All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1606: Hair is gone

The name Assassin recalled the long-lasting horrible memories of the Estonian nobility. When the Crusades marched east, Assassin was like a dark cloud that long shrouded the heads of European monarchs. As a means to assassinate the nobles of European countries, Raymond II of Tripoli and King Conrad of Jerusalem have been assassinated by them.

Until Xu Liewu led the Mongolian Tieqi through the Amu River, advanced into Persia, established the Yier Khanate in Persia and Iraq, completely razed the Assamist base camp Alamut, and the last mountain old man Rukending and His congregation was also executed to death. This sect of Megatronia, which had lasted for more than two hundred years, disappeared, and the dark clouds over the head of the European monarch dispersed.

Now that something similar happened in the palace of Esbania, how could Philip IV not be scared? Take a look at these killed people. His personal attendant, the queen's personal maid, and the prince's breast-mother, all of them are people around them. Even at night, they are all next to them.

Since these assassins can kill them without disturbing anyone, they must be able to kill themselves too. Philip IV is not afraid now, lest an assassin suddenly appear and stab the sword into his throat.

"This must have been done by the Ming people! This wound is exactly the same as Diego Alastyas!" Said a court guard pointing at the king's servant's throat. This wound is the same in size and depth. Go-Alastyas is exactly the same, at first glance is from the same person.

"Are they threatening me?" Philip IV shivered as he spoke, not knowing whether he was angry or frightened, "Send someone to kill them immediately! Immediately!"

"Dear Your Majesty, please breathe anger!" A wise man persuaded immediately, "They are in the church now, and we cannot use force against the church."

Of course, this is not the most important point. They have other worries. "And, Majesty, even if we attack the church, can we kill all the assassins? No one can guarantee that the assassins are now in the church." These ministers I'm also worried about my own safety. If someone can kill the king, he will certainly be able to kill himself. Even if it is for his own safety, he can't risk angering the people of the Ming Dynasty.

From the point of view of their choice, they did not intend to kill the king, queen and prince directly, which seems to be a more intimidating method. After all, killing the king does not benefit them much, they have other Isn't the purpose?

"What should I do? Do I have to bear this humiliation?" Philip IV was irritated, but the other party's words reminded him that there was indeed such a possibility. If it was him, he would certainly hide the assassins in other places. Right?

"We can try to continue negotiating with them." The minister thought for a long time and did not come up with a good idea. He could only figure out a bad idea. "Perhaps you can pretend to agree to their conditions first, and then wait for them to get on board. Launch an offensive and kill them at sea! "

Will that assassin stay in Esbania? He will definitely leave with the Ming Dynasty mission and sink the ship completely at sea, so that the assassin will not be able to escape.

"No, their condition is a great humiliation for Esbania! It is absolutely impossible to agree, even if it is pretended." Philip IV still cared about his face.

Then he obeyed the plan of another minister, sent heavy troops to surround the chapel, and then strengthened the defense of the palace, arranged three times the guards outside the palace, and called the queen and the prince together. In a house, candlelights were lit all night in the room, and the most elite guards were in the room.

When Philip IV was sleepy, he smelled a **** smell in his nose, and immediately opened his eyes, and was shocked by the scene in front of him. The outside guard did not find anything strange at night, but All the guards and maidens in the room died, and the same wound appeared in their throats.

"My dear, you have hair and a beard!" Queen Elizabeth, who was awakened by him, glanced at Philip IV, and immediately covered her mouth in horror. I saw that Philip IV's hair and beard were all shaved. The head almost became a braised egg, and it looked ridiculously chubby.

"God, my dear, your hair is gone!" Philip IV also exclaimed, and saw that Elizabeth's blonde hair was also shaved and also became bald.

"Father and mother." Balthasar Carlos, Prince of Asturias, who was just over two years old, was also awakened by them, shouting with open eyes.

"Oh my goodness, my little baby!" As soon as he saw his child, Philip IV and Elizabeth shed tears in distress, because the thin hair on the head of Balthasar Carlos was also shaved. ~ ~ Your Majesty! What happened inside! We are coming in! "Their sounds alarmed the outside guards. After a burst of armor, the outside guards broke in, and looked at the corpses and three shiny heads in shock.

The captain of the guard felt a burning pain on his face. They were like fools who spent the night outside, but they treated them like sculptures. They easily avoided their guards, entered the room, and killed so many people. The person who changed the hairstyle for the king, queen and prince was a face-slap.

"You shit! Idiots! Idiots!" The roar of Philip IV resounded through the palace again for a quarter of an hour before he stopped breathlessly, "Send someone to call Gonzalez back, he is How to guard those people! "

After a while, Gonzalez, the general who was in charge of the church, came back, and he was ashamed. He quickly explained, "Your Majesty, I did not find anyone out of the church!"

Can you see it? They just stared at the door of the church, but the evil eunuchs under Wang Chengen flew out from the roof with light power. Such things as light power, the Esbanians had no idea.

"Your Majesty, it seems that their assassins are not with them." This phenomenon continues to mislead the ministers of Esbania.

"So what should we do now?" Philip IV had a headache.

"No matter how to deal with it, we can't risk the loss of Little Balthasar." Elizabeth hugged her child in distress. She and Philip IV had all died before the four princesses were born, leaving only this single seedling. .

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