All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1454: 1 nothing

"Ah ~~" Haiping was stunned by the news, why both of you couldn't get away from the Song family, and then got angry immediately, "Why! How long did you know Song Siming was implicated by him, their mother The women have followed Song Siming for so many years, can they still be at ease outside? "

"They have been divorced, and his wife didn't ask for his money." Haizao remembered that he had secretly said that Mrs. Song was stupid, but only to know today that the stupid one is himself. Is it easy to get the money? ?

"Unfair! Unfair! Why is it that we are the unlucky one?" Haiping was frustrated by the arrival of these two unexpected guests, not only wasting time, but also letting them know so much to let themselves Depressing news.

If you think about it carefully, Su Chun now finds a job with an annual salary of 200,000, and will soon settle down in Jinling. Huanhuan is still with him; Beckham is even more terrible, although I do n’t know how much money he has made recently, it may be light Easily take down the 150-square-meter mansion, drive into a BMW, and soak up Song Siming's daughter-in-law.

They all have a good life, but me? What about seaweed? Why are our sisters so miserable? In the end, the money is gone, the house is gone, and the children are gone, it is nothing! Have we made the wrong choices before? Haiping had to start to reflect on what he had done in the past.

Would it be better if I did n’t insist on staying in Modu? Although the small city in the hometown is not as prosperous as the magic city, when you return there, you can have good development with your parents and enter the government department with their education. What is not a problem to buy a house in the local area, you can also give Huanhuan The best education in the local area ... that will be like now.

But there is nothing in this world, that is, there is no medicine for regret, unless they can also summon Shen Long to fulfill their desires, but Shen Long is not interested in what is expected of women's clothing transformation?

No matter how unfortunate, life still needs to continue, they can only urge the intermediary to continue to help them find suitable customers and sell the house early.

Other people are not as good as Shen Long. They know that Haiping is anxious to use money to find ways to lower prices. Although this kind of thing has been done in the past when Haiping visited the house, it is in this mood when it is his turn. Next, she felt extremely uncomfortable, but she could only endure uncomfortable bargaining with those people.

In the end, the house was still sold, but the agency fees, loan service fees, guarantee fees, and other charges such as registration, transfer, etc. were discarded. Compared with Haiping ’s original purchase of this house, he did n’t make much money; although Modu The price of her house has been rising recently, but it is still too short in the past compared to when she bought the house.

"Hey, if you sell it next year, it will definitely not be the price!" Hai Ping sighed after signing her name on the contract, but she couldn't wait until next year. The mortgage payment for next month hadn't landed yet, not to mention If she can persist until next year, she will not sell the house.

The furniture and appliances she had bought so hard were also packaged and sold to the new owner of the house. Haiping felt distressed for a while when she remembered the scene of these things running around the major stores every day.

But even so, the sum of the money can not make up for the gaps owed before. Fortunately, the relevant departments took into account the actual situation of the two of them and opened up a net to them, allowing them to slowly fill in these gaps in installments.

"Now we have to work hard to find a job! But before that, we have to find a place to live." Haiping sighed, and now the two of them can't even go back to their hometown. There is no such high salary in the hometown. I don't know when I will pay off this debt.

"There is still money from relatives at home, why am I so hard!" Haiping started to pull his hair again, what am I doing wrong!

"Well, sister, from now on, only the two of us will be dependent on each other." Haizao remembered the carefree years with Beckham, but those can no longer go back.

They began to look for new accommodation in the agency, and they saw the set of high-rent houses on the listing list. They could only set their goals further and further away. The fully equipped community is no need to think about it. No, so they went round and round, and the two of them returned to the old alley where the seaweed had lived.

Only this time, the two of them lived farther from the city center than before; the small house of 10 square meters, the toilet needs to be shared with five other family members, there is a little sound in the house, everyone outside can hear ... this house is even better than The place where Hai Ping lived was broken, but the rent was twice as expensive.

In this case, they have to quickly pay for rent, to know that here is Modu, there are not so many cheap houses in Modu, and like the sisters, they have plunged into this flashy city with their longing for Modu. There are countless young people; they all dream of insisting on this kind of place for a year or two ~ ~ and then they can quickly turn over ...

Actually, how many people can do this? Look at seaweed and Haiping, don't they come back?

Has gradually become accustomed to the seaweed and Haiping of a good house, and then lived in such a house, standing at the door for a while, I can't get in, but I can only endure to enter ...

"Seaweed, in the future ... If you meet someone like Song Siming again, you must hold it. I understand that there is no such thing as a pie in the world. How much do you get? You have to double back. "The sisters squeezed on the narrow bed, Haiping said, touching the seaweed's face.

"Well, never again." The tears of the seaweed slowly soaked the pillow towel. This lesson was too heavy for her. How many precious things did she lose ...

Hey, Haiping also sighed secretly. When she used to live in this old alley, she still had Su Chun to rely on, although at that time she almost every day scolded Su Chun for disapproval, and did not think how much Su Chun helped him When she really left Su Chun, she realized how much the burden of life that Su Chun had helped her.

The sisters Haiping and Haizao sighed, but Shen Long and Ting Ting continued to laugh and laugh, "Okay, the financial market is still too risky. I will return the money to your mom tomorrow. You do n’t need to do anything. It ’s right to buy a house. The money will be replaced with a house, which is enough for your future expenses. "

Xiaobei's side is also the same, Shen Long began to plan for things after the completion of the task.

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