All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1593: What, it's our turn now

At the Dachao meeting on the second day, the matter that had been handled was ended in accordance with the usual practice, and when it was time to retreat and retreat, the civil and military officials were ready to go home, but this time someone detonated A big bomb turned out a humble little imperial history among the hundreds of officials, "Your Majesty, there is something for the servants."

"Weichen reported that Jin merchants Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, Wang Dayu, Liang Jiabin, Tian Shenglan, Zhai Tang, Huang Yunfa and others colluded to build slaves, reselling food, salt, iron, gunpowder, and other things prohibited by the court to build slaves, while Jiannu is investigating the military situation, and the crime is not forgiven. Please also ask your majesty to arrest it immediately! "Said Yu Shiyi righteously said.

Cao Huachun, who was serving beside Shen Long, nodded slightly. Needless to say, this one must have been found by him. Although the Jin merchants had great influence in Chaotang, they also had a lot of enemies. Take it, I do n’t know how many people are jealous of their property inside or outside Chaotang.

Wu Dai, the Imperial Court of the Metropolitan Government, is one of them. His family is also in business and has a lot of competitive relations with the Jin merchants. In the previous competition for the purchase of grain, the Jin merchants were defeated by the merchants and let their family He lost a lot of gold and silver, so he hated the Jin merchants into his bones. Because of the fear of the Jin merchants, he could only bear this tone.

Yesterday, Cao Huachun sent him to the door and sent so much conclusive evidence. Then Wu Dai was immediately excited, oh my god, and finally let you **** be loaded with iron plate! The reputation of Dongchang and Jinyiwei has now overshadowed Wei Caoxian's attention by Cao Huachun during his period. So he immediately agreed to come down, willing to stand up at the Dachao meeting to break the matter.

Whose person is this? The officials in the Chaotang and Jinshang dynasties immediately became tense, and many bigwigs secretly turned their gazes to both the left and right of the Imperial Academy, how did you manage the Yamen? Can this kind of thing be taken out casually? Are you trying to fight us

Both the left and the right of the inspectorate quickly shook their heads, indicating that they were not involved in the matter. The inspectorate was in charge of supervision, impeachment and suggestions. How could they sit in this position and do what they did to the Shanxi merchants? Know nothing? It's just that because the other party is powerful and sensible, he will honor himself at 4: 8, so he always pretends not to see.

Who will be behind this incident? The bigwigs of the various factions in the Chaotang began to think about it, and their responses were also different; officials of the Jinshang family were naturally very nervous, and they looked at Wu Dai ’s eyes and wanted to eat people; Donglin ’s Officials are cheering, most of their interests are in Jiangnan, and they are not involved in these matters. If they can take the opportunity to defeat Shanxi merchants, then they will definitely get huge benefits.

Those officials from Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Shaanxi and other places were also excited. Daming's business gangs were not only Jin and Zhejiang merchants, but also Hui merchants, Cantonese merchants and even Qin merchants. They also had a huge influence. They also saw opportunities.

"Your Majesty, these rebellious generations should be punished severely. They asked His Majesty to let the three law divisions and Jin Yiwei investigate this matter!" A young **** of the Donglin Party immediately jumped out and expressed support.

Now that people have been sent here to fight, the Jin merchants ca n’t just let it go, and some people came out to refute it right away, "Your Majesty, Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku and others are giant merchants in Jin. Something went wrong, there was the name of "Jia Yubian, with the name of Xinyi", and they would definitely not do such a thing. "

"Oh? Why is Li Shilang so determined?" As soon as the words fell, someone immediately stood up to refute. Who can stand in the Ming Dynasty Hall, who hasn't ordered the other person's handle yet? "Your Majesty, Weichen heard that Li Shilang's family is a famous big grain merchant in Hebei. He has many business dealings with Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku. Perhaps there is also Li Shilang's family in the food sold by Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku to Jiannu. A copy! "

"Blood-spitting people!" Li Shilang's eyes are about to break, you are killing me! Well, since you blamed me for being injustice first, he immediately took out the evidence of the other party's greed and infringement, and began to hurt each other.

"Your Majesty, the impeachment of Wu Dai to frame the good people, Fan Yongdou and others have made contributions to the stability of the Nine Sides. If they are just because of some rumours, they will be imprisoned. I am afraid that they will hurt the hearts of the people of the world! I am afraid that the supply of grain and grass in the border towns of Xuanda will be unstable! "

The supply of food in Damingbian Town relied on the opening of the Sino-French law. The court used salt and tea as an intermediary to recruit merchants to deliver military supplies, horses and other materials. Nowadays, most of the channels of Xuanda and other towns fall in the eight major Shanxi merchants. In the hands, if they are won, it will indeed endanger the stability of Xuanda and other towns.

"Isn't Jiang Shaoqing threatening the court? Without these eight profiteers ~ ~ Am I unable to supply grain and grass for the border guards?" An official from Ludi immediately refuted that his family was in The canal is quite influential, holding a lot of food in his hand, and has long wanted to blend in the business of supplying food to the border towns, "Your Majesty, Weichen dare to guarantee that even if you win these eight profiteers, you will certainly There are volunteers delivering grain and grass for the towns like Xuanda. "

"Your Majesty, Weichen heard that Jiang Shaoqing was poor when he was young, but he had to get the Jin businessmen to study. When Jiang Shaoqing got the Jinshi, those Jin businessmen immediately sent him money, land, and helped him to promote the government, This person and the Jin merchant are one party, and we cannot be trusted! "Then someone debunked this old man.

For a time, the Chaotang kept arguing, and the Jinshang 1st party was besieged by the other parties. Shen Long sat in a dragon chair silently, just watching them arguing, and then completely debunking the old background of these Jinshang 1st party officials. There was some news inside that even Jinyiwei and Dongchang didn't hear about it, which really opened Shen Long's eyes.

Gradually, the opposition to the Jin merchants prevailed, and the Jin merchants ’party was completely suppressed. Shen Long felt that the time had come and made the final verdict." These eight crimes of profiteering are not forgiven. Cao Huachun and Lu Wenzhao. Immediately send someone to Zhangjiakou to take them down ... "

After sentenced to death by the eight merchants of Shanxi, Shen Long looked at Li Shilang, Jiang Shaoqing and others coldly. "As a court official, he did not want to repay the court. Instead, he colluded with profiteers and blamed me. , And sent them to prison for strict interrogation. "

These people suddenly went dark. The tragic ending of the clan and honoraries flashed through their minds quickly. What is it, finally our turn?

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