All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1415: To whom

"This place is pretty good." Song Tingting said when the two were about to leave after eating. In fact, she didn't think this cafe was better than other places, but as long as she was with Shen Long, she felt happy. .

"Since it's good, you can come a few times in the future." Shen Long glanced at the real estate company working at the nearby seaweed. "Next time, I'll bring you some Cuban coffee beans."

"Okay, okay, when you have time, you can call me at any time!" Song Tingting said busy, there is no reason to take the initiative to ask him now?

"It's a little late. It's a little unsafe for you to ride a taxi by yourself. Let me take you back!" Shen Long took Song Tingting downstairs and looked at the sky.

People are not small anymore, Song Tingting whispered, and then nodded coyly, "Thank you, Brother Beck." My brother Beckham is the best, even more handsome than the one on TV! Treat me so considerately.

Song Tingting was sent back to school. Shen Long didn't go back to his room immediately. He turned around in the city and checked the situation in those places before returning home.

He first went to the house where Song Siming borrowed Haiping ’s temporary residence. Su Chun still did n’t go home. Haizao was comforting Haiping in the room. I did n’t know what they said. Haiping was lying in the arms of Haizao. Weep bitterly.

Then went to the house where Xiaobei and Haizao used to rent. Seaweed should have moved out of it; then Song Siming ’s residence and office, the home and office of Seaweed ’s boss, Song Siming ’s younger brother, and real estate company owner Chen Sifu. There are many terrible things in these two places.

While exploring these places, Shen Long found that someone was already staring. From their words, Shen Long could judge that these were the staff of the relevant departments. Song Siming had a good day soon.

It ’s not enough to lock him up. This was originally the punishment he deserved. Just looking at his arrest did n’t seem to satisfy Beckham ’s wish. Shen Long was lying in bed thinking about ways to make Song Siming more painful, and slowly entered. Dreamland.

After a few more days, it was another weekend, and Ji Dong invited Shen Long to play again in Jinling. Song Tingting also sent a text message to ask him if there were any arrangements for the weekend. Shen Long thought about it or went to Jinling first; Su Chun ’s The matter hadn't been completely resolved yet. He wanted to push him again. As for Song Tingting, it wouldn't be too late when he returned from Jinling.

"Brother, how are you feeling recently?" After accepting Ji Dong's banquet with Su Chun, Shen Long and Su Chun came to his temporary residence together.

Su Chun gently pulled a gap between the doors of the second bedroom, saw Huanhuan sleeping soundly in the comfortable children ’s bed, and then crept into the living room, lit a cigarette, and said comfortably, “I think It ’s called life now! There is a big house, a good job, and my son can stay with me. What else am I not satisfied with? "

More importantly, no one scolded for smoking. No need to listen to Haiping's nagging as soon as he went home, and tolerate her mental torture. Su Chun felt that it was a fairy day now.

"Huanhuan can still adapt to the life here? Have fun with the kindergarten friends?" Well, just like it. The more you like it, the less you want to go back to Modu.

"I was a little nervous on the first day. After all, he used to stay with his grandfather and grandmother in a small place, but the teachers in the kindergarten were very responsible. When he was at school, Huanhuan cried and shouted that he would not go in; Jin'er asked me if I would go to kindergarten tomorrow. How many new friends did he meet? "Su Chun's face was full of smiles.

"Hey, think of it like this. I used to owe Huanhuan too much, and I didn't take good care of him; now, I can finally meet him every day." Even when he saw me, I didn't ask my mother to go there. , Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Children always need their mothers. Huanhuan and her mother are definitely not good; but is Haiping willing to come to Jinling with me? If she did n’t want to come, would we have to divorce? From this perspective, this is actually a good thing, at least Huanhuan will not be too sad in the future.

"When did you start working?" Shen Long continued to ask, this man, once he had a dignified life, he would never be able to go back. I believe that Su Chun was absolutely unwilling to go back to Modu and continue to be punished every day. Haiping abused.

"In two days! I plan to go back to Modu tomorrow, and discuss with Haiping, and try to persuade her to come to Jinling with me." Su Chun took another cigarette and took a sip, if Haiping came, Can I still smoke at home as generously as I am now?

She will definitely scold me, right? But I only looked at Huanhuan when I slept. When I was in a house with Huanhuan, I would definitely not smoke.

"Well, if there is anything that needs help, just speak." Shen Long continued to support him.

The two chatted in a mess for a while, but when Shen Long was about to leave, Su Chun frowned, took another cigarette out of the cigarette case and lit it, sucked hard, and opened his mouth. And then asked, "Little ... Beckham, I have something to ask you."

"Brother ~ ~ Despite asking, what else do you have to say to me?" Is this a formal consideration?

"Xiaobei, I mean in case, what if Haiping doesn't want to come to Jinling with me? She has just bought a house and paid the down payment, so it's so easy to leave Modu? In that case, am I only Can I divorce her? What if Huanhuan is divorced? I heard that in general, most of the children will be sentenced to their mothers? "At the beginning, Su Chun's speech was a little awkward, but later it was more It's getting smoother.

It seemed that he had seriously considered this issue, otherwise he would not have said so much, even the question of who Huan Huan had with after the divorce was taken into consideration.

"Generally speaking, the attribution of divorce and custody is a comprehensive reference to the age of the child, the economic conditions of both parties, who usually takes care of the child more often, and the living environment that both parties can provide to the child to determine which one is more suitable for raising children, and who Enjoy the custody of children. "Shen Long replied.

"Like the situation of the two of you, the child used to follow her grandfather and grandmother. There is no question of whoever takes care of the child. As for the economic conditions, who else can give the child a better living environment? ? You have a high-paying job, and you can let Huanhuan go to a better kindergarten, which is naturally your advantage. "

Su Chun nodded silently, and put a big stone in his heart.


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