All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1413: Make trouble

When the word divorce was spoken from Su Chun's mouth, he felt a lot lighter. Haiping pressed against his heart like a big rock in these years, so that he could not breathe, and now he can finally put it The stone was unloaded and a relaxed life was lived.

Only after a marriage has passed through a stage will it be understood that men ’s possession is like a battle position. Once they are stationed, even if they get it, they will soon retreat.

And women ’s possession, that is bacteria erosion, the expansion of spider webs, the expansion of marshmallows, it is years and months, little by little, until the end is completely occupied, which makes you an unavoidable annexation; men are Copper, the woman is rust, and eventually, the rust will cover all the copper color.

Recalling that he has been married for so many years, and then recalling the period when he has not been married; before he married, he was so arbitrarily flying. After marriage, he fell into the abyss and became a waste in Haiping's mouth. Such days are Su Chun. Enough is enough. It used to be impossible. Now that he has a job with an annual salary of 200,000, he can finally get rid of it.

"Divorce? Su Chun? How dare you say divorce?" Haiping couldn't believe her ears, what did I hear? How dare you mention divorce?

"Don't you think so?" I don't expect this man at all. I have to think of a way to get rid of the predicament. Wait for me one day, one day, once the conditions are right, I will leave him immediately. Not much time in minutes. '"Since the words have already been spoken, Su Chun is not afraid, he turned to the original words Haiping had said.

"Look, you plan to dump me when the conditions are good, why can't I?" He asked, "and I did not let you divorce, as long as you went to Jinling with me, wouldn't we be able to live together? ? "

After so many years, he finally has feelings, Su Chun has already thought about it, as long as Haiping does not scold him, does not restrict him to smoke, and gives him more face, he is still willing to be with her.

Haiping spread to the ground, how did he know these words? Did n’t I just say it in front of seaweed? I was just talking. I did n’t think of divorcing you. I did n’t say anything in Haiping ’s mouth for a while. I did n’t say that, because those words were angry but they came from my heart.

If you change the angle, if you get a job with an annual salary of 200,000 and become yourself, I will definitely propose a divorce; the love of the past has already become fragile under the abrasion of the rice and oil.

Seeing this picture of Haiping, Su Chun had to admit that what Shen Long told him was indeed the truth told by Haiping in person. She really planned to divorce herself.

"You think about it, and give me an answer when you think about it." Su Chun got up and left silently, walked in the empty community, lit a cigarette, and walked aimlessly.

Recalling the past, Su Chun was slightly swayed. The girl in the flower season walked along with herself from the bloom of flowers to the haggard now; although she was grumpy, it was not her fault, it was a forced life; a woman, If you have a car to go out and a servant at the entrance, it is difficult to maintain a bad face; in such a city with a charming light, there is a woman who is willing to follow her own nothing like this, she should be grateful, tolerate her, love her, let She is happy.

When he walked to the door of the community and looked at the bright lights outside, Su Chun didn't know where to go. He reached into his pocket and touched it. He only turned out dozens of small changes, not even the cheapest hotel. .

So the shaking was quickly blown away by the cold wind. She was from the bloom of flowers to the haggard now, did I not change from a arbitrarily young boy to a waste? She became grumpy because of the torture of her life. I have n’t been tortured in recent years. As a man, I bear more pressure than her. How many more words have I said to her?

I am willing to continue to love her, but is she willing to continue to love me? I did not forget to improve myself under pressure, so I had such a chance; what about her? She will say straightforwardly that I haven't made progress in recent years because of the delay in giving birth to you! But Huanhuan is also your child?

Su Chun sighed, looked back at the community, and went out to the bus of the unit. Tonight, he will lie on his desk to deal with a night. Just write the resignation report overnight, and give it to the leader early tomorrow morning.

I did n’t see Su Chun coming back until midnight, and this time Seaweed realized that he was serious. In the past, no matter how she called him, Su Chun had walked out for an hour or two and returned obediently. Today, however, it seems that he will not come back.

Sure enough, as soon as a man has money, he will go bad. His Su Chun's annual salary of 200,000 hasn't been obtained yet, he is thinking about divorcing me! Until this time, Hai Ping still did not realize how much pressure he had exerted on Su Chun for so many years, nor did he recall that he first considered divorce, and still put all responsibilities on Su Chun's head.

Staying on the sofa and staying up all night, Haiping immediately called Su Chun the next day when she went to work. Before calling, she thought to persuade each other with good words and good words, but when he heard his voice, Haiping couldn't control himself, and his voice became louder and louder, and then became a habitual scolding ~ ~ Finally, Su Chun hung up the phone directly.

Haiping put down the phone and wept bitterly on the sofa, we ... Why did we get to this step? Was n’t it good then?

After Su Chun hung up the phone, he took the resignation report and handed it to the leader. The leader was busy with the merger of the two brother units recently. Then he had time to take care of these small things and persuaded him with two words in a hypocritical manner. See Su Chun's attitude Resolutely, he signed his application and approved his resignation.

Then Su Chun took this document to go to finance and personnel to go through the resignation procedures. The shipyard man he was in was in trouble. He was just a low-level staff member. No one left him at all. All the procedures were completed that day. And left with his own things.

When he came out of the shipyard, he called Shen Long, "Xiao Beck, I have already completed the resignation procedures. Isn't there something wrong with Ji Dong?" He is afraid of this now. The bamboo basket was empty.

"No, no, you can call Ji Dong at any time, he will be happy to receive this news." As long as Su Chun is arranged, he will be able to rub my light and get rich, can he not be happy? "Oh, by the way, how is your family? Has Haiping agreed to go to Jinling?"

"She disagrees, we quarreled." Su Chun said.

Let's make trouble, the bigger it is, the better.


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