All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1389: Into the Caribbean

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The shells kept falling on the port of New Orleans, and every explosion caused a huge fireball. This sudden attack directly killed the New Orleans defenders.

Even dare to attack New Orleans? This is one of the strongest ports of the colonists in the New World! No matter which pirate king dared to confront them easily, even the Jorkade, who was staring at the plantation, would only sneak ashore nearby.

"Is the Spaniard going to fight us?" An officer asked aloud. He knew there was more than New Orleans. Shen Long dared to attack even London. Most of the British fleet was destroyed by him, and the small New Orleans What did it count?

"I don't know, we must fight back now!" The first group of people who came to the new continent were not good people. They were bold. Under such circumstances, they also tried to anchor their sails and rushed out of the port to fight against the enemy who came suddenly.

However, all this was useless. Many ships were destroyed by Shenlong as soon as they left the port. The shipwreck blocked the estuary of the Mississippi River, and the remaining ships could only be watched inside.

After destroying all the artillery that dared to resist, Shen Long approached the King of the Seven Seas and began to clean up the port ’s defenders. Some people tried to raise their white flag to find them to negotiate, but they were greeted by the shells of the King of the Seven Seas; Shen Long has no interest in the negotiations, and just goes to the port to get whatever he wants.

After the King of the Seven Seas drove away the ships located on the inland river, he approached the dock of the Port of New Orleans, and then he and Jorkad led the pirates on the boat to disembark and plunder. Let him take his passion slowly, rushing straight to the mansion of the local colonist as soon as he got ashore, and cut off his tongue with the tobacco knife.

Shen Long went straight to the local bank ’s vaults and plundered it. This is the export port of New World plantation products and the import port of old continent industrial products and African slaves. The bank has a lot of running water and stores a large amount of it. Gold and silver, these are the accumulation of colonists for many years, but now it is cheaper Shen Long.

Steal all the banks here, and then find the residence of city officials and wealthy businessmen under the guidance of the leading party, and grab them again, the gains are not much less than the banks, these guys have accumulated a lot in the new continent Wealth.

The robbery was over. Joe Card handed the gold and silver jewelry he snatched to Shen Long, and then took out his tobacco knife and handed it to Shen Long reluctantly, "It is yours now!"

"Very good, but what are you going to do with these people?" Shen Long asked the tobacco knife and pointed to the dense slaves behind him. Now the city of New Orleans is full of black smoke and the city has almost been destroyed by them. The colonists fled, and the former slaves gained temporary freedom.

"I'm going to take them home! But even if my boat has been remodeled, I'm afraid I can't take everyone away!" Chokad became worried again, and left the rest in New Orleans. It can only be a dead end, and when they leave, those colonists will certainly retaliate.

"Why not stay here?" Shen Long asked, "Stay here, as long as those plantations and these cities become your site, their lives will definitely be better than in Africa!" If they all go Now, how can I continue to add trouble to the New World?

"But ... but those colonizers will retaliate!" Chocard was a bit tangled. Of course he knew that the land of the New World was more suitable for cultivation than his hometown, but the threat of the colonists made him dare not think about it.

"Don't you have weapons in your hands? Don't you dare to resist? Look, there is an arsenal in front. There are muskets, cannons, gunpowder, bullets and shells. Take these people and send them all the weapons, and then equip them. Go on the battleship and let this be your site! "Shen Long encouraged loudly.

"Go to the Indians again and exchange weapons with them for war horses. You are all the victims of these colonists. You can join together to cause trouble for them!" The people of Jorkad blocked the port, and the Indians were inland. If it causes trouble to the colonizers, the life of the colonists may be sad.

"Meet powerful enemies and avoid them temporarily. When they relax a little, you will start attacking! They all come to the New World for money. Once they find that they can't make money here, it is difficult for them to persevere!" The British army may be difficult, but reducing the profit margin of the triangular trade is entirely possible.

"Now the British mainland is about to start fighting! It will be difficult for them to provide too much support to the New World in the future. You must take advantage of this time! Some of your compatriots are good at planting, some work in factories, and some are excellent sailors. , These can be your reliance! "Come on, the bigger the thing, the better!

"Maybe I can give it a try!" Under the encouragement of Shen Long, Jocard's eyes gradually glowed, yes, anyway, my ship could not transport everyone away, instead of letting the rest be colonized The ruthless killer ~ ~ Then why don't we fight back? They have strong bodies and can definitely become good fighters.

"So, you stay here! I will go to other ports first to help you spread the pressure! Good luck!" Shen Long and Qiao Kade shook hands and left with the King of the Seven Seas.

They followed the east coast of the New World from south to north, and ransacked the coastal cities established by the colonists. It is only the beginning of the eighteenth century. The essence of the colonists is concentrated here.

New Holland, Virginia ... Every colony was destroyed by the gunfire of the King of the Seven Seas ... and Chocard was not idle, he took this opportunity to contact Pinab of the land occupied by the colonists The Scoo, Abu Naji, Wampanoag and other Indian tribes used weapons to exchange war horses with them.

And reached a cooperative relationship to jointly resist the invasion of the New World by the colonists! Chokad led the ships to harass the colonists' fleet, and the Indians used their excellent mobility on the land to cause trouble for the colonists. Now the colonists on the New World are not strong enough, and they quickly get into trouble.

After the harassment of the new continent, Shen Long went south again and formally entered the Caribbean Sea. He was playing with the tobacco knife of Chokkad. "Now there is only the last eight rials left. I believe it will be found soon. Is n’t it? Captain Bosa? "

"Yes." Barbosa began to worry.


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