All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1334: I really thought Xiao Lei's family was bullying

"This classmate, although our company's location is a bit off, but our treatment is good, and there is also the opportunity to go to Japan JA All Agriculture headquarters training, you think about it, go to a Japanese big company for training, such opportunities are in The large state-owned enterprises in the provincial capital are rare. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop. "Shen Long tried to sway these students at the job fair.

He had negotiated with Shibuga about the training. Compared with the previous conditions, these are small things, and Xie Bingsheng also promised to help. Lei Zhengming and the backbone of the feed factory will go to Chia Tai Group after the time. After receiving training, let me say that this long-sighted opportunity does have more to Lei's family than other companies.

"Can I still go to Japan?" This time even the students who had just planned to come over to see the lively students were a little bit tempted. At this time, the young people's desire to go abroad was too intense.

"Yes, every year we will mobilize employees with outstanding performance to participate in the training, and will also give you a high standard of overseas subsidies, at least not lower than the department-level cadres of the state-owned enterprises, go out for training once, not only can learn knowledge, but also bring Come back to import color TVs, refrigerators, such a good thing that unit can give? "As long as you are willing to stay, what is the money to buy color TVs, refrigerators?

"Then sign me up, I see it reads, if you have to apply for at least five years, right?" It seems quite cost-effective to exchange the opportunity of going abroad for five years?

"Yes, if you just learn this skill and you have to run, will our company lose money?" Shen Long said with a smile, don't look at me now fooling you, but after five years, I guess you will not be willing to chase you gone.

"Do n’t worry about going to Xiao Lei ’s house for boring days. We also have dance halls and movie theaters in our factory. There is no shortage of basketball courts. You can play with them. And this recruitment deliberately controls the ratio of men and women. Daughter-in-law is not a problem! "Most of the skilled workers are men, but are there still administrative staff and financial staff in the factory? These Shen Long choose women as much as possible. If someone can talk to them, then they are even more reluctant to leave the small. Lei's home.

"The place where I live is that the dormitory is a double room. If I get married, I can apply for a couple's dormitory." After the policy is relaxed in the future, the house can be divided. "The factory is not far from the provincial road. There is a shuttle bus to the city. It ’s convenient for you to go home. "

"The equipment for cinemas and dance halls are all imported from Japan." As Shen Long lowered his voice, "we also have special channels to import Xiangjiang movies, many of which you can't see in the provincial capital."

College students have relatively high requirements on business culture, so they must do a good job in logistics, so that they can live a full life, and they are willing to stay at Xiao Lei's house for a long time, right?

The salary is high, the logistic work is well done, and the spare time is abundant. The most important thing is to have the opportunity to go abroad. It can be said that in addition to having no urban hukou, Xiao Lei's work completely crushes other units.

"I am a food engineer, and my major is just right. Would you like to see my resume?" After listening to Shen Longtianhua, there was a wave of boasting, and finally students were tempted.

"Okay, please sit down. I will look at your resume ... Well, I did well during school. You will be waiting next to us. We will go to the hotel for a formal interview later." Shen Long took the resume and asked a few simple questions. , To see if the other party answered well and stayed.

In fact, there are meeting rooms in the school where you can interview. Why should he do this? In order to show the strength of Xiao Lei's family, after a while, a car was enough, Shen Long drove them to the best hotel in the provincial capital, and interviewed them in the luxuriously decorated meeting room.

After they were finished, they also sent hotel buffet vouchers. After they had left Meimei for a meal, they were sent back to school. As soon as they returned, they could not wait to share this legendary experience with their classmates. Many students come to participate in the application, even if they do not want to go to work, go to high-end hotel for a long experience, it is not bad to have a delicious meal.

In the afternoon, the students who came to the application lined up in long queues, and Shiraaki Guima, who had been playing soy sauce next to it, couldn't help but sigh, "Leisang, this reminds me of when I was applying."

Today is the era of rapid economic growth in Japan. Rapidly expanding companies urgently need talents, so the annual recruitment season has become the focus of competition for major Japanese companies. Almost managers are asking these students to join the job. What kind of? There are also generous companies that invite students to travel to Hawaii! It's not even a surprise to ask students to take care of a big hotel even if you take a hot spring hotel.

"Ah, there is no way. We are now less attractive to students than state-owned units, so we can only think of these methods." Well, Shen Long really learned this method from little Japan.

It took several days to fill up the expected number of places, this time the Lei family can be said to have harvested a large number of talents; Shen Long told Lei Zhengming, "People have already recruited, but how much can be left It's not easy to say, you should quickly take away their files, don't tell them about the devil's news that the factory will soon be returned to us. "

"Try to buy a hard sleeper when you go back ~ ~ Don't be reluctant to spend money, now every penny they spend on them, they can help us earn ten times and one hundred times!"

"When you arrive at Xiao Lei's house, don't rush to arrange work for them. First, take them to visit the factory and let them see our advanced equipment ... Organize more **** and create opportunities for these young boys and girls ... Movie theaters put more movies from the United States and Xiangjiang ... make more delicious food in the cafeteria ... In a word, put them comfortably first. "

"Relax, Secretary, I know, isn't that the way to entertain my wife in the past? I know, I promise to let them all go." Lei Zhengming is still very clever.

"Okay, let your wife put the job at hand first, and cooperate with you to do this job well. She has just graduated, and she knows what these college students like." Shen Long patted him on the shoulder.

"Secretary, don't you go back?" Lei Zhengming heard something from Shen Long's words.

"I still have something to do. I'm going to see Jiang Lao in the province and report to him on the recent changes in our Xiaolei's family." Shen Long's face suddenly froze.

"By the way, some people will be given eye drops. Our little Lei family had such a big trouble before. If I had n’t been prepared, we would have suffered a lot this time! If we do n’t fight back, we wo n’t clean up. People, they really thought our little Lei's family was bullying! "


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