All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1578: Emperor Taizu

After leaving Yanzhou, Shen Long continued to go south, while inspecting the local conditions, while cleaning up local officials, teaching them to be kind to the people, and preparing to fight the disaster.

Then finally arrived in Jinling City, where Nanjing Liubu had already made preparations for worshipping Ming Taizu. After a few days of rest, Shen Long came to Xiaoling to worship according to the good day chosen by the Qin Tianjian.

Xiaoling is located under Dulongfu playing Mount Everest at the southern foot of Zijin Mountain. It inherits the old system of emperor tomb of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and creates a new system of square tombs. It has a grand scale and majestic architecture. , Pavilions are connected, enjoy the smoke-filled hall, Songtao Linhai, grow a thousand heads of deer; Lu Ming, extraordinary momentum, harmonious integration of humanities and nature, reaching the perfect height of the unity of nature and people, it is amazing.

In the Ming Dynasty, Xiaoling has always been the fundamental place of the ancestors and is highly respected. Every year, there are fixed three large sacrifices and five small sacrifices. In the event of a major event in the country, you need to send honors to the ministers and ministers; but since Zhu Di moved the capital, this seems to be still The first time the emperor personally came to pay respect to Xiaoling, so the ceremony was particularly grand.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the four guards of Tengxiang, Jingying, and the guards of the tombs of Xiaoling wore bright armor to protect the emperor ’s mausoleum closely, and followed Shen Long ’s officials southward. Jinling ’s officials and honoraries followed The ritual system stood in a good position and followed Shen Long to enter the imperial tomb.

The ceremonial music officers of Taichang Temple and Jinling Taichang Temple played solemn music. Shen Long held the jade seal of the passing country and came to the Ming Dynasty Tomb of Emperor Xiaoling, which was inscribed with the achievements of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang throughout his life Zhu Yuanzhang was born in Fengyang, petitioning for the people of Jurong, petitioning for the people, and set a long track; set the capital of Jinling, the year of Hongwu; abolish the old system, choose only talents;

Came to the monument and Shen Long bowed solemnly. Shen Long sincerely respected the emperor Taizu, who drove away the Meng Yuan monks and regained the Han people's rivers and mountains, so the worship was very sincere.

After the worship, Shen Long held the jade seal of the handed down country and came to the stele with both hands. He recited the sacrifice written for him by Hanlin Bachelor. It probably means that the Emperor Taizu was on it. I have inherited it for more than two hundred years. Your children and grandchildren will always remember your teachings, and have not forgotten to remove the warlords and protect the Chinese people.

I ’ve done a good job recently. I just defeated the Jian slave who invaded my Daming and killed tens of thousands of tatars. Although I ca n’t compare with your ancestors ’merits, I barely lost your face. By the way, I ’m lucky. When I was outside the fortress, I found the jade seal that had passed away for more than 500 years.

This is a great thing, we know that this is also your old man ’s long-cherished wish, so today I will show you the Chuan Yuxi to show you, so that you will be happy in the sky; I will continue to work hard, let Daming became stronger, whether it was Jiannu or other tatars, but a red hairy from the West, I would clean them up.

In addition, I have never dared to forget your teachings, and will treat the people kindly, so that our Daming people will live a good life, and dare to block me from doing so. They are all my enemies of Ming, and I will make a firm decision with them. Struggle; please also remember these words, continue to supervise me in the future, if I do not do well, you will be reminded, and at the same time continue to bless our Da Ming, so that I can achieve these wishes, so that we can continue to continue .

After reading the four-for-six sacrificial offerings, Shen Long burned the manuscript so that the offering could reach heaven and spread to Zhu Yuanzhang's ears; after the burning of the offerings was completed, Shen Long offered the jade seal to the country Before the Daming Xiaoling Mausoleum Monument, the sound of ritual and music rang again, which seemed to remind Zhu Yuanzhang to take a look.

Today the weather is clear, the sky is blue, and only white clouds are floating in the sky. Only when Shen Long recites the ritual, Baiyun blocked the sun. When he finished the recitation and presented the jade seal to Zhu Yuanzhang, the sun happened to reappear When it came out, a golden sunlight was unbiased, and it just shone on the jade seal of the dynasty, dyeing a golden light for the jade seal and the sacred merit monument.

This miraculous scene shocked everyone on the scene. They thought it was God ’s response to Shen Long. Zhu Yuanzhang in the sky heard Shen Long ’s sacrifice and saw the Chuanyu Seal, and was very satisfied with it, so Respond to Shen Long in this way.

"The Emperor Taizu showed his spirit, and I am long live, long live, long live, long live!" The clever official shouted immediately, and everyone on the scene knelt down to worship.

It seems that your majesty has not only been approved by God, but also by the Emperor Taizu! Now the cultural and military officials in Jinling believe in Shen Long ’s miraculous miracles when he found the jade that passed down the country. Now this is really a real son!

"Long live my longevity, long live long live!" From all the civil and military officials in the county, from the inner servants to the four guards of the Tengxiang, Jingying and Shouling Army, tens of thousands of people called together to live long live together ~ ~ This voice was loud and contagious, and spread all the way to Jinling City, triggering the endless conjecture of the people in the city. What happened again?

Shen Long made a look of surprise, prayed again to Zhu Yuanzhang and Queen Ma, and then continued to worship incense according to the ritual system. After another half an hour, he finally entered the next link.

This time Shen Long did n’t just come to worship by himself. He also ordered all the Ming sects to prepare sacrifices for Zhu Yuanzhang. Of course, these sects could not come to Jinling in person, so now their messengers are neatly arranged according to their closeness and rank The local team came to the sacred merit monument in turn and offered their own sacrifice.

However, when they offered the offering, the weather changed suddenly, the dark clouds blocked the sun, and a breeze blew at the same time. The scene of the civil and military officials suddenly shuddered. What happened? Is His Majesty not satisfied with these sacrifices? Otherwise, why was it good before, and suddenly it became like this at this time?

The sacred emissaries who offered the sacrifices all sweated down, and placed the sacrifices on the altar tremblingly, and then stepped aside to wait; after a while, the sacrifices on the altar piled up on a hill, and there was no way, now Da Ming The number of patriarchs is really too much.

After all the gifts of the clan were presented, the clan of the clan's house was walking forward slowly, preparing to recite the sacrificial rituals on behalf of the clan.

Heard a sudden white light flashing in the sky, and the sound of thunder came, and at the same time, the wind was making a big wind, and a gust of wind swept through, directly rolling the sacrifice on the altar!

Shen Long's expression suddenly changed, "What's going on!"

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