was bleeding, and now begging him The people who approve the fertilizers are about to break the threshold of his home. How much benefit can one car fertilizer get for him, but now the two car fertilizer people are not looking at it, because they have to sleep softly, which makes How much did you lose!

"Oh, there are so many shortages, I wonder why I have to get thirty or fifty tons?" Shen Long stretched his voice, "Director Liu, if you can help us solve this trouble, then you helped me Busy! "Well, you don't have to help, but you can think about it. I know what your name is when you go to work there.

Thirty to fifty tons? How much chemical fertilizer can farmers afford to plant on an acre of land? How many acres of land does your little Leijia brigade have? And how much can thirty or fifty tons of fertilizer make for me?

"Oh, although our little Lei family is not poor now, we can spend money everywhere, and the account is not generous, you can give me a cheaper price." Shenlong is not satisfied with the internal transfer price.


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