All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1364: I just want to be a quiet behind the scenes

"So powerful? That means that the information is useful? Can it provide a lot of help for the development of our fighter?" The military representatives were pleasantly surprised. If the fighter could be made, would the old beauty dare to be arrogant?

"It's not just a fighter, you see this part of the description, this aircraft has a variety of models, which can be converted into fighters and transport aircraft." Authority pointed to the drawings.

Kun-type fighters have indeed appeared in several models in Marvel movies. In "Avengers" and "Aegis Agents Season 2", an old type of transport aircraft appeared. The fuselage is iron black, extremely The ruggedness can defend against a certain degree of attack. The wings on both sides can be folded from the middle to reduce the floor space when docked. The internal space is huge. It is mainly used for transportation. The weapon is a machine gun under the fuselage. With visual stealth function.

New types of transport aircraft have appeared in Captain America 2 and Agents of SHIELD Season 3, which are smaller than the Avengers Edition transport aircraft, have no folding wings, and have a small internal space. They are mainly used for transportation. Underwater navigation, the color is off-white, and the weapon is the same as the old model.

"Captain America 3" also appeared in the latest type of transport aircraft, compared to the first two, a certain amount of offensive ability; as for the type of fighter plane, there are more.

"It's exactly the same as in the movie!" There are people in the military who have watched these film and television works. They even began to imagine how good it would be if the mysterious person could send the design of the SHIELD's air and space carrier. This thing, it is still necessary to make an aircraft carrier, this thing is awesome.

He did n’t know that Shen Long really had the design drawings of the space carrier, but the technological level between the real world and the Marvel world was too big, and they would n’t be able to make it if they hurriedly took it out. Let's go and study the Ark reactor first, get the Kun-type fighter jets, and give them these in the future.

Early, if these two things are realized, then the rabbit is not far from the great revival? The Ark reactor can solve the energy problem, and almost unlimited energy can be obtained. The Kun-style fighter can protect the Ark reactor from being taken away by other countries. With these two kinds of problems, most of the problems can be solved.

After a while, experts from various departments of the institute were concentrated here. They spent a lot of time to figure out the general direction of these materials. Everyone looked at these drawings from their professional perspectives, and found that these drawings did have very good High feasibility seems to be really possible.

And they also got a lot of inspiration from it. Many of the problems encountered in the past work were solved. Li Gong couldn't help but sigh, "This is really a good thing. Even if we can't make this kind of plane on the drawings, at least we are developing Aircraft performance can also be improved! "

"Yes, especially this engine. With this information, our Air Force can solve the problem of lack of engines. I tried to produce some high temperature resistant alloys in small batches according to the formula given above. The performance is beyond imagination. It can be used on our engines, both performance and service life can be greatly improved; this alone helps us solve big problems, not to mention so many other materials? "

"This stealth paint is also very good. It is used on the J-20, which can greatly reduce the probability of being detected by the US radar. I ca n’t wait to start the experiment early ..." An expert said excitedly reward.

"It's a pity that there are still a few materials. We still don't know many details. Where did these data come from? Which team's research results? There should not be a team at this level in China? No, Americans can't do it! "After the excitement, some people began to regret again." It would be nice if we could get more information. It would be better if we could invite this team to give us a few lessons. "

"Let's find a way!" The military representative saw Academician Lu immediately after seeing this situation, and asked him to send an email to communicate with Shen Long.

Academician Lu hesitated for a while before saying, "The other party doesn't seem to want to reveal his identity. Some problems have occurred because of this before, but he may accept the difficult questions in the research process by email. He may accept it, so I will send an email first Ask for a try! "

Then the dedicated team wrote an email, and sent it to Shen Long by Academician Lu. After receiving it, Shen Long didn't take care of it. He waited until the day when he should reply to the email, and he said himself at the end of the email. Attitude.

Did not receive a reply that day, academician Lu worried, he thought Shen Long was angry like last time, he was relieved when he received the email again, at the end of the email, he saw Shen Long ’s reply.

"There must be more information, you let them digest the information first, and if there are any problems that cannot be solved, then list them to send me an email, or use this email address, I will choose to reply to you according to the actual situation, Or give you the information directly, once a week. "

"It's okay to give lectures, I'm too lazy to get out the door ~ ~ It's okay to commend the rewards. The teacher said in elementary school that good things can't be rewarded." This reply made the big guy almost vomit blood. Just listen to the teacher?

And the teacher didn't just say that? I must also say that I want to actively contribute to the country. Why didn't I see you? Amount, it seems wrong, people have contributed so much information.

"Well, it's a reward. Since people don't want to expose their identities, let's not force it. It's good to have an email communication once a week. I will go over there and reply to them." Said with regret.

The experts at the Institute felt sorry for the news, but anyway, there was an additional channel for communication. They immediately sorted out the problems they encountered recently and sent them to Shen Long. After receiving them, Shen Long responded as scheduled.

"I emphasize once again that in the future, you can never track this person's information without authorization. If there is an accident, this loss cannot be made up!" The leader of the secrecy department also expressed a higher-level attitude.

Well, this is pretty good. The teacher said, do not leave a name for good deeds. I have done too much in the task world. In the real world, I am still a quiet behind-the-scenes guy. !

This matter was resolved, but another thing came again. Shen Long felt a headache. What should I do?


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