All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1359: Return home

Song Yunhui was very clear about the dispute between Xiaolei's family and JA Quannong. He realized the importance of patents. Although he did not understand Russian, he could judge the weight of these materials from what Shen Long just secretly told him. It ’s more important than the feed formula developed by Xiaolei ’s family. What a good thing is one hundred dollars and one kilogram?

"One hundred dollars and one kilogram?" However, Alyosha and others were very happy, and the information in the agricultural chemical service station was piled up in mountains, all of which were calculated in tons. If a kilogram can sell for one hundred dollars, how many It will be sent!

"No problem, you have to select here these days, and then we will go to the livestock breeding research and production consortium, to the agricultural machinery research institute, to those large-scale fertilizer plants, pesticide plants .... As long as you have dollars, the information wants There are as many as you can! "Alyosha was afraid of Shen Long's repentance, and quickly bite.

So Shen Long was soaked in the data room, but when they could see it all packed, Alyosha and they helped solve the transportation problem. One box full of information was transported to the plane and sent to China. It will help to receive and save, and mobilize agricultural talents who are proficient in Russian to screen and sort these materials.

The results accumulated by Lao Maozi over the years are too rich, thanks to Shen Long, who has extraordinary energy and IQ. If you change to someone else, you have to be exhausted just to select the materials.

In spite of this, after reading the information in the reference room of the Central Agricultural Chemistry Service, Shen Long was so tired that when he returned to the Budapest Hotel, he lay directly on the sofa and did n’t want to get up.

"Lei, my friend, where do we go next? Is it a breeding, scientific research and production consortium of animal husbandry, an agricultural machinery research institute or other institutions?" Every time they send away a batch of materials during this period, Alyosha they can go from Shen Long Get a thick stack of dollars here, they have become addicted, regardless of Shen Long tired, and began to urge them to go to the next unit.

"Aliaosha, I'm really tired, and it will take a long time for me to digest this harvest, so wait any longer." Shen Long now feels that more than one hundred dollars is given, they are the prodigal ones. You can get the posture even if it is cheaper. In this case, why should the Lei family pay more?

"You can rest assured, when I come back to China for a few months to rest, I will definitely come to you when I come back to Moscow." They directly asked for the price reduction and they were definitely unwilling. Anyway, they must be more anxious than me.

Sure enough, when I heard that Alyosha and others were stupid, making money was addictive. During this time, they went back with a lot of dollars every day, and now they suddenly want to stop this acceptable! So they came up with various ways to persuade Shen Long, and even called a group of ocean horses to say that they were waiting for their lives.

Shen Long turned over on the spot, my little uncle is still here, you give me this, do you want to make my family unhappy? Song Yunhui didn't like it either, but Xun Jianxiang seemed a bit tempted, but the two big men didn't speak, and he could only bear it.

"Okay, Alyosha, even if I can continue to insist, but this time I have spent almost the money, I have to go back to raise money, you do n’t have to be too anxious, at most half a year, I can definitely raise money To the second payment. "Feeling the same time, Shen Long began to lower the price.

Half a year? Where can Alyosha wait? What is the situation in Moscow now? If you come back half a year later, it is hard to say if we still have this ability. Rather than selling cheaper to others at that time, I might as well sell it now at a low price.

Seeing them take the initiative to lower prices, Shen Long said that he had no money for a long time, and finally set the price at 20 dollars and one kilogram, and then proposed a plan to attract talents to China. Intermediary fees, such as the Rafi and Erguotou we drank before, as well as other light industrial products, as long as they are urgently needed in Moscow, I will find a way to get you. "

Although Shen Long still has dollars, he still intends to continue to import equipment. Looking at them like Alyosha, it is estimated that these things can also send them away.

Then Shen Long offered a price tag for these talents. As long as they were willing to go to China, their family ’s light industry consumables and food supplies were enough. Every once in a while, he would send a batch of supplies from China to their families for collection. In addition, their wages can also be settled in US dollars.

There were referrals by Alyosha and others, and the treatment that was unbelievable for them. Many researchers were tempted. They ca n’t even eat bread right now. They ca n’t go to Europe and America. More and more sad, it is already very good to have such an opportunity.

Suddenly many people signed up, including many graduates from top universities such as Moscow University and Saint Petersburg University, and senior researchers from major research institutes.

"This is also a level of Tsinghua Peking University in our country? Will you come to China for this?" Song Yunhui felt temporarily unacceptable.

"These schools are ranked high by Tsinghua Peking University in the international rankings; if we don't do well in the future ~ ~ will not be much stronger than them!" Tsinghua Peking University will almost become a preparatory class for studying in the United States in the future. There are 20,000 Tsinghua graduates. How many talents can Tsinghua train in a year?

This is just a place in Silicon Valley, a school in Tsinghua, if you add up other places and other schools, what a terrible figure!

Shen Long, Song Yunhui, and Xun Jianxiang spent several months here at Lao Maozi. When they returned, they had a pile of materials and more than 100 elite researchers from Russia. These people were either experienced or Excellent genius, or young and powerful, are the talents that Xiaolei's family desperately needs.

The scope of their skills covers a variety of agricultural fields such as seed cultivation, fertilizer research, pesticide research, soil improvement research, agricultural machinery research, feed research, etc. With their presence, Xiaolei's family will not have to worry about talent issues in the next few years.

The materials they brought back were equally rich. It can almost be said that the essence of the old Maozi's decades of agricultural research was swept away, which was enough for them to digest for several years.

When they returned to China along the Siberian railway, Lao Xu ran directly to the northeast to greet them. As soon as he saw Shen Long, he stepped forward and shook hands, "Haha, Dongbao, you are back with full load this time!"

"This is just the beginning. In the future, our little Lei's family will go to Europe and the US to buy a company!" Shen Long is full of pride!


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