All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1339: It's okay, I'll help you

"Brother-in-law, who are you talking nonsense?" Song Yunhui's face turned red when he brushed it, which was very embarrassing, but his eyes couldn't help Liu Qiming's back staying for a long time.

"Haha, what's the matter, it's time for you to fall in love." Shen Long patted Song Yunhui's shoulder with a smile, "My sister and I are looking forward to your early marriage."

The two found a clean small restaurant and ordered a few dishes. Shen Long took out something from the bag and handed it to Song Yunhui. "This is what I bought for you in Huadu. These books are the latest abroad. The academic works should be very useful to you; these are monographs on computer automation, which represent the future development direction of large industries, and you will have no harm in looking at them. "

"Oh, there are these. The clothes your sister asked me to bring to you. The young guys look better. They can also make a good impression on the girls. Isn't it? This is cosmetics and scarves from Xiangjiang to Huadu. You You can use it to give your girlfriend. "Shen Long brought a lot of things to Song Yunhui. Hey, who asked you to be my uncle, who would n’t take care of you?

"Brother-in-law, I'm under the book, I don't need other things." Song Yunhui is still a little shy, so embarrassed to take so many, "You can go back to my sister."

"I gave it to your sister a long time ago, and gave it to our parents. These are the things your sister specifically told me to help you. I ’m afraid that you ca n’t take care of yourself outside. Do n’t let you Sister worried. "Song Yunhui listened to her sister the most, and when she mentioned Song Yunping, he said nothing immediately.

"Right, I heard Da Xun said that the girl was the object of your crush?" Shen Long chatted about Liu Qiming, and Song Yunhui blushed with a brush, and began to complain about what Xun Jianxiang said.

"You started thinking about the girl. This is a good thing. There is nothing shy about it, but ah, I think about this girl may not be suitable for you." Shen Long reminded, "Don't be too busy to refuse, I don't mean to say anything about her Bad words, it can be seen that this girl is indeed very good, but whether she is a good girl and whether it is suitable for you are two different things. "

"You probably think that she likes to read a little bit like your sister, do you like her?" Hey, this product is still a sister control, "But this girl is not the same as Ping Ping, how to say, this girl It ’s a bit like a literary youth. She likes things that you do n’t like. ”The technical house and the female Wen Qing are a bit out of tune.

Or Liang Sishen is an elite girl who is more suitable for Song Yunhui. Unfortunately, Liang Sishen is still a little girl, and she went to the United States to wait for her to return to Song Yunhui, but some did.

"She likes those who can play the piano and write poems, and likes to pursue the little sentiment of life." Shen Long is quite familiar with these girls. Isn't Qin Ling and Guan Juer such girls, but Song Yunhui didn't have this skill Point, "You work hard every day, your brain is full of technology, even if you catch up with this girl, life will not be better in the future."

Song Yunhui instinctively resisted when he first started listening, but when he listened slowly, he felt that his brother-in-law had made sense. He did not pay attention to the books Liu Qiming usually read. They were all foreign novels. But there is not much interest; looking at Liu Qiming's dress, it is indeed more fashionable than other girls in the factory.

"If you want to chase her, it ’s not impossible for you to go back. I ’ll help you find some books that she likes, and give them to her after you read them, and then send them to her, accompany her to watch foreign movies, go shopping, chat Movies, books, etc., and then take her to the Western restaurant to eat a few times, it is estimated that this will be done; but, do you have this time? "Shen Long asked with a smile.

Song Yunhui opened his mouth and said nothing. It was so troublesome. With these times enough to see how much technical information, he began to struggle.

"Moreover, this is not only the case before marriage, but also the case after marriage. From time to time, a little life sentiment comes out. For some people, this is the joy of life, but for you, I am afraid that I ca n’t persevere?" Long did the same to Song Yunping. Did the girl's family dislike this?

After eating, Shen Long patted Song Yunhui's shoulder, "My sister and I hope you can have a good life, no matter what decision you make, we will support you!"

"Well, let me think about it." Through Shen Long's remarks, Song Yunhui felt that Liu Qiming did indeed have a big difference from Song Yunping, and he gradually calmed down.

"By the way, brother-in-law, I heard that you recently had a dispute with a Japanese company. I was thinking about it. Our Jinzhou factory will probably encounter a similar situation. Could you tell me more details?" He In turn, he talked to Shen Long about professional problems.

"Regarding this issue, you can find a recent internal reference. There are related articles above; do n’t look at the gap between us and the European and American countries. But it ’s just that we started late. We Chinese people are definitely not dumb than others. In the future Certainly will encounter similar problems ... "Shen Long slowly explained to him.

Although the current Jinzhou factory may not be able to produce many valuable patents, and Song Yunhui ’s status in Jinzhou is not high, and he does not have much say on these issues, but he is the technical leader of the Xiaolei family in the Shenlong plan. ~ ~ There is absolutely no harm in instilling in him some relevant knowledge.

Song Yunhui gradually became fascinated. He just pulled Shen Long to his dormitory, taking notes while listening carefully, and it was more than eight o'clock at night.

At this time, someone suddenly pushed the door in and said, "Xiaohui! Daxun has an accident! He hit Yu Shanqing outside for you. Now he has been arrested by the police. Save him!"

"What's going on?" Now Song Yunhui didn't even want to learn. Xun Jianxiang was one of his few friends in the Jinzhou factory. How could he not worry if something happened to his friend?

The person hurried to repeat the matter. It turned out that Yu Shanqing was drinking outside with a group of friends today. When he met the young girl, he took his friends and the young boy to fight. When he was in a real fight, he just met Yu Shanqing and Liu Qiming. , Xun Jianxiang thought that Song Yunhui liked Liu Qiming. When he was angry, he hit Yu Shanqing and took his watch and lost it.

"..... Are now being severely beaten everywhere, like Daxun, you might be shot! You must find someone to help! It's too late to be late!"

"I will go to the Public Security Bureau!" Song Yunhui was anxious.

"It doesn't matter if you go, or let me go! I'll get it done for you! You have to do another thing now." Shen Long pressed Song Yunhui's shoulder.


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