All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1595: Sorrowful

During the Hongwu period, in order to deal with the remaining forces of Mengyuan, Zhu Yuanzhang built a defense system in the north relying on the Great Wall. Zhangjiazhuang, the predecessor of Zhangjiakou, immediately appeared; another four years later in Xuande, the construction of Zhangjiakou Fort was formally started. Yuan ’s remnant forces played an important role in the war.

But by the time of Longqing ’s time, my grandson ’s grandson surrendered Hanaji to Datong. At that time, Wang Chonggu, the governor of the three sides, and Zhang Juzheng, a university clerk, and others contributed to the peace and harmony. Zhangjiakou became the core of the exchanges between Daming and the foreign trade. In this way, the Shanxi merchants also relied on this trade path to accumulate massive wealth.

It has been fifty or sixty years now. Zhangjiakou has changed from a pure military fortress to a city where military and business are equally important, and in the next few hundred years, it will grow older and more prosperous as a merchant of Jindi. Provide a steady stream of wealth; until the Manchu period, these merchants still set out from Zhangjiakou and traveled all the way north to extend the tentacles of trade to every corner of the grassland, and even as far as Chaktu, and established a trade channel with Russia.

However, by the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the old problems of these merchants had been committed again. Outer Mongolia tried to separate itself from the Central Plains. The Manchu garrisons issued weapons to the Jin merchants in Outer Mongolia to require them to participate in the war. Some Jin merchants took on their responsibilities. However, Da Shengkui exposed the nature of speculation. In order to protect commercial interests and claims, he actually invested in the Outer Mongolian side and was hostile to the Qing dynasty. Therefore, he did not suffer much impact for a while and saved his wealth.

Later, General Xu Shuzheng recaptured Outer Mongolia. It stands to reason that Outer Mongolia had experienced so many years of chaos, and it was time to rest and recuperate. However, under the strong request of Jinshang Group, it carried out severe debt collection for Outer Mongolia, Jinshang each Make a list of debt repayments from the Mongols for usury.

This debt is equivalent to the total income of the whole Outer Mongolia for more than ten years. Now that Outer Mongolia can't survive to the nobility of the prince and the ordinary herdsmen, coupled with the support of the old Maozi, Outer Mongolia launched a riot and brought these greeds Businessmen do their best to get out.

Shen Long never believed that pure and kind people could do such a big business. The black history of Shanxi merchants was very much. However, in the literary and artistic works of later generations, whether it was Yu Qiuyu's prose or "Qiao Family Courtyard" "," Dashengkui "and other TV series, the Jin merchants in these works have become synonymous with hard work and kindness, which is really embarrassing; but it is not surprising that who makes the Jin merchants rich, naturally there are people who have money. Touted.

Shen Long soon received a reward. Lu Wenzhao and Li Hongji led the army to encircle Zhangjiakou. They took all the traitorous businessmen led by Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku, and found a pile of grains of grass, ironware and gunpowder in their shops. These were prepared for slave building. In addition, there were countless gold and silver with blood stains. These slaves were taken from the Ming people.

Jiannu used the gold and silver snatched from Daming to exchange food and grass weapons and intelligence with Fan Yongdou. They then ate Daming ’s food and took Daming ’s weapons to attack Daming and plunder wealth. Fan Yongdou ate them full of oil and water but suffered so much. How big are the people.

Shen Long immediately ordered that the relics of the Daming people be sent to the capital; the court specially delineated a place to show the **** gold, silver and jewelry to the people.

For a time, the people in the entire capital were indignant. The style of making these gold and silver jewelry was popular in places like Zunhua and Jimen, which were once captured by the slaves. Why did they come to Fan Yongdou and others?

Some people even recognized their original owners based on the lettering on the gold and silver jewelry, and immediately knelt and wept bitterly, "Woooooooo, this is my hard-working nephew! My nephew is one year old, and I am my uncle Gave him a golden lock, engraved with his name and the word "birthday"! Unfortunately, the last time the slaves entered the customs, all seven of my nephew's family were killed by the slaves! This golden lock must be the killer of the gods. The family of my nephew, and then grab it! "

"Woo woo woo, if not these black-hearted profiteers! My nephew's family might be alive and well!" The person cried in darkness, and also infected other people who lost their relatives and friends when they were last established. For a time, the whole street fell into tears, and these people cried while crying at Fan Yongdou and others.

These businessmen have also completely lost their reputation, and even the local people in Jin province have sweared at them. You should know that Xuanda and other places are hot areas attacked by Jiannu and Mongolian Tatars. In the past, they thought that Fan Yongdou and others were great people who benefited their hometowns. Now they only know that those tatars and slaves were brought in by them. Will they have a good face for them?

At this time, Fan Yongdou and other people's criminal evidence were also found out. From the beginning of Nurhaci's soldiers, every defeat of Daming has their shadow behind them. They either supply ordnance or sell intelligence, sometimes even their Buddy merchants will also act as spies ~ ~ help Jian Nu open the city gate.

A count of crimes were listed. Fan Yongdou and others were really unforgivable, and the beheading was too cheap for them. So Shen Long ordered Lu Wenzhao to cast these eight traitor merchants alive as a bronze kneeling statue. It was placed in the most striking place in Zhangjiakou City to warn subsequent merchants.

Lu Wenzhao had seen Fan Yongdou and others in the battle of Salhu, and was furious. He even raised the first spoonful of copper water, poured it from Fan Yongdou's head, and immediately screamed throughout the Zhangjiakou.

Soon, Ding Xiu went to Jiexiu and other places to copy Jin Yiwei from these traitors. They also came back. According to the information they had learned, they swept through most of the province of Shanxi, not only the eight traitors, but the rest did the same thing. The small businessmen have not let go, and there are officials who provide cover for them.

Most of the province in Shanxi was almost completely wiped out. In the past, they relied on providing convenience for Fan Yongdou and others to get countless benefits. Now is the time for them to pay their debts.

Those border towns are no exception. Many generations of officers who stayed in Xuanda and other border towns were all taken down. They originally wanted to fight hard. Unfortunately, Li Hongji quickly defeated their conspiracy with the elite of Jingying and held Xuanda firmly. In the hands of the court.

Then Shen Long quickly dispatched support from the capital, and the officers in the Jingying camp would replace those who committed crimes to guard the Xuanda, reduce the old and weak, and train the elite.

Ding Xiu brought back tens of millions of fortunes. Shen Long went to the treasury to see the accumulation of these profiteers. After entering the treasure, he asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Your Majesty, this is a ghost!"

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