All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1386: Pirate King

"All warships, start counterattack immediately!" Until this time, the commander of the British Imperial Fleet was full of confidence in his victory, but only half an hour later, his flagship was sunk to the bottom of the sea, and before that, he Almost all of its warships were destroyed by the King of the Seven Seas. The combination of magic, alchemy and modern technology is not something he can resist.

Then the King of the Seven Seas reached the estuary of the Thames and had just been notified by the squadron. All the fleets anchored here hurriedly prepared to sail, trying to stop the King of the Seven Seas outside the Port of London.

However, Shen Longlai's speed was too fast. Most of the warships had just pulled up the giant anchor. The King of the Seven Seas appeared in front of them and launched an attack. After quickly destroying the faster-moving warships, those who had not yet had time to sail 'S ships can only stop at the same place and be named by the seven sea kings.

On that day, all British warships docked in the Port of London were destroyed by the Seven Seas King, and then the Seven Seas King counter-currented along the Thames and launched an attack on the City of London. Towers of London, the Royal Palace and other buildings were destroyed by the war , King George I of England also lost his life in a panic.

This day was designated as a national shame day by the British. They vowed to find a way to destroy the King of the Seven Seas and kill this vicious enemy to avenge the British Empire and their king.

What a pity, now that the Big Ben and Buckingham Palace have n’t been repaired. In Shen Long ’s mind, this is far from enough to offset the sin of burning the Old Summer Palace; so he vented his anger to other places, and the shipyard near London was burned. The bomb burned out, and then he drove the King of the Seven Seas around the English Island.

The ports of Portsmouth, Liverpool, Southampton, Dover and other ports were destroyed. The British fleet lost half, and all medium and large shipyards were destroyed by the Seven Seas. After this war, the British More than half of the naval power that the empire depends on to rule the world is lost, and the status of their world hegemony is in jeopardy.

George II hurried to the throne in the ruins. He made an angry speech at the throne ceremony. To revenge his father and the British Empire, he ordered the construction of a more powerful warship at the fastest speed and against the King of the Seven Seas. The owner, the Pirate King of Singapore, issued the highest wanted warrant in history, with a bounty of up to 200,000 gold coins, leaving the other pirate kings far behind.

Some long-sighted ministers had to remind him that after suffering such a great loss, the savings of the British Empire had been looted by the King of the Seven Seas, and they could not afford so much money to rebuild the fleet temporarily; and the most important thing was The losses in those countries on the European continent are smaller than those in the British Empire. For now, let ’s save ourselves.

I believe that France has begun to reconsider its relationship with Britain. If they fail, they will immediately gather their alliances and prepare to compete with the British Empire for supremacy and divide their overseas colonies.

Spain and the Netherlands may not have forgotten their humiliation of being ousted from the throne of the marine overlord by the British Empire. Once France attacks, they will certainly have other ideas?

There is also Russia. They have almost no losses in this war, and their enemy, the Ottoman Empire, is badly damaged. If they control the estuary of the Black Sea, they will definitely consider attacking from both directions, North and South. Peter the Great Not a peaceful guy.

The British had no choice but to use their usual methods. A diplomat was sent out to the European continent to stir up the flames. They used their innocent nature to the extreme and tried their best to start a war on the European continent. I hope this war will make The British Empire gained a precious breathing opportunity.

Using this time of the Continental War, stepped up the exploitation of colonies in the Americas and Asia, and let the fleet of the East India Company quickly return to the mainland of Europe to defend the security of the British Empire. They do n’t know yet that Shen Long has taken East India The company ’s fleet in Asia was disabled, and he is now crossing the Atlantic to prepare for the American fleet.

This battle directly fooled Barbosa. Who would have thought that a single warship could defeat all British fleets? He began to rejoice that he had made the right decision at the beginning. If he did not know the current affairs like Armand, Villanueva, Chaval, and Sumbaji-Angria, he might have died now. Too.

His undead body was useless in front of the great and invincible Captain Shao Feng. Barbosa still remembers how the unlucky crew members of his crew were killed by Shen Long when he was in the Caspian Sea.

"You already have such strength, why do you value the position of the king of pirates? You are fully capable of building your own country!" Barbosa couldn't help asking.

Hey, this reminds me. Barbosa is right. Having such power can build a country, so you may not need to rush to complete the task.

"Now that we have come to the Atlantic, how can we not meet the remaining two pirate kings?" Now Shen Long only has the Atlantic pirate king Joe Card and the Caribbean pirate king Jack Sparrow's Bali. Yar.

Maybe you can also go to Captain Salazar and Captain David Jones ~ ~ Then let them see, they are proud of the silent Mary and the flying Dutchman, the King of the Seven Seas It was nothing before.

The King of the Seven Seas swept across the surface lightly like a Swift flying on the surface of the sea, and moved quickly in the direction of the Canary Cold Current, the North Equatorial Warm Current, and the Antilles Warm Current.

This route is also the main route of the so-called "triangular trade", so Shenlong encountered many slave ships along the way. He usually put these slave ships to a stop, killing those slave owners, looting their wealth, and then letting go Those slaves left.

On this day, the King of the Seven Seas crossed the mid-Atlantic Ridge of the Atlantic Ocean and continued to head towards the American continent. Barbosa on the lookout once again heard the news, "There is a pirate ship in front of a slave ship, the flag of the pirate ship Belongs to Jocard! I said long ago, this is the route he likes, and we can definitely meet him! "

"Master, what should we do this time? Or just go up and kill them as before?" The sailors on the ship were immediately excited, and they seemed to see countless treasures in their accounts again.

"No, Jorkad is a very interesting pirate. I want to talk to him first." Jorkad is different from Chaval, Sombaji-Angria and others.

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