All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1409: Stand upright

Su Chunmu sat on the sofa with Guo Haiping's scolding on one side, and Shen Long's words to him on the other, and fierce struggles on both sides; he had never thought about what he would look like after leaving Haiping. But, just now, Shen Long helped him open a new window, and a whole new way of life spread out before his eyes.

This idea is like a seed. It thrives under the moisturization of the repressive emotions that Haiping has brought him for a long time, and then spreads its leaves. If it can, is that man willing to be scolded by his wife all day?

Shen Long doesn't know these at the moment. He has changed places with Song Tingting and they came out from the bar and went to a nearby KTV to continue to sing and drink. Without the interference of those outsiders, a few girls became more daring.

Singing until more than eleven, Shen Long went to pay the bills and sent them back to school. Song Tingting happily held her mobile phone. They all wanted Shen Long ’s contact information, but Shen Long only secretly gave her, which made Song Tingting. After getting great satisfaction, I decided to start texting with Shen Long as soon as I returned to the dormitory and continue to ask him to come out to play next week. Only this time, I will definitely not bring my girlfriends. The date between the two is good.

The next day, Shen Long took a look at a few planned places, took a few photos, and then went to the exchange; now he is a popular person on this exchange, and he took himself in a short time. The assets of the company have increased several dozen times, and such talents will be welcomed in that exchange.

"Wang Dong, you're very polite, and I'm just lucky .... Zhang, it's easy to say, you have spoken, can I not agree? ... No problem, when Jinling, I will go to you ..." Shen Long greeted these gangsters familiarly, knowing that some gangsters were absolutely no harm to him.

After a long time in the exchange, he increased his assets a lot. When he was off work, Shen Long declined the invitation to the banquet. He was about to go home and suddenly received a call from Su Chun, "Hey, Beckham? Are you busy now? I want to talk to you for a meal, do you have time? "

"Hi, brother, what are you and me polite? I'm going to the XXX hotel immediately, I'm waiting for you at the door." Shen Long was very happy. He came to him so quickly, indicating that he must have been scolded yesterday. Usually Haiping scolded him and scolded him, but yesterday he just instilled him with a bunch of things. Under such circumstances, he was definitely uncomfortable when he was scolded.

I just happened to give him a fire, Shen Long took a taxi to a nearby five-star hotel, ordered a small box in the restaurant upstairs, ordered a good meal and then came to the door to wait, by the way, to a recently met big man The guy called.

After about half an hour, Su Chun came out of the subway station, looking at the magnificent hotel lobby in front of him, he hesitated to dare to go in, "Beckham, we are not outsiders, just find a place to deal with it ..."

"It's okay, I recently met some friends. This is a friend's property, and it doesn't cost a few dollars." Shen Long just dragged him into the hotel and came to the private dining room, where all kinds of exquisitely made dishes were sold. When they came up, the waiter opened Wuliangye and poured them, and then retreated.

Shen Long pulled out a pack of soft China and opened it to Su Chun, sitting in the box of a five-star hotel, smoking Chinese food and drinking Wuliangye. Su Chun felt that he was living a fairy day now.

"Beckham, are you making a fortune?" Su Chun couldn't help asking. He has known Beckham for more than a year now, and he knows him well, but what is the situation now?

"It's a little fortune," Shen Long nodded. "After breaking up with seaweed, I quit my job. I didn't have much time to work. I went to the financial market to try my luck. As a result, my luck was good and I made a profit. Some money; this man, when he is poor, he has to struggle. If I continue to work in the company, when can I afford a house? "

"You even bought a house?" Su Chun said with a tongue. This was the dream of the two of them who persevered and struggled for several years. Didn't expect them to complete so easily?

"Well, first buy a small house with a flat of 100 to make up for living, and then change the big house when conditions are in the future; I understand now, this person, the most important thing is to find your own way and rely on your head. When will the hard work come out? "Shen Long continues to induce Su Chun, but this is also true. In today's society, when can you save enough money to buy a house with a dead salary?

Su Chun opened his mouth. He feels a little worthless for seaweed now. What if they are still boyfriends? What a pity, but I thought about it, if Beckham, who was injured by seaweed, was too ruthless, how could he resign and come to finance? Then the thought in his heart began to swell again.

"Forget it, don't talk about me, come, let's go one more!" Shen Long picked up the glass and touched Su Chun, then asked tentatively, "Brother, you should also consider what you told you yesterday. , There is a way that the tree moves the dead and lives, and sometimes it is not necessarily a bad thing to jump out of the original environment and go to a new place. "

"Hey, I think too, but we used to work hard and no one knew." Su Chun sighed, took another cigarette into his mouth and prepared to light it ~ ~ When he started the lighter, he subconsciously remembered the scene of being scolded yesterday. His hands did not feel shaken. If he came home with a smell of smoke, he might be scolded again.

It's hers, anyway, I just said that there is entertainment, isn't it normal to smoke and drink? When Su Chun gritted his teeth, he still lit the cigarette, and Meimei took a sip. This Chinese taste is better than cheap cigarettes.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. I have acquaintances here! I recently met a director of Jinling Shipyard on the exchange and asked about their treatment status. A senior person like you who graduated from a famous school and has work experience. The treatment on their side is not lower than that of you now; if you are interested, I will accompany you to Jinling tomorrow to chat with him. "Shen Long just called this one.

Recently, he has made a lot of money under the guidance of Shen Long. He is so embarrassed about this little thing? Not to mention Su Chun's ability is good, even if he is not capable, he will also arrange a free and well-paid position, he also expects Shen Long to continue to make money with him.

"I ... can I do it?" Su Chun hesitated, of course he wanted a better job, but he was scolded by Haiping for many years, which has made him lose confidence.

"Brother, you have to believe in yourself, you think about it, you are a talented student in Fudan, and you have been working in such a large shipyard for so many years. Absolutely talents like you, you have to straighten your waist!


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