All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1645: Fangzi, are you either?

As soon as Fujii left his forefoot, Wang Chang of the hind foot secretly came back to report the news, "The four machines of Dong Heng, the shopkeeper, and Yuan Heng are all on. They haven't rested tonight, and they infected 200 horses at a time. I dyed three thousand horses of cloth; the shopkeeper, there are so many machines, when can we get them! "

"Oh, don't worry, Sun Mingzu will send us the money for the next machine soon!" It's called moisturizing by using someone else's money to buy a machine for yourself, and then figured it out, "Day and night Drying the ground, drying, plus widening and stretching, and ironing, we have to help people to the end, send them to the house, how many horses he dyes every day, you write down to me, come back to report every day, and then Stay for three days, or they wo n’t remember. ”

"You have worked hard this time, and you will quickly avoid Zhou Cun three days later; oh, yes, go to the account and pay some money, you have to buy something for your family when you go back?" Shen Long gave Wang Chang more bonuses .

Other workers, Shen Long also temporarily gave them leave. Today, entrepreneurs in the Republic of China are not so good to workers. Workers are not paid monthly wages, but daily wages. If they do not work, they will receive one day less wages, and wages. It's also very low, and I can only barely feed myself.

The main reason is that there are too many unemployed people. In order to survive, some people do not even need to pay, as long as they are willing to give food, they are willing to follow along! For example, those cloth shops that Shen Long had dealt with before had no salary. The shop had two meals to manage, and they were still afraid of losing their jobs.

This is also one of the reasons why industry failed to save the country. Liang Qichao described the interests of capitalists as the overall interests of the nation, while the interests of workers were the interests of some people. He claimed that capitalists can revitalize industries and compete with foreign capital. It is necessary to reduce workers' wages and extend working hours.

In 1920, Shanghai capitalist Mu Ouchu advocated that the revitalization of the industry must reduce the wages of workers, saying that workers demanding "more work value" would cause "real industry ... to be harmed", and as a result, foreign countries will occupy the Chinese market more, "Control my national destiny".

However, as long as you have read a little capital theory, you will understand that they have lowered the wages of workers, although they have saved costs, but they have also lost the consumer market. Their workers have no money to buy the products in the factory. The products produced in the factory can really To whom? It is not enough to expect the few rich people.

At that time, the United Kingdom could desperately squeeze child labor, claiming that as long as the child labor enters the textile factory, they are guaranteed to live no more than three years. That is because the United Kingdom has a vast overseas market, and Chinese industrialists are not eligible to participate in international competition. After all, they can There is no powerful fleet of the British Empire.

Therefore, as long as possible, Shen Long can give workers more wages and give them more, which also makes the workers of Dahua Dyeing Factory full of energy. Even if Shen Long gave them leave, they would not be willing to leave until Shen. Long ordered them, and then they left, but they left, but these workers did not forget about the things in the factory, and came back to the factory to report to Shen Long.

"As the shopkeeper, Yuan Heng invited the foreign opera team to sing at the door of the Changbang cloth shop! The newly dyed Zhanqiao cloth and our Flying Tiger brand are all one color? They are crazy!"

"Don't worry, rest in peace. Let's start work in two days, Yuanheng will be proud of it for a few days!" Shen Long said with a smirk, not angry at all because the business was taken away by Yuanheng.

Shen Long sat steadily here on the Diaoyutai, but Sun Mingzu was happily unable to, and issued a command in the office aloud, "First install one thousand horses in the afternoon, and the boat will only open the day after tomorrow. I let the workshop work in shifts. Hundreds of horses; first send them to the northeast for one thousand and five, and leave the rest to Qingdao and the province, and then work out, only to send out Jingtian, mainly to the northeast, Chen Liuzi intercepted our merchants, and the Feihu brand sold well in the northeast. Not only do we have to drive him out of Qingdao, we just blast him out of the northeast. "

Mr. Liu took the bill and reported, "The fabrics originally produced by Dahua were not much, and there was no stock at all. We broke their grey cloths, and their production was cut off immediately! We will give the next boat of grey cloths over Fujii. Stop, Dahua has to rest for at least a month, and when a month passes, who still remembers the Flying Tiger? Our reputation of Zhanqiao may have spread throughout Shandong and even Beijing, Tianjin and Northeast! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sun Mingzu laughed happily. In the next few days, Zhanqiao cards were sold in Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin and Northeast China. A total of 4,300 horses were issued along the railway, and 2,600 horses were issued on the waterway. Jia Siya also urged them to ask.

"This time our Zhanqiao brand's reputation has been completely ignited!" Sun Mingzu calculated that earning money during this time, as well as the reputation gained, it was simply broken.

However, he was not happy for a long time, and he immediately received bad news. The trestle cards that were sold began to fade. ~ ~ Gray cloth became dirty cloth, blue cloth became old cloth for learning, everywhere Of merchants have asked for returns, the reputation of Zhanqiao brand has started, but unfortunately it is a bad reputation.

He wanted to go to Wang Changren and ask what happened. However, Wang Chang went back to his hometown earlier. Sun Mingzu knew what was going on now. I was buried in the pit by Chen Liuzi!

But he still can't take the trouble of finding Dahua right now, Jia Siya was also detained in the Northeast, so he can only find a way to refund the money to these merchants, and bear the freight to ship this batch of bad cloth back to Qingdao.

However, since then there was a new problem. His money was all smashed on Fujii's grey cloth. The working capital has been used up. If you want to pay the money to others, you can only sell this batch of cloth, and now the entire Qingdao I am afraid that only Dahua can eat this batch of cloth.

So Shen Long successfully got the batch of grey fabrics cheaply, plus Fujii because he did not pay the liquidated damages due to the deadline, he earned 10,000 dollars in this sum, and the money from the sale of the Dahua Factory was returned.

Then he sent a dozen or so workers, but on Yuanheng's side, they re-dyed the cloths. After adding the dye aid, the batches of cloths regained their luster and would not fade. .

After losing the money, Jia Siya was also put back. Then Sun Mingzu and Jia Siya invited Shen Long and Lu Jiaju to dinner together. At the dinner table, these two people admired Shen Long, "Oh, I have been in Qingdao for so many years. But this is the first time I have suffered such a big loss! However, I did not expect that the shopkeeper Chen would be willing to help us back, Chen shopkeeper Ren Yi! "

"Everyone is doing business in Qingdao, so why kill people!" Shen Long asked, "Oh, by the way, do you still have that recipe?"

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