All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1581: The burden of the clan was thrown away

I do n’t believe you dare to come, do you really have the courage to face Emperor Taizuo Gao? If Emperor Taizuao knew what you did, what would be the reaction? Didn't you see that the sacrifices you brought up were either?

Even if someone really dared to come over, Shen Long was not worried or afraid. The road from various vassals to Jinling was a long way off. I do n’t know how many civil servants ’sites to go through. Now these civil servants are looking forward to your downfall, and to divide from the middle. Run benefits, can they watch you arrive in Jinling safely? Isn't it too overestimating the integrity of Daming officials?

Let ’s not talk about what to do with these lords ’clothing, food, housing, and transportation. This method is too rough, and the civil servants are probably disdain to use it; others can fully display the strength of the strong order, and find the lawlessness of the lord. They are used to doing things on their own territory on weekdays, and they will certainly not behave properly once they are on the road.

When the time comes, there will be another trampling on the farmland, the royal servants bullying the local people, and the civil servants can immediately appear in the name of the blue sky master, and come up with the Daming Law to demand that the servants who break the law be punished severely. Second, it is estimated that the followers of the vassals should also run. There are not many left in jail. How did you come to Jinling then?

Even if it is really hard, after overcoming many obstacles to come to Jinling and to the spirit of Emperor Taizuo Gao, will Shen Long have no choice? Obviously not, really want to have such a hard head, believe it or not Shen Long Yilei hacked him! By that time, the accusation of filial piety in this branch will be completely settled!

If you are not filial, why would Emperor Taizu Gao drop Thunder to punish you? Hey, it's really not that these lords have no cards to play. If you want to blame them, blame them for encountering a squeeze! In front of the traversal who had hung up, their previous methods were useless.

Normally, these princes might use Ren Xiao to block the emperor ’s mouth, but now Shen Long is showing the miracle of the Taizu ancestral spirit. This method is definitely not applicable; in the past, they can threaten to cry the emperor ’s tomb, now, As long as they dare to come, a few thunders will go straight to death, to see who dares to jump?

Shen Long had already thought about it, to see who came first, he would cut him out of focus, as long as a lord had finished, he would not believe that someone would continue to be the leader, and people would always cherish themselves Little fate, the king may continue to live without it, but if he is struck by thunder, then nothing will happen, and he will be infamous forever.

"Your Majesty, I have always governed the country with filial piety and filial piety. These kind of filial piety and filial piety, even offering sacrifices to the ancestors, can do anything else? The minister asked His Majesty to cut down the filial piety! "When I heard that the emperor's messenger dared to refute, my Daming civil servant was completely angry!

Don't you see the situation clearly? This is Emperor Taizuo Gao's dissatisfaction with you, there is no way to save you; there is the destiny of Emperor Taizuo Gao, and the evidence we have found below, your prince has been completely crucified.

"Your Majesty, the impeachment of King Fu is so greedy, and the people are treated harshly ..." Seeing that there were still people to speak, the civil servants were completely on fire, and immediately someone started impeaching the king's wrongdoing.

"Your Majesty, when he served as the prefect in the Datong prefecture, he also heard that the imperial king had colluded with the merchants for profit, and the imperial king's government even openly violated the royal decree and sent the iron to the grassland.

"Your Majesty, imperial impeachment Shu Wangqiang robbed the people * chaos of the king's palace ... imperial impeachment Qi Wangqiangna's father concubine, contrary to ethics ...." A pot quickly snapped over the various princes, these black materials have long been hidden in the civil service In our hearts, I didn't expect that it would come in handy at this time, and one of the crimes was brought out, and the emissaries of the various lords immediately became ashamed.

Even the civil servants who inspected the sacrifices took advantage of the chaos in the field and wanted to secretly pull down the sacrifices that were still on the altar for one or two, which caused many lords to be unlucky; It ’s fat and oily. Pull down one more. That ’s the benefit of less than hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Of course, it is not without calmness. For example, the emissaries of King Lu saw that the sacrifices offered by his grandfather were still placed on the altar; but I do n’t know why, he now suddenly recalled when His Majesty passed Yanzhou Perhaps those words came because of this, and the sacrifice of my prince is still intact?

If the prince did not show it at the beginning, it is estimated that this is not the case! He did not doubt Shen Long ’s head, nor did he have the courage to do so. He just regarded it as Taizu Emperor Gao and saw his love for the people, so he was relatively satisfied with King Lu and did not blow down King Lu ’s sacrifice. Pin it!

"Ire waiting for impeachment engraved with hypocrisy?" Shen Long asked coldly, and after getting a positive answer, he smiled angrily, "Haha, this is my Da Ming clan! Emperor Gao Zu always loves the people as his son They dare to do this, no wonder Emperor Taizu Gao is angry, Emperor Taizu Gao must have been completely disappointed with them! "

"Your Majesty!" Shen Long thought that he had listened to his advice ~ ~ Qunchen was bursting with enthusiasm. This Ming Dynasty's clan is estimated to have to kneel for a large amount. I have to think about my hometown The princes are involved. Are there any problems with these princes? Can they pull their family down?

"Your Majesty, since Emperor Taizuo Gao has warned, please ask your Majesty to quickly investigate and deal with these princes, so that you can explain to Emperor Taizuo Gao!" The king was completely crucified.

"Come here! Officials of the imperial residences of the princes, strictly investigate their illegal activities, and must not hide them in the slightest!" Shen Long immediately ordered, "Cooperate with Jinyiwei and Dongchang to investigate!"

What do you think I still do n’t know? Isn't it just the fate and wealth of those lords? How could you all be cheap? I have made such a big move. Is it good for you? I must take the lead!

When the unsatisfactory offerings were cut down, the land under their name was reclaimed and distributed to the people to teach them to plant new and high-yielding crops.

As for those clan who have been removed, only a small amount can be used to maintain their basic lives. This money will be released from the royal family ’s savings over the years. In this way, will Mingming ’s financial burden be greatly reduced? The extra money can be used for Daming's political reform and external expansion.

Of course, it all takes time, but at least from now on, Shen Long finally saw the hope of getting rid of the huge burden of the Daming Sect.

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