All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1521: All things

Shen Long is almost ready now, so let the big guys come in and talk one by one to discuss their stay. Hao Shuwen came in first, "The above still cherishes the signature of our model cultural work group, just like you for the group Those who have made merits and received commendations of honor, if they are willing to stay, they can be transferred to the War Banner Cultural Troupe and continue to work in literary and artistic performances; what is your plan? "

"Let's forget it. I have been in the army all these years. Although my life is pretty good, I will inevitably feel a little unfree." Hao Shuwen also took a rare earnest seriously. "Chen Can and I said that now the policies outside are relaxed Now, the country is paying more and more attention to economic development, and it might be good to go out and do some business. "

She and Chen Can have come together. The two families are right. It is reasonable for the two people to have such a development. As for going out to do business, is there help from their family, as long as they do n’t make any big mistakes and do n’t want to make money It's difficult.

"Think about it? Okay, then I wo n’t persuade you, I hope you can make a lot of money outside, but you still need to have some bottom line; and, if you have time, come back to see Xiaoping, She does n’t have many friends. ”Well, since others have already thought about it, Shen Long will no longer persuade.

"It's estimated that I have to stay in Rongcheng for a while, and it's not easy to find a way to find a way; rest assured, even if I forget others, I can't forget Xiaoping." Hao Shuwen said with a smile, "Yes, the two of us in the future When you got married, you and Xiaoping had to go. At that time, you were not in the army anymore.

"Okay, can you marry me and Xiaoping?" Perhaps staying in the cultural troupe is the best choice for others, but for Hao Shuwen, it is nothing.

Hao Shuwen was gone, Chen Can came in, and he did n’t wait for Shen Long to speak, and he said directly, “Head of the team, I also think about it, and I ’ll change my career with Shuwen; you know, I play the trumpet, think It ’s not easy to be in the group, so do n’t leave me alone. "

Chen Can ’s way of thinking about problems is different from that of Hao Shuwen. What Hao Shuwen thinks is that he can be free outside, but Chen Can feels that he has no way out in the cultural troupe. If you are like Dolma, you can pick a beam in a dance drama, or like Lian Yunwei. If you can use your singing skills to become famous for a while, or you can become a creator like Xiao Suizi, then there may not be a way out in the literary and art system. In the future, they will become the head of a cultural troupe with their background. strange.

It's too difficult for the trumpeter to be famous. The simple musicians are not very high in the cultural troupe. When they were unsettled outside, they could spend their days in the cultural troupe. Now that there are so many opportunities outside, of course Chen Chan is unwilling to stay.

"Well, your thoughts Shu Wen also told me just now; oh, yes, I almost forgot to congratulate you, do n’t forget to notify me when you get married; you must have principles when you are outside, you ca n’t do everything. "Shen Long doesn't mean what he can do to get rich, anyway, he can't lose money outside.

"Thank you leader for your long-term care, then I will not delay your time, go out first." After a short conversation, Chen Can went out, and then called Dolma in.

Zhuoma did n’t have so many ideas from them. It would be better if she could continue to stay in the cultural troupe. As soon as she heard about the opportunity to enter the War Banner Cultural Troupe, she immediately agreed; Lian Yunwei did the same, let alone He Xiaoping, Shen Long went. From there, she would go there, so that all the capable personnel in the regiment had gone.

Then it was Xiao Suizi ’s turn, and Xiao Suizi did not choose to stay in the regiment, but her reason was not the same as that of Chen Can and Hao Shuwen, “I ’m not like singing and dancing, I ’m more I like to write something, but I used to think about it myself. I ’m not as talented as you. I always feel that my writing skills are flawed. "

"So I thought about studying at university. I had a unit in Beijing that wanted me to go there and gave me a place to go to university. I wanted to ask you to tell me about it, but I always felt a little embarrassed. It's better now, I can finally tell you. "

Xiao Suizi is still the same as before, she has a clear plan for her future, and will not be fooled by other things. She will continue to stay in the group. She can only be a pretty good singer and dancer. It is a great hope to realize her literary dream, and it is clear how to choose her.

"Then I congratulate you, I hope you can create more good works in the future!" Shen Long stood up and shook hands with Xiao Suizi, he knew that Xiao Suizi was just a little girl, but much stronger than many people , She will definitely succeed.

Then others participated in "Cavalry Company, Charge! 》, Frontline condolences performances, tour charity performances and members of the cultural troupe who received awards from superiors. When they heard that they could stay in the cultural troupe and they could be transferred to the war flag cultural troupe, they were all happy and did not hesitate to agree to it. .com ~ The work of these people is very good, except for Chen Can, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, no one chooses to leave; but the next member of the cultural troupe is not easy to deal with.

After they heard that they had to be professional, they cried and ran, or screamed excitedly, or begged Shen Long to leave them. Their long-term stable life in the cultural troupe made them think of it as their own home. By the way, the big guy was full of confusion.

Shen Long can only soothe them gently, telling them the arrangements after the change of career, and wish them better development in their new positions.

It was Lin Dingding ’s turn in. According to the standards given by the Ning Political Commissioner, Lin Dingding was not qualified to raise the War Banner Cultural Corps, but Lin Dingding did n’t seem to panic at all. Lived smile, "You don't have to worry about the leader, I received a letter from a theater company in Beijing and asked me to work in Beijing."

Oh, Shen Long understood that she still fulfilled her wish as in the novel, and she took a leader's child from Beijing. It is estimated that she will marry and become the leader's daughter-in-law after a while.

This helped me save trouble. Shen Long expressed a wish with a smile; after talking with everyone, Shen Long organized the last performance of the cultural troupe, and the big guys took out their best programs and acted. I cried ...

A week later, the three-story red building was empty, and the comrades who used to get along with each other ran so far, and many people have never met since.

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