All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1573: New jobs in Hokusai

At the same time, in the courtyards of Jiangnan and Beizhai, a group of scholars were also reading this article, "..... It took a long time to rule for more than one hundred years. However, according to its hukou, it will increase by five years 30 years ago. If it is doubled, it will be increased by ten times sixty years ago, and it will be increased by twenty times a hundred years or more than a hundred years ago. "

"Take a family plan: in high and former times, there were ten houses, one field, and one person, but only two people after marrying a woman; ten houses with two people, one field and one food field, which is more than enough; With one life and three plans, in the life of the son and four fathers and sons, each married woman has eight people, and eight people cannot help without help. There are no fewer than ten people; In fact, I know that his home is only enough, and food is only enough. "

"Children have grandchildren, and grandchildren marry women. During this period, the aging people may have metabolism, but there are no less than 20 people; with more than 20 people, there are ten homes, one field of food, that is, abdomen and food. I live here, I know that it will not be enough; and since then Zeng Yan, since then Yuan Yan, depending on the height, once the mouth has been no less than fifty or sixty times, is a high, once a household, to Zeng In the Yuanshi period, there are more than ten households; during this period, there is a household with a declining household registration, that is, a family with Dingnan breeding, and the potential is enough to rival the enemy ... "

".... This article on rehabilitative laymen is really deafening. Although I have seen these things in the village in the past, I have not been able to understand this truth. I just think that having more children and more grandchildren is a blessing, but it is a good thing. Dingkou has a lot of days, but this acre has not seen growth. What on earth does the extra Dingkou have to support? "After reading the article, some scholars shook their heads and commented.

"Flood and drought epidemic, that is, the law of the world's adjustment. Although the people suffer from the flood and drought epidemic, but unfortunately, but only one in twelve; There is no surplus power, the new pioneers of the territory, the relocated people to live there, and the heavy taxation, reduce it according to the past and the past, prohibit its luxuriation, and inhibit its merger. Ku Yizheng, as it is, is also the rule of Yijun and phase modifier. "Someone began to retell the solution of this rehabilitated man.

"Otherwise, it's easy to say, in fact, floating mergers are especially easy to suppress?" The solution given in this article is to open up land, reduce taxes, suppress mergers, prohibit extravagance, and set up grain silos in the government, but these are all disasters. It's just a vain talk. Most of these scholars are from large families. If you let them oppose mergers and luxurious life, wouldn't it be for the tiger? So naturally someone will stand up to oppose it.

"Oh, even if the imperial court cut taxes, the people might not be able to benefit." The scholars with cold background sneered and said that the imperial court cut taxes, and the large households and officials in the county would not tell the truth and still squeeze the common people. Seek benefits for yourself.

"Mr. Beizhai, who is this rehabilitative layman? Why have I never heard of it?" The big guy quarreled for a long time without arguing, and only asked the master of this meeting, Beizhai.

Hokusai has been sought after by the countless local scholars with his identity as the orphan of Donglin and his beautiful appearance since he went south, and in addition to his good hands, Hokusai can often come up with many exquisite articles. After a few times, her courtyard became the focus of Jiangnan scholars.

"This rehabilitative layman refused to reveal his identity." Hokusai is actually wondering, how did your majesty find so many good articles from there? She didn't know that the "Zheping" produced by Shen Long was the work of future generations.

The author of this article is Hong Liangji, a leader in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. In two articles, "Poverty" and "Livelihood", he comprehensively and systematically put forward the idea that population growth should be adapted to production growth. Bimalthus put forward the "Population Theory" "It is a few years earlier, so it is called Malthus of China in later generations.

Although the Ming dynasty was prosperous in science, it was not that there was no other trend of thought. Wang Yangming ’s school of mind naturally needless to say; Li Zhi of the Taizhou School criticized the importance of suppressing agriculture and suppressing business, promoting the merits of businessmen and promoting utilitarian value; The thinkers are self-evident, and so many thinkers have emerged, indicating that the people of insight have realized the limitations of Neo-Confucianism and tried to use their own methods to expand Confucianism.

If they are allowed to develop, they may not be able to break a new path. Unfortunately, the entry of slaves into the customs interrupted this process, which made Tanghua China become a magnificent man. No one dared to explore the ideological world. The big guy can only find Zhang Diaoyu, get some things like the Jinshi textual text to talk to spend a day.

Shen Long knew that to make Huaxia lead the world again, technological progress alone was not enough, and he had to continue to develop his thoughts, so he sent Beizhai to Jiangnan to replicate the way of the Donglin Party. Jiangnan, a vigorously developing ideological trend, implied these scholars so that they could change their minds, and then influence the court from bottom to top.

The previous articles and this "Peace" are just the beginning ~ ~ and then some articles that have not been written by Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi, etc. are thrown from time to time. When the time is right, directly throw out Kang Youwei's "New The Study of Pseudo-Confucian Classics uses this big bomb to shake the foundation of science, and points the way for the future development of Daming.

"When I heard that His Majesty let Zheng Zhilong absorb the refugees to the bureaucracy, he still felt that it was tyranny. Now when I read this article, I know that His Majesty's thoughts and thoughts are really far-reaching. Today's Central Plains cannot support so many people! "

"Yongjia moved south, the south of the Yangtze River was increasingly prosperous; the Northern Song Dynasty opened up two lakes, and since then Hu Guangshu has been full of world, and it is only after an overview of the history books that in fact the predecessors are doing similar things!" After Beizhai took out this article, Jiang Nanshi Zi began to find a theoretical basis for Shen Long to expand overseas, "For example, most of the arable land in Xia Kyushu is occupied by my Daming, and now it is time to look beyond Kyushu."

"It's such a great event, I really wish I could emulate Ban Dingyuan's long-term pen and martial arts, and give me a chance to learn overseas, achieve achievements, and have a long history in the world!" Someone felt emotional.

"Haha, if Brother Zhang is going to give up the imperial examinations overseas, my uncle might have to break your leg!" Someone laughed immediately, and the change of inherent thinking was not an overnight thing. Nowadays, everyone is still afraid of overseas.

However, it is a good idea that some people started to sprout, even if only 1% of the people really put into action, with Daming's population base, this is also a quite remarkable number.

Looking at the passionate attitude of these scholars, Hokusai felt more and more meaningful about her work. She turned her eyes to the north and heard that Her Majesty was going to Jiangnan, not knowing whether she could meet again at that time.

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