All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1469: I think you can write a novel

Chen Cangang and Hao Shuwen had an awkward trouble. When washing dishes in the water room, Hao Shuwen turned on the faucet so much that the water splashed on Chen Can, and then the two quarreled. Chen Can also said that he was not used to your cadres and children Hao Shuwen replied, Jiangshan was shot down by us. What happened to splashing some water on you? Well, this tone reminded Shen Long of Yuan Jun.

However, in fact, Chen Can ’s family has a deeper background [] than anyone else, so he can be the first to know the news of the dissolution of the cultural troupe. Chen Can is different from Hao Shuwen, so everyone knows, and finally transfers the tomatoes to It is hard to say that Xiao Suizi did it casually and did not like Xiao Suizi at all; however, when the cultural work group broke up, Chen Can still chose Hao Shuwen.

Because this person is very purposeful in his work, he knows that Xiao Suizi ’s family ca n’t help himself. On the contrary, Hao Shuwen ’s resources can be powerfully united; such a person has a plan, but also knows to hide himself, has such a character, With such a family background, it is not surprising that you can get rich in the future.

Xiao Suizi really likes Chen Can. At the beginning of the movie, Sui Zi was peeking at the trumpeting Chen Can. Later, I talked to me early in the morning and said that I wanted to hear you blowing up the bed number, and then the most emotional scene was that Sui Zi sent gold chain hope He continued to play the trumpet; however, Chen Can didn't like to play the trumpet. He was a realist and would not be impressed by Xiao Suizi's little feelings.

Shen Long shook his head, and did not intend to persuade Xiao Suizi, because Chen Can had not hurt her. When she was young, she could encounter a crush, and it might not be a bad thing for girls, especially literary girls like her.

Soon after, the people in the higher-level propaganda department came and conducted an interview with the group. The emotions of the big guys were increasing day by day, and Shen Long had no chance to perform in the group. He happened to be relaxed, except for normal Go outside to teach how to repair small appliances.

Because of the lack of education, brackets are very difficult to learn, but he has worked very hard. He also understands how difficult it is for people like him to get such opportunities. Shen Long does not expect him to become an electronic expert. As long as there is such a spirit, it is not difficult to master the basic skills.

Soon after the superior propaganda department left, the names of many people in the group appeared in the newspaper, which made the big guys have a lot of favors for Shen Long; still that sentence, Liu Feng did a lot for them before But these benefits can only make them accustomed to it, and only a few talents will miss his good.

And now, Shen Long has brought benefits to them, making them feel that there is light on their faces, such gratitude will be more; hey, this person, after all, is an animal of interest, Shen Long has long understood.

The regiment benefited, and Shen Long also benefited. Soon the political commissar of Ning came to inform him that the superior had raised his level from the deputy company level to the positive company level, which was higher than the previous training at the Military and Political University. The time is still much shorter. As for the reason, he won the commendation of the model of the whole army and the collective honor of the help group.

Actually, the latter is more important to the superiors. Or, to say that, the army is a place that pays attention to the collective. No matter how well the individual does, then it is important to lead the team to become better? One of the best sharpshooters in the whole army, and one that can improve the shooting level of the whole company, and the superiors value it more. This is something that does not need to be discussed at all.

Shen Long was also a senior military officer. He could n’t be more clear about these. In fact, it ’s the same with other organizations. The individual sales champion of the sales department and the employees who can improve the sales ability of the entire team, the company may Rewarded heavily, but there is no doubt that the latter will be promoted.

"Comrade Liu Feng, I hope you can continue to work hard in the future, not only to have a good personal performance, but also to bring other comrades together; in a few days, it ’s time to take the training and hope that you can continue to be a good example and lead." The political commissar said happily, "If you have an idea, can you try to write something."

The cultural work group does not like to emphasize professionalism. Shen Long's professional skills have failed here, because other people's professional skills are difficult to bring benefits to the collective, but only for personal improvement. Shen Long is different here.

Shen Long agreed, and then asked the political commissar to go to the warehouse in the regiment to pick up some used electrical appliances and send them to the brackets. I ’ve told you about digestion before ... Do n’t worry, I ’ll be back in a few days. ”

Then he took the old electrical appliances he had repaired with the brackets back to the Shanghai Jiaotong regimen. Although they were piled up in the warehouse, they could not be disposed of casually. This was not only Shen Long ’s caution, but also a role model for the brackets and set an example. Teach him to do things in a down-to-earth manner so as not to embark on a wrong course in the future.

This training session is to march to the mountainous area of ​​northwestern Sichuan and camp for seven days for military training. This is also an opportunity for the cultural troupe to have access to weapons once a year The fighters can use their iron feet to beat the four wheels of the enemy, and the members of the cultural troupe are struggling to get up.

Therefore, the officers who commanded the training also took this situation into consideration and gave them the best possible arrangements, but there were still some little girls who couldn't persevere. For example, Lin Dingding loved to blister as soon as he walked on the footboard, and he could only let other soldiers walk on his back.

This matter fell on Shen Long again, and Shen Long didn't have any opinions. She just took her as a normal comrade-in-arms and put her down at the next break.

Hao Shuwen took a row of female soldiers at the intersection with the Allegro to cheer for the soldiers of other troops. A photography officer came to take pictures with them with a camera. By the way, he quietly asked about Lin Dingding's whereabouts. Well, this should be to send Shanghai watches to Linding's one? I don't know what expression he would see when seeing Linding.

Also, it was mentioned in the novel that Hao Shuwen also touched Linding Ding ’s boyfriend. I do n’t know if it was this. Shen Long felt that Hao Shuwen was n’t going to like him either, but she did n’t like Linding Ding.

After busy rest, Shen Long happened to be sitting beside Xiao Suizi. Xiao Suizi asked, "Liu Feng, have you written anything recently?"

"No." Shen Long shook his head.

"If you have time, try to write something, but it is not necessarily a press release. I think you can try to write a novel." Xiao Suizi said.

Well, I also think I am quite suitable.

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