All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1537: Wei Zhongxian is finished

The latest website: After Guo Zhen retired, Shen Long summoned Ding Baiying in. Now that Jinyiwei and Dongchang have arranged, and the information and supervision system has basically been mastered, then it is time for the army; Ding Baiying was born in Qi Jiajun, Familiar with the inheritance of Qi Jiajun, there are also four apprentices, Ding Xiu, Ding Xian, Ding Chong and Ding Tai. It might be good for her to train.

"I heard that you are a descendant of Qi Jiajun?" Shen Long looked at Ding Baiying. This woman is different from Beizhai. She does not follow any ethical rules or laws, only for the brother Lu Wenzhao to participate in this dispute, so I want to To persuade her, she couldn't copy the routines of Lu Wenzhao, Guo Zhen and Beizhai.

"Yes." Ding Baiying was bold, but now she was under pressure to face the emperor, but she responded cautiously.

"It's a pity!" Shen Long sighed. He knew that to convince this kind of person, the power of money or fame did not play much role, but as long as it was a person, there would be concern, as an emperor holding the whole world, Can always come up with what she wants, so as to conquer her for her own use.

Ding Baiying raised her head slightly. She didn't understand what Shen Long said, what a pity, did she feel sorry for Qi Jiajun? Shen Long continued without saying that she was confused for too long, "Since Qi Shaobao recruited troops to form the Qi family army, he has fought for Daming and fought for the North and South, and made countless achievements. On the 260th day of the year, most of them were going to go up and down. My pillar of Ming. "

"Even after Qi Shaobao's death, Qi Jiajun still made great achievements for my Ming, from the battle of Renchen to the **** battle of Hunhe, Qi Jiajun gave me the last drop of blood for Daming, which is really awesome!"

Hearing this, Ding Baiying clenched her fists. She was born in Qi Jiajun and was proud of Qi Jiajun. Now that she hears the glorious history of Qi Jiajun, can she still hold back? For a moment, he forgot that he was facing the king of a country, and he couldn't help but sarcasm, "Unfortunately, there is no Qi Jiajun anymore."

"Yeah, the Hun River was a pity. If Yuan Yingtai's courageous mistakes and Zhu Wanliang's death did not save him, the victory or defeat would not be known! If Yuan Yingtai and Zhu Wanliang were dead, I would cut it!" It's ridiculous that Yuan Yingtai, the governor of Liaodong, was posthumously posthumously "loyalty festival" during the Qianlong period. Could it be that he thanked him for everything he did in Hunhe?

"But then again, even if there is no Hunhe Battle, Qi Jiajun will inevitably decline." Not waiting for Ding Baiying to react, Shen Long turned his words again. He heard Ding Baiying somewhat confused, what does this mean?

"While Qi Shaobao was still there, he and Jicheng Liang of Liaodong were defending Jiaoliao. However, the two famous generals chose different training methods. Qi Shaobao applied for a military order at Jimmen. The side wall can be said that the good warriors have no outstanding achievements; however, Li Chengliang is selecting elite trainers, so it is convenient for him to embezzle military expenses and control the army, but he has hidden the hidden dangers of the Liao affair. Isn't it because those warheads are reluctant to let their family members desperately? "

"When it was, Qi Shaobao once said that if the world's soldiers and horses come to the Jimen wheel training, I will not worry that there are no strong soldiers available; and in Liaodong, Li Chengliang has started the habit of domesticating Ding. You can know why Qi Shaobao has no more after he goes. People can train soldiers, but domesticating the family has become a role model for the border towns to imitate? "Shen Long asked. In fact, Daming's military system showed two very different roads at that time. If Qi Jiguang's wish could be realized, then No matter what Nurhaci, what kind of Emperor Taiji, have long since died.

"It is only convenient for those military leaders to embezzle military expenses and squeeze the pawns." Ding Baiying didn't know the doorway inside. When talking about these people, she was full of disdain.

"That's exactly the case, but you haven't said a little bit, that is, those civilians in the court, and they also want to see the latter, so that they can easily extort money from the generals, so that they can continue to suppress the warriors." To spend money, to spend all the money on the pawns, these civilian masters go there to blackmail money.

Shen Long was so surprised that Ding Baiying was surprised, but she heard that she felt extremely happy. As a descendant of Qi Jiajun, she was naturally not fond of these civil servants. If those civil servants were behind, how could Qi Jiajun disappear completely on the banks of the Hun River side?

"I want to resurrect Da Ming, but I can't do without a strong army. I want to let Qi Jiajun's glory reappear in the world, dare to ask Ding girl to help me?" Shen Long noticed the change in Ding Baiying's expression, she can care nothing , But will never forget this.

Ding Baiying looked up at Shen Long, wondering in his eyes, "What can I do as a little girl?"

"Ms. Ding must not be arrogant. Your four apprentices are all talented for a while. This shows that you have acquired the essence of Qi Shaobao ’s military training. I plan to let you take the four apprentices to train the Tengxiang four guards. Cheng Qiangjun. ”Ding Baiying ’s four apprentices, let alone, Ding Xiu killed a team of eight flags alone. If he could train Teng Xiang ’s four guards to such a degree, Shen Long would be able to kill him. He did not forget that Emperor Taiji was coming in the second year of Chongzhen.

Before that, a strong army capable of resisting Tatar must be trained. He has just ascended the throne, and his prestige is not enough. Whether it is the generals in the border town, or the Beijing camp and the health center, they ca n’t hope to come. The subordinate Teng Xiang Siwei can count on it.

"Training troops is not so easy ~ ~ Ding Baiying is excited, but there are still concerns.

"It's nothing more than money and power. Money will come to solve it. There will be no arrears in the payment of grain, grain, and armor. I will also arrange for a celebrity in-house to take charge of the horse guards. I will cooperate with you to give you the right to be arbitrary. If someone does not listen, Order, you and your four apprentices can cut off afterwards. "Shen Long has no money now, the treasury is empty, and there is not much inventory in the inner treasury, but it does not mean that there will be no money in the future. He will soon have a large sum of money in his account.

Ding Baiying was finally persuaded by Shen Long and promised to train the Tengxiang four guards for him, while Shen Long continued to play the role of a new emperor in Chaotang quietly.

Yang Shuxiu and Yang Weiyuan first attacked Cui Chengxiu to test the new emperor ’s intentions. The main players are Lu Chengyuan, Qian Yuanfu, Yuan Wailang Shi Gongsheng, and then they talked about Wei Zhongxian, but Shen Long remained silent.

Until Jiaxing Gongsheng Qian Jiazheng impeached Wei Zhongxian's ten major sins, Shen Long knew that the time had finally come, and Wei Zhongxian was about to finish. He ordered Wei Zhongxian to be sent to Fengyang for resettlement, and at the same time summoned Lu Wenzhao, it was time to get the money.

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