All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1589: You guys think too much

"Your Majesty, Jinling Xungui is almost wiped out, and the guardian **** has also been taken down. This is probably not a good thing for the court." Congratulations to Shen Long, Cao Huachun said with great concern that Jinling, as one of the three capitals of Ming Dynasty, The status is very important. Previously, the civil servants, honorables, and guarding eunuchs all stood together. Nowadays, the honorary guards and guarding eunuchs have fallen, and many civil servants have survived. From the perspective of power checks and balances, this is definitely not the case. Good thing.

"Huh, these guys may not be thinking about others right now, they are busy fighting for benefits now!" Shen Long sneered, most of Jinling's nobles were kneeling, and the wealth accumulated by these families for more than two hundred years was enough for them All eyes were red, and before they were divided up, Jinling's officials must have no intention of thinking about other things.

"Wei Guogong, Bao Guogong and Xin Chengbo's gold and silver have all been included in the internal treasury, but they still have many shops and fields in Jiangnan. How should these be disposed of?" When fighting for floating wealth, Cao Huachun reluctantly pressed Those civil servants lived, but if these fields, shops, and workshops seemed to have their hands, those civil servants had to work hard.

"We ca n’t take these things away. We bought them in Jinling. They are gold, silver and copper coins, silk cloth and grain porcelain. You can exchange them for anything. You can give them a little sweetness in price, but you have to pay on the spot. No delinquency is allowed. "Shen Long wanted to understand that gold and silver are hard currencies. Needless to say, food can be supplied to people in eastern Liaoning and northwest, and silk porcelain can be used by Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xigao to trade with Westerners. it works.

As for the land, shops, workshops and the like, you ca n’t grasp it for the time being. You have to leave it to the **** to supervise them. They will definitely take their own bags. When the time comes, they do n’t know how many will be handed over to the court. It ’s better to simply sell them. Yes.

Jinling's honorable families were either beheaded or Liuliuan Island. Jiangnan people have so many exploiters on their heads. Maybe the day will be better.

Of course, Shen Long did not do nothing. He still reserved some land, workshops and shops, intending to take this opportunity to promote more advanced cotton spinning machines, silk looms, and Jenny spinning machines in the industrial revolution in Jiangnan. The role of him can never be more clear. The popularity of this machine will undoubtedly deepen the land merger in Jiangnan and force more people to be displaced. These people will become the main force of Daming in the era of joining the sea.

It does n’t matter if Jiangnan has no land. Southeast Asia has large areas of fertile land waiting for hard-working Daming people to reclaim. Knowing that the Old Port Xuanwei Division was a national institution established as early as the Yongle period, as long as the fleet of Zheng Zhilong and Yu Zigao Once practiced, it is time for the old port Xuanwei Division to reproduce the world.

The old port Xuanwei Division was established when Zheng He sailed to the west. His jurisdiction includes all of Malaysia and Singapore, most of Indonesia, part of Thailand and the Philippines. The essence of Southeast Asia is in full control.

The first Xuanwei envoy was Shi Jinqing. After that, the position was inherited for three generations in the Shi family. Then, because Daming stopped going to sea and lost the support of his home country, the Shi family ’s rule in Southeast Asia came to an end. It has been almost two hundred years since the destruction.

But now, Daming is turning his eyes to the ocean again, and there are warships and naval guns brought by Shen Long who are more than a hundred years ahead of this era. It is only a matter of time for Daming to restore the old port Xuanwei Division. Whether it is Southeast Asia Indigenous people, or the Spaniards and Dutch who set up colonies here, are by no means opponents of Ming.

The food and wealth from the family in Jinling can be used in this place. The impact of the Little Ice Age will not be too great for Southeast Asia. Daming will plant rice on the land of three crops in Southeast Asia. The harvested grain can be used to feed back the country, and the migrants in the northwest can't make much noise with the grain.

"Slaughter-in-law." Cao Huachun could think so much. He just felt that it was a pity to sell these lands, shops, and workshops to Jiangnan Hao, but he did not know that in the future, Shen Long would use capital to make these civil servants compensate. They had to go bankrupt, and now they are just using these things in exchange for capital to open modern chemical factories. Those civil servants are now equivalent to selling their hanged ropes to Shen Long, let them be happy first, and they will cry after two years when.

"Send someone to the capital, transfer some honorable children who have lost their titles, let them rectify the Jinling Guard House, and tell them that as long as they can handle this errand and train several strong troops for Daming, wait for these troops. With their credit, they can take back the title of the ancestor. Even if the credit is great enough, it is not impossible for the earl to become the marquis and the marquis to become the duke! "The Tengxiang Siwei and Jingying must guard against the construction of slaves, Lin Danhan and the Northwest 'S drifters ~ ~ The task of attacking Southeast Asia can only be given to Jinling Health Center.

After the fleets of Zheng Zhilong and Yu Zigao were trained, Daming would first drive away the Dutch on Dayuan Island, and then they would use their divisions to go south to restore the old port Xuanwei Division. At that time, relying on the Navy alone would have to do a lot. The army joined.

"The purpose of Xu Guangqi is to let him send powerful students to Dayuan Island to guide planting." The biggest enemy who wants to attack Southeast Asia is not the Dutch, the Spaniards, or the lazy indigenous people, but Southeast Asia and Daming are very different. Climate and various epidemics, Shen Long plans to first plant various economic crops that can cure epidemics on Dayuan Island, such as cinchona, etc. With these things, Daming people can take root in Southeast Asia.

After a series of orders were issued, the entire Jinling became busy immediately. The yamen responsible for selling land, shops, and workshops became sweets. The nobles in Jiangnan tried to find a relationship with them and bought for their families. To the land, shops and workshops you love.

Jiangnan has been stable for a long time, and it is not common to sell so much land in one performance. If they miss this opportunity, they must regret it for a hundred years.

Cao Huachun is not too difficult to be human. As long as he can come up with hard currency, whether it is real gold and silver, silk porcelain or raw grain, he will hand over the land, workshops and shops to these nobles as agreed. .

For a time, Jiangnan's nobles harvested a lot of land, workshops and shops, one by one happily, hahaha, now the honorables are finished, is it not for us to decide Jiangnan in the future?

These words also spread to Shen Long's ears. Shen Long only sneered at this, hehe, you think too much.

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