All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1434: Seaweed wants to get right

"You are so urged every day that you really want to divorce me!" Song Siming sighed. At the end of this week, Mrs. Song took all the money back and urged Song Siming to sign the divorce agreement again.

Mrs. Song looked at him expressionlessly, and she lost so much money at once. She was indeed distressed, but when she thought of the consequences of keeping the money, she could only bear it. More importantly, she put it tentatively in Shen Long. Her investment has more than doubled, and she feels that she can make up for it from Shen Long, so she can temporarily hold back.

"Hey, can't you really forgive me?" Song Siming is actually a little tangled now, hey, you can't learn from other people's wives, so that my family's red flag will not fall, and the colored flags flutter outside?

"Song Siming, don't need to say these words. I don't want us to be unhappy anymore." Mrs. Song tried to follow Song Siming these two days and found that someone did follow him. Under such circumstances, she dared to continue to drag on. ? What if someone does come to the door if the procedures are not completed?

"If you really remember our love for so many years, just sign it, so that we can get together, and I will let Tingting visit you in the future." Mrs. Song's tears couldn't stop flowing. Come out, the next time Ting Ting sees you again, I will go inside and give you meals.

Song Siming remained silent for a long time, and sighed again, "Well, since you have said so, what else can I say? I signed this word, and half of this money is yours. You take it and you want to study abroad in the future. , Or when you want to do something, you can still come in handy, it should be ... It ’s just my heart. "

Mrs. Song opened her mouth and wanted to agree, but she didn't dare in the end. She shook her head. "Forget it, I can feed Ting Ting. Moreover, Ting Ting doesn't want your money; if you are really serious, wait for one. For two years, Tingting will come back after slowing down, if you still remember our mother-in-law at that time. "

Refused to be too determined, and Song Siming would have doubts. It would be better to drag it down first. This is what the old man told Mrs. Song. She is doing as the old man said.

"For so many years, I have really neglected Tingting. This is my fault." Song Siming was really sad this time. If he hadn't negligently disciplined himself, how would Tingting become like this, "I'm sorry for her, you can rest assured, This money is always half of her. I will help her keep it first. If you have any money in the future, you can call me. "

Mrs. Song said paralyzing Song Siming, "It is estimated that Tingting will not want to see me for a while. You will take care of Tingting and accompany her more in the future. I hope she can grow up sooner."

Having said this, Song Siming took out a Montblanc fountain pen and signed his name on the divorce agreement. Over the years, he signed his name on countless documents, but this time he signed the most heavy and least Be patient.

Obtained the signed divorce agreement, Mrs. Song took a breath in her heart and carefully collected the documents. "We will go to the formalities as soon as the Civil Affairs Bureau starts working on Monday."

"Well, I let people arrange and let them bring the official seal to do it." Song Siming didn't want to go in line, he could only quietly handle this matter; most people have to queue up for formalities, but for people like him Not the same, didn't Li Dakang do the same thing when he divorced? "There is still a house, and I will complete the transfer procedures as soon as possible."

On Monday afternoon, Song Siming hurried back from the unit. The people from the Civil Affairs Bureau had been waiting at the door for a while. They had gone through the formalities in the living room. From now on, Song Siming would be single again.

"I plan to put the house under Ting Ting's name, and then renovate it, your things ..." Mrs. Song glanced at the bedroom and Song Siming's study.

"I took everything that I should take. Keep the rest if you want to keep it, and throw it away if you don't want to see it!" Song Siming finally glanced at the room with nostalgia. How many memories do you carry?

"You don't have to put it under Ting Ting's name, I will prepare the house for her." Song Siming now thought that she could take this hurdle.

Mrs. Song did not say anything, quietly sent Song Siming out of the house, watched him land on the Land Rover and disappeared on the street corner, then returned home and wept silently, not knowing whether it was for her unfortunate marriage or lost money.

Song Siming drove around the street aimlessly in the car, and unconsciously went to where the seaweed lives now. He thought about it and called the seaweed, "I just completed the divorce procedure and came out to accompany me Drink two glasses. "

Now there are only two seaweeds and Haiping left in this room. Their parents returned to their homes the day after the incident. The two old people had no face to live in the house arranged by Song Siming.

When I used to live in the alley, Haiping always thought that the house was too small and too crowded, and now two people live in such a big house, but Haiping feels too lonely, without Su Chun, without Huanhuan, live What is the meaning of such a big house?

"He called me and said that he had just divorced his wife and asked me to drink with him." Haizao said to Haiping after putting down the phone.

"Divorced?" Haiping froze for a moment, and immediately smirked, looking at the seaweed and whispering, "Since you now have his child, you have to take this opportunity to test what he means ~ ~ You do n’t want your child to be born as an illegitimate child? "

When people are young, they have such a good treatment. If they are upright, how much benefit will they have? Hai Ping seemed to see herself living in a luxurious villa, Su Chun came to the door to beg her for a complex scene.

The algae subconsciously wanted to refute it, but when I looked up and saw Da Vinci's dressing table, I was still not used to it when I used it. I slowly tasted it, and the more I saw it, the more I appreciated it. After getting used to it, the grade will not come down.

The furniture that used to feel unique to the upstarts now feels very elegant and harmonious with the environment. Seaweed sighed inexplicably and said, "I now think that only SISLEY can fit this dresser. LAMER, consumer interest really depends on training. "

She has changed now, and it is not the naive girl who can be happy for three days with the three **** Hagendas gave her.

Haiping looked at the luxurious furniture and nodded thoughtfully. She already understood her sister's choice. In fact, she was not the only one, even herself, used to these, and then went to the home market to look at the furniture for the new house. , I can't look down on those ordinary things.

"Then I'm going out, you can find a way for dinner." Seaweed sat in front of the dressing table and started applying makeup.


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