All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1630: Do n’t delay business

"What's the matter? Is there a large customer in Northeast China to purchase?" During this time, Shen Long often asked Lu Jiaju to go to the Bohai Hotel. In the TV series, Chen Shouting waited until the cloth was dyed to start looking for customers, which was a little late, according to Shen Long's plan to open up sales channels had to come in advance.

"I've known a lot recently, but we don't have anything now, and people can't buy goods with us, right? But don't worry, Sixth Brother, as soon as the cloth is dyed, I will show them." Lu Jiaju was a little embarrassed He is about to resume production here. He hasn't made much progress on this side, so he can only say that.

"It doesn't matter, you drink with them first, drink them up, and then invite them to come and watch them in the factory to see the craftsmanship of our Dahua Dyeing Factory. I will send them some samples and let them take them back to study slowly. When they see how good our Dahua Dyeing Factory is, they will beg for us to ask for the goods! "Speaking of quality, Shen Long is not afraid of any competitors.

"Okay, no problem, just do what you mean, Sixth Brother!" Lu Jiaju thought about it a little, and thought it was reliable. He quickly agreed, and quickly said, "However, Sixth Brother, I came here today to find it. You said this, go around, let's go outside and say, I invite you to dinner at the Bohai Hotel! "

Chen Shouting did not like to go to such places with Lu Jiaju, but Shen Long didn't care. "That line, I happened to meet those Northeast businessmen too. When you wait for me, I'll tell the workers a few samples!"

"Guys, during this time, the big guy is busy with work. I let my house evaporate the steamed buns, fry the salted fish, let go of the food after work, and eat and rest early. If our Dahua Dyeing Factory earns With money, the big guys are good. "Encouraging the workers, Shen Long came to the Bohai Hotel with Lu Jiaju with samples of various colors.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he ordered a few dishes. Lu Jiaju wanted to teach Shen Long how to use a knife and fork. Lu Jiaju was dumbfounded when he thought that people were more neat than he used.

"Look? I also invited some people to eat watercress when I was in Modu. Well, the steak tastes not quite right. It's not as good as that of Modu." Shen Long vomited, I ate in the mission world Western food for several years.

"Admire admiration, you can eat so many times to be so familiar, if you let others see, I'm afraid that you are also staying abroad!" Lu Jiaju, who wanted to show off, was boring and could only talk about it. He smiled twice, then poured wine on Shen Long and talked about the business, "Liu, my brother has encountered a difficult problem recently, and I want to find your staff."

Shen Long didn't speak and motioned him to continue. Lu Jiaju hurriedly said the matter. "Actually, I'm doing something awkward. I just married Jade and the factory hasn't started to make money ... But who made me encounter injustice. "

"Yes, don't ask me about this, or Lord Lu will go back and scold me!" Shen Long understood that this was the matter of the second wife, Shen Long told him before, play It ’s okay to play, but do n’t marry home. Now, looking at Lu Jiaju ’s posture, it must have been entangled. Hey, his way is not deep enough.

By the way, what is Ocean Maja Siya doing now? I do n’t know if I ’m staring at Lu Jiaju. Although this girl ’s criticism is a bit bad, the road is quite wild. If she can be taken to Dahua Dyeing Factory, the sales road of the dyeing factory will be completely cleared.

"Sixth brother, sixth brother, good my sixth brother! You can pull the brothers! Let me beg you, you can help me out!" Lu Jiaju quickly begged, if not to talk about Shenlong, others wrote The letter went back and told Mr. Lu that he had married the second wife, and the old man could not break his leg? The Lu family did not have the habit of marrying a concubine.

"I don't care about this!" Shen Long waved his hands again and again. "But there are two things you have to remember! First, what you spend on her now is our Dahua money. Dahua's money can't Baihua, she also has to work for our dyeing factory! Second, this man, it doesn't matter if there are women outside, but you have to surrender the woman, don't let her turn the sky! "

Could the latter sentence let them know about Caiqin and the shopkeeper Zhou, or else they must not worry about death? Shen Long is not a good person. Let Lu Jiaju hold Dahua's money for you to be smart and want to eat fart. You have to work for Lao Tzu.

"What can she do for our factory!" In Lu Jiaju's view, this woman was useless except for being able to serve him, and this is still a high school student.

"Why can't I do it? Isn't she eating western food and dancing with you every day? Then let her put on our Dahua dyed cloth and advertise Dahua!" This is not just a ready-made model, "They watched She looks good, so she must ask her what the clothes are made there, what kind of cloth do you use? Isn't our Flying Tiger cloth famous after one or two visits? "

"Liu, what you said seems quite reasonable, but she likes to wear Western-style clothes. Our Flying Tiger brand is not suitable for these!" Lu Jiaju was stunned by Shen Long, and he forgot to do the business.

"Can't make Western style, can't make cheongsam yet? Looking back, I found a tailor and painted him some cheongsam styles that are popular in Modu, so that your woman can wear them. The style of Modu is in our Qingdao. It ’s a big show, I ’m not afraid of her reluctance; besides, she spends your money, whatever you let her wear, she has to wear it! ”Even if you let her wear nothing ~ ~ She does n’t Do I have to listen to you?

"That's okay! I'll take her to see you tomorrow!" Lu Jiaju wondered, if she could help the factory, could she speak better in front of the old man?

"Yo, Xia Dongjia, you are very early today. Come, let me introduce to you. This is Chen Shouting, the head of our Dahua Dyeing Factory." After that, Lu Jiaju led Shen Long around the hotel.

"Oh, I have long heard that Xia Dongjia is the No. 1 trader of Sanjiang oral! At first sight, she was really impressive!" Shen Long said a few good words, and took out his samples to show him.

"This cloth is good, the colors are bright and look at the spirit!" Xia Dongjia really gave a thumbs up and turned around in the hotel. Shen Long really asked a few people to visit the Dahua Dyeing Factory together.

On the second day, a group of Northeastern businessmen arrived at the dyeing factory in a rickshaw. Shen Long took them inside and outside to visit, leaving a pretty good impression on them. Before leaving, he sent them a few samples. In this line of work, everyone knows what color the cloth just dyed, but it does not mean that it will always be this color. Go back and see if there is no harm.

After finishing this, the second wife also came.

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