All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1471: Cavalry company, charge!

In Shen Long ’s database, there are actually a lot of works about our cavalry, such as the movie "The Adventures of Little Cavalry" filmed in 1988. This movie tells about the 12-year-old Lian Fu and his beloved during the war of liberation The little red horse was sent to the army by his father and became a little cavalry, the story of what happened during the battle.

The leading actor Lian Fu is the film emperor Fu Da Long who has won many awards including the Golden Rooster Award, the Golden Eagle Award, and the Huabiao Award.

There is also a TV series "The Last Cavalry" which tells the cavalry in the process of modernization, and finally retired from the military stage. This work is adapted from the novel "The Sky" by the military writer Shi Yonggang who once served in a cavalry company in the Lanzhou Military Region. Whether it is the original novel or the script of a TV series, Shen Long has it here.

Of course there is a TV series "Peng Xuefeng" about our army's heroic commanders. The cavalry unit formed by General Peng Xuefeng was called "Red Cossack". He also invented the famous saber Xuefeng knife.

It ’s just that these works do n’t seem to be appropriate. The emotional descriptions in The Adventures of Little Cavalry are more delicate, unlike those that Liu Feng can write; while in The Last Cavalry, many of the stories described in the original work are still Without beginning, Shen Long can't write the works of the cavalry troops officially withdrawing from the stage of history now?

As for "Peng Xuefeng", it is even more impossible, not to mention that Liu Feng ’s unit and General Peng Xuefeng have nothing to do with it. Would it be confusing for him to write such a work; such a biographical work of such important historical figures, that is not Most people can write, often organized by high-level units, and invite senior creators to create. There are ways in each word. It is definitely not for ordinary soldiers like Liu Feng to write.

So, what should I write? On the way back from the military horse farm, Shen Long had been thinking about these things. His brain was full of rolling grasslands, beautiful horses, heroic cavalry soldiers, and a glorious history in the military history showroom. Kettle with bullet holes, rusty saber ...

Ok? saber? Suddenly a flash of light flashed in Shen Long ’s mind, and a hero holding a saber appeared in Shen Long ’s mind. He was Sun Desheng, the commander of the independent regimental cavalry company that Shen Long had played with many in the world of “Sword of Swords”. With the Japanese arm severing their left arm, they still raised their sabers and shouted "Cavalry company, attack!". The tragic scene of a single-handed charge of the Japanese army shocked hundreds of millions of viewers.

Although in the world of "Sword", Sun Desheng did not sacrifice because of Shen Long's intervention, this scene of the TV series is still deeply imprinted in Shen Long's mind.

Yes, you can write the story of Sun Desheng alone! Sun Desheng is the incarnation of countless soldiers of the cavalry of our army. In the military history showroom of the cavalry regiment, Shen Long heard many stories similar to this from the company commander of the cavalry company. A reasonable explanation can be found.

Along the way, I carefully recalled the heroic stories told by the company commander of the cavalry company, and then combined these stories with Sun Desheng's experience. Shen Long has outlined the general context of a short novel with ten thousand words in his mind.

The first literary work should not be too long, simply describe the birth experience of Sun Desheng, and then describe the tragic scene of his charge to the Japanese devil alone, so that a short article has a strong appeal.

After returning to the regiment, Shen Long started the creation of this work in his spare time. After finishing his work every day, he came to the brackets home, using the gap between teaching brackets to repair electrical appliances to create novels, and using paper on the paper. Wrote the life experience of this new Sun Desheng.

In the "Sword" TV series, Sun Desheng was originally subordinate to Shi Yousan. At the age of 12, Sun Desheng's parents died. When he was starving to death when he was begging at the roadside, Shi Yousan took him in; Joining the army at the age of twelve, fighting in the battlefield for more than ten years, and being wounded twice in the Central Plains War, he also repaid Shi Yousan's life-saving grace.

In this new novel, Shen Long adapted the story of the company commander of cavalry to make his experience closer to a martyr of this heroic army.

This work is a bit difficult to write, but it is not difficult to write. For Shen Long, who has become a well-known national writer in "Ordinary World", it is not difficult to write well.

But the problem is exactly here, Liu Feng suddenly took out such a highly completed work, I am afraid it is difficult to make people believe it? So he had to suppress his strength, try to tell the story in simple, naive words, and then ask Xiao Suizi to modify it like last time, so that it does not appear obtrusive.

After spending several days, Shen Long came to the door of Xiao Suizi ’s dormitory and knocked, and then the door opened. He Xiaoping leaned out his head and smiled in surprise, "Oh, Liu Feng, why are you here?"

"He Xiaoping? You have been progressing very fast this time, and you are already like a soldier of the cultural troupe!" Shen Long encouraged, and then asked, "Well, is Comrade Xiao Suizi present? I have something to do with her."

"Where is ~ ~ Xiao Suizi and Shen Long said a few words, then the two left together.

"Hey, you said this is something? Liu Feng should not like Sui Zi?" Hao Shuwen immediately gossip.

"Liu Feng? How can he ... how can he?" Lin Dingding showed a tangled look. Liu Feng had left the impression of doing good things and occupying all virtues, and there was no smell of fireworks on the earth. In connection with such things as love, Lindin Ding feels awkward, as if something has been profaned.

This is where Liu Feng ’s tragedy lies. He behaves so well that he does n’t feel like an individual in the mind of the big guy. He should be a model hero and a model. Once he shows his humanity, especially It is also related to love, which seems to be impossible to get on the table at the moment, and this image collapses.

Hao Shuwen is as entangled as Lin Dingding, and He Xiaoping shrinks in the corner, his eyes showing a trace of sadness ...

Shen Long and Xiao Suizi came to a quiet place together. Shen Long handed the manuscript to Lin Dingding. "Last time you said let me try to write a novel. When I went to the military horse farm, I heard the cavalry company commander talk about their troops History, I wrote something after I came back, I would like to ask you to take a look. "

Xiao Suizi took the manuscript and saw "Cavalry Company, Charge!" "Five words.

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