All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1326: Foreign acquisition

"Leisang, if you are not satisfied with the price, can we continue to discuss it! After we purchased your formula, we can still produce and sell it in China ..." Shibu He also wanted to bargain.

"Mr. Lei, a thousand tons is really too little. Let's sign a long-term supply contract. In the future, our Chia Tai Group will fully cover the feed produced by your little Lei family." Xie Bingsheng knows more about the domestic situation than Shibuhe As a representative of the National People's Congress, Shen Long still has some weight in his mind, so instead of being as anxious as Shibuga, he decided to make a good relationship with Shen Long first, and then slowly gather information before making a decision.

"Resang, we can talk about formulas and patents slowly. Please be sure to give us a thousand tons of feed. We are willing to pay a higher price." In the Asian market, especially in Southeast Asia, Ja Quannong and Zhengda Group have no small competition. If Zhengda Group monopolizes the sale of this kind of feed, it will be extremely disadvantageous to Ja Quannong.

"Then, as I said, you two are half of this 1,000 tons of feed!" Shen Long also doesn't want his products to be monopolized by a company. Xiao Lei's family is temporarily unable to build overseas sales channels. Controlling the channels is also detrimental to the future development of Xiao Lei's family.

"As for patent licensing, it's not a trivial matter. Presumably, the two of you have to discuss with the company. Then let's talk about it in the future. I'll wait for the arrival of the two at Xiaolei's house." Not to mention the group, they have purchased patent licenses before, but most of the previous purchases were patents from European and American countries. It is really rare to buy Chinese patents. I must have to go back and discuss them.

"I will deal with it as soon as possible." Shibu He and Xie Bingsheng glanced at each other at the same time, and they are not regretted. If there is no such competitor, then this matter should be easy to handle.

The three parties changed places, drafted the contract, and signed the contract. The 1,000-ton piglet premix feed saved by Shen Long was sold to large foreign companies, earning a lot of dollars for the small Lei family. Seeing the contract finalized, Zhang Chu Although Chang has some regrets, he is basically satisfied. The amount of this contract is not small, and it is also an export of industrial products, which can add a lot of luster to his resume.

But he was still a little dissatisfied with Shen Long ’s unwillingness to sell the formula. After the departure of Shibu He and Xie Bingsheng, Director Zhang complained and said, “Hey, Dongbao, that ’s $ 200,000, and see Mr. Shibu The price is still negotiable, why do n’t you agree! "

If the formula can also be sold, the result is different. The export of industrial products is heavier than that of handicrafts, and the export of technological formulas is better than industrial products. His resume will be more beautiful.

Hey, you still have too little knowledge and think the problem is too simple, but this is not to blame you, now in the 1980s, how many Chinese people understand the power of patents, in the future those multinational giants rely on this sickle How much profit has been harvested in China; Shen Long found out several cases of patent sales in the feed industry in recent years, spread knowledge to Director Zhang, and listened to Director Zhang in a daze.

"So, in the international market, patents are very important and can bring huge profits to the enterprise. The benefits of this feed from our Xiaolei family are tens of millions of dollars. Shibuhe is bullying us. The Chinese do not understand the international market and want to pick up the bargain. If I agree, is n’t that the loss of collective property? ”Shen Long concluded.

"Oh, Secretary Dongbao's words really opened my eyes!" Director Zhang would like to remember every word that Shen Long said just now, this knowledge is for him, an official involved in foreign trade, It is definitely a treasure. As long as you master the doorway, then you still have to worry about promotion?

"Zhang Chu, our country is not paying enough attention to patents, which has resulted in many valuable patents being squashed abroad, such as cloisonne, rice paper manufacturing process ..." Shen Long chose several cases to tell him, "If you Investigate the relevant information, and then write and submit it to you ... "

In the future, Xiao Lei's family will definitely engage in large-scale export trade. There is absolutely no harm in having an official with a good relationship in the foreign trade department, so Shen Long does not hesitate to send him some achievements.

"Hua has a lot of Xiangjiang lawyers. You can find a few lawyers who are familiar with international patents. Even if you can't take care of other places now, you can keep some patents in the Huadu area. He taught him by hand.

"No wonder Xiao Lei's family can develop so well. The vision of Secretary Dongbao is even wider than those of us who are located in the coast and specialize in foreign trade!" Zhang Chuna could not realize the benefits here, which was natural for Shen Long I am very grateful, "Secretary Dongbao, in the future your little Lei family wants to come to the Canton Fair, give me a call in advance, I will help you arrange it properly."

He has now forgotten the unpleasantness of Shen Long's unwillingness to sell patents. Compared with the current gains, what is the two hundred thousand dollars? This money is not for me, but if you have the knowledge of international patents, that is the real cost.

He pulled Shen Long and asked for the details of the international patent for a long time, and then used his personal relationship to buy a sleeper ticket for the Xiaolei family ~ ~ so that they can go home more comfortably.

Returning to Jinling County, Shen Long reported to Chen Pingyuan the harvest of Xiao Lei's family at the Canton Fair. Chen Pingyuan heard that Xiao Lei's family sold 1,000 tons of feed in one go. To help Xiao Lei's family coordinate the wagon, be sure to transport this batch of feed to Hong Kong in the shortest time.

Oops, it seems that it is right to support Xiaolei's move. If this news is reported to the city, the city's leaders will definitely praise me. This is the first time Liangxi City has exported industrial products on a large scale, and it is exported. The target is not a backward country in the third world, but a developed country like Japan. In this case, when the old secretary retires, the problem of my succession is not stable?

After coordinating the wagon, Chen Pingyuan took the copy of the contract and went to the city to report in person. Seeing these things, the city's leaders were also very happy. They really praised Chen Pingyuan, and even the leaders came personally. Xiao Lei's family conducted an inspection.

During the inspection, the deputy mayor got another piece of good news. He immediately called Chen Pingyuan and Shen Long, "Haha, this time I would like to congratulate you Jinling County, congratulations to the small Lei family, foreign companies want Acquiring your Xiaolei's feed factory is the largest foreign investment we have ever made in Liangxi City! "


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