All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1655: Zhang Zongchang

Yuanheng was ousted from the throne of Qingdao by Dahua. Sun Mingzu was a little depressed, but he was not too angry, because now Yuanheng ’s products are not only sold in Qingdao, Zhanqiao and Feihu are sold all over Shandong together , Northeast, Beijing and Tianjin, and even sold to the magic capital of China's textile industry.

Yuanheng Dyeing Factory dropped one place in Qingdao, but their profits were rolling upwards. In these years, Sun Mingzu earned more money than in the past. I do n’t know how many times. In this case, he again How can it blame Shen Long and Dahua Dyeing Factory? Even if they complain, they can only complain that they dare not be as bold as Dahua Factory.

"Hey, why do you say that I am so timid? It took only two years for a good machine in Dahua Factory to be replaced. I am reluctant to replace it with them! This is good, and the output is immediately pulled down by them. "Sun Mingzu nagged at Jia Siya.

"Huh, people are planning to change the machine again now. Do you want to talk about it, do you want to change with Shouting and Jiaju this time?" Jia Siya said angrily, because Sun Mingzu's conservative, she also earned less A lot of money.

"Change! I have to change anything this time!" When he said this, Sun Mingzu called a distress. Now, the machine of Yuanheng Dyeing Factory has only been used for more than a year, and the nameplates above are brand new. When the new machines are shipped back, these old machines will be useless. Even if they can be sold to Jinan and Jinmen, they will have to be heavily discounted.

"Don't be reluctant to pay that amount of money. This year, the money spent on buying machines has already been earned many times! I will go to Jinmen again to find a way to sell you machines for a good price!" Jia Siya At a glance, he saw what he was thinking.

"By the way, ask Shou Ting and Jia Ju to see if their machine has found a buyer. If you don't find it, sell it together!" Sun Mingzu and Shen Long are now working together sincerely. What happened? Problems will first think of them.

"Is this still what you said?" Jia Siya gave him a blank look and got up to leave. "I asked my sixth brother to eat with Jiaju, and I will tell you about it by the way!"

"I'll go too! Bring my two bottles of good wine, this time I have to have a good drink with them!" Sun Mingzu went to the wine cabinet to take two bottles of wine, followed Jia Siya out of the car, went to Linhai Go to the big hotel; um, now Yuanheng Dyeing Factory and Dahua Dyeing Factory each bought a car, each costing 10,000 oceans, and adding up enough to buy 60,000 maids.

At the Linhai Hotel, the four people got together and drank. Sun Mingzu immediately said he wanted to buy a new machine with the Dahua Dyeing Factory. Lu Jiaju patted his shoulder happily, "Mingzu, this is right Well, I told you long ago, it ’s true to listen to the sixth brother! You do n’t listen to it before, do you regret it now? "

"It's not too late to start listening now. Come here, Brother Liu, I will fill you up. This time I said I will depend on you. After the machine arrives, I have to ask Brother Liu to help debug it!" Sun Mingzu also found that even with the same machine, the production efficiency of the Dahua factory in Renjia is higher than its own.

"Yes, after the arrival of these new machines, the northern finished cloth market is all our Qingdao! The dyeing factories in Jinmen are not our opponents at all!" Shen Long agreed.

After talking about the business, the big guy talked about the new things on the market in Qingdao. Sun Mingzu looked around and stretched his head and whispered, "Liu, have you heard? Fujii's hapless encounter happened again. It ’s time for a batch of goods he sent to Weifang to be robbed by the heroes on Laoshan Mountain! Fujii suffered a big loss this time! "

"Eh, why do you say this? Why did the gang of heroes on Laoshan only rob the Japanese and never rob us?" Lu Jiaju also asked curiously.

"Why? Jiaju, look at you like this, wouldn't it be tempted to be robbed by someone else? Or else, when the next shipment, you will follow along! See if someone will rob you?" Then I will say hello to Liu Zibang in advance and let him scare you so that I can enjoy it.

"Don't say goodbye, brother, I will say that! Actually, in my heart, I still admire these heroes! Fujii suffered a loss, we can make a big profit! We are now competing with Fujii! "Although Shen Long they rarely buy grey cloths from Fujii, but his grey cloths are robbed, it means that the market is empty again. Miao Handong, Dahua and Yuanheng are better able to fill this gap, Zhou Xuexi and others Qingdao textile industry tycoons can also enjoy benefits.

"Six brothers, don't scare Jiaju, let's count on Jiaju to help us choose the right machine model!" Jia Siya said quickly. Due to Shen Long's change, Lu Jiaju did not become a simple one like in the TV series. Mascot, his ability in printing and machine selection has been recognized by the big guys ~ ~ You can rest assured, although I have been staying in Qingdao all these years, I have never dared to waste my studies. I communicate with my teachers in Germany every month and ask them to help buy the latest academic journals. Now there are new machines on the European side. I know everything here! "Lu Jiaju said proudly.

But as soon as he saw Shen Long, he immediately counseled, "Of course, after the machine is shipped back, I have to ask my sixth brother to help me modify it, and it will be better to keep it than the machine of the German big dye factory!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Sun Mingzu and Jia Siya were both amused by the look of Lu Jiaju, but after laughing, they also felt emotionally, hey, people from a family who want to eat can learn so many useful things, our two I haven't grown at all in these years! This person is really incomparable.

"The purchase of the machine will be given to Jiaju. We will buy it with the two factories this time. If we ask for more goods, we will definitely get a good discount; I will go to Jinan tomorrow, Jiaju, you will worry more!" After years of training with Shen Long, Lu Jiaju has been able to stand alone, and this little thing can't help him.

"Why are you going to Jinan? Are you going to find Miao brother?" Sun Mingzu asked curiously.

"I want to see Miao, but mainly to see a big poet!" Shen Long laughed.

"Oh? Poet? Is that poet, I think I haven't heard of it?" Jia Siya suddenly wondered, now she is married, her husband is a poet, the pen name is quite trendy, called the desert moon.

"Haha, this great poet is now in our Shandong, but no one knows, no one knows." Shen Long first sold a pass and waited for them to satiate their appetite. This revealed the mystery, "This poet is called Zhang Zongchang!"

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