All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1366: I'm a man who wants to be a pirate king

"Alia, you have made the wrong film. This is not the world we are going to enter." But then again, it is not bad to go to this world, but it seems that it is not appropriate to bring Alia. See The movie has officially started, Shen Long quickly said, "Let's change the real" Pirates of the Caribbean "to see?"

"Really? I downloaded the cover when I saw it interesting, and the movie actually looks pretty good, isn't it better? Let's continue watching?" Arya said with arms around Shen Long, Shen Long could feel Arya Her cheeks seem to have become a little hot, and it seems that this movie is really exciting to her.

Uh, okay, since you want to watch it, then watch it. To be honest, I have n’t seen these two movies in many years. The quality is really good. Except that the clarity is a bit worse, all the others are hanging. Today's movies of this kind really deserve to be historical masterpieces that have invested hundreds of millions of dollars.

The charm of historical masterpieces is really too great. The two spent a night without watching the two movies, and were busy with other things while watching.

Well, how old is Arya now? Counting her time from the end of "Game of Thrones" to me, plus the time she spent in the real world and other mission worlds, it should be almost time ... Shen Long comforted himself like this, he It would n’t be the reason why the movie is too exciting.

Woke up in the morning, Shen Long served breakfast to Aaliyah, "You have a good rest first, we will go to the movies for a while, um, the real" Pirates of the Caribbean "." That can't be watched anymore.

After watching the movie, I found the corresponding settings and watched carefully. Based on the movie and settings, I analyzed the historical background of "Pirates of the Caribbean". All the guns in the movie are flintlocks. Flintlocks appeared in the mid-16th century, but because of The promotion of cost is relatively slow. In the 30-year war of European hegemony from 1618 to 1648, the main equipment of all countries was still the matchlock. The flintlock was generally installed after the war; most of the pirates were poor, they can find it. Weapons must be all popular goods, so it can be inferred that the story happened after 1650.

In the movie, British soldiers are stationed in the pirate town. Since the opening of the new route, the islands in the Caribbean have been occupied by Spain for most of the time, but during the period there were also British, French, Dutch, and Portuguese people participating. You are fighting for it; the turning point is The 1688-1697 Allied War in Augsburg. After this war, Britain basically replaced Spain ’s hegemony in the Caribbean, so the time was further determined.

In the third part of the movie, there are nine pirate alliances, the prototype of which is probably the "Pirate Republic" that appeared in the history of the Caribbean. The so-called "Republic" is not a country in a strict sense, it is more similar to an era; this era is called "the golden age of pirates with flying flags and the fire of democracy". The time point began in 1696 and fell apart in 1732. , And the protagonists are active in this period.

More definite information is the third shipwreck of the last Ponce de Leon, and marked 1523, the fourth part of "Trouble Waves" completely ripped off the mysterious veil, saying that Ponzi has died for 200 years at the opening By the time, it was pulled to 1723.

There is also King George II of England. The full name of this king is the German Elector of Hanover, King of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1727, after the death of George I, he succeeded to the British King and the Elector of Hanover, called George II.

But there are not bugs in it, that is, the two Chinese pirate kings among the nine pirate kings, Mrs. Qing and Shao Feng. Mrs. Qing has a person in history, named Shi Xianggu, who is the Chinese pirate Zheng Yi ’s wife, Also known as Zheng Shi's or Zheng Yisao; after Zheng Yi's death, she inherited her husbandry and continued to develop. At its peak, with tens of thousands of horses, hundreds of ships and thousands of artillery, it was one of the most powerful pirate gangs in history; However, her active time was in the early 19th century, and she was taken to Zhaoan in the Qing Dynasty in 1811.

And Shao Feng is the prototype. It may be Zhang Baozi, a pirate king who often appears in Xiangjiang film and television dramas. He is called the mother and son of Mrs. Qing, and the active historical time is roughly the same. Some people say that the prototype of Shao Feng is Lin Feng and Lin Feng. It was Zheng Chenggong ’s general who had invaded Southeast Asia and attacked Manila. In 1668, he died in defending Taiwan against the Dutch invasion.

The identity background of the two and the timing of the main plot are not quite right, but considering the usual prejudice against the East in the European and American film circles, it is not uncommon to have such a thing. In general, it can still be judged that the "Pirates of the Caribbean" The background of the story should occur from the end of the seventeenth century to the early eighteenth century.

Having figured this out, I studied the historical data at that time, and then took a screenshot of each map that appeared in the movie, printed it with waterproof materials, and detailedly recorded the shape of each key island ... I had been busy working for a few days, Shen Long And Arya is finally ready to enter.

"Okay, let's get started!" Shen Long glanced at the pirate dress, Alia with a sewing needle and Valeria steel dagger around her waist, took her hand and walked into the light door, instantly From the real world to the world of "Pirates of the Caribbean" ~ ~ um, although you look like this now, but this beard is too ugly? "In Shao Feng's bathhouse, Arya said, looking at Shen Long's new look.

Brother, can you be handsome? However, the beard was indeed disgusting, so Shen Long drew a dagger from Arya's waist and shaved the Fu Manzhou-style beard a few times.

Well, yes, the task entrusted to him by the system this time is to make Singaporean pirate king Shao Feng the pirate king of the nine major pirate alliances. According to the film's settings, the pirate king of the pirate alliance was created by Jack Pisces, the Caribbean pirate Lowe, Indian Ocean Pirate King Sumbaki-Angria, Black Sea Pirate King Amand, Mediterranean Pirate King Chaval, Adriatic Pirate King Villanueva, Atlantic Pirate King Jokad, Caspian Pirate King Gbagbo It was jointly elected by Captain Sa, Mrs. Qing Qing, the Pacific Pirate, and Shao Feng, the Singapore Pirate.

But because these nine pirate kings voted for themselves every time, no one was ever elected as the pirate king. Only Elizabeth got Jack's vote in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" and became the pirate king.

"So how do you intend to convince them to vote for you to become a pirate king?" Aaliyah asked.

"Vote? This is too much trouble, why should I follow their rules?" Shen Long shrugged, but I want to be the man of the pirate king, whoever refuses to convince him to beat him!


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