All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1667: Hot sales

"That line, I will accept the money. When the cloth is woven out, I will give you the best price!" Miao Handong accepted their kindness.

"There should still be some profit. If we lost money, we wouldn't feel good about it, and that's not the reason to do business." So it was so settled, the Hongju dyeing factory in partnership with Shen Long, Lu Jiaju and Sun Mingzu Also, the Sanyuan Dyeing Factory of the Zhao family took out the money for the preparation of the grey cloth and gave it to Miao Handong in advance to let him buy cotton.

Miao Handong acted immediately after receiving the money. Instead of conducting futures trading on the cotton trading market, he directly sent a large number of people directly to the country to collect cotton. Although this is laborious, it may be possible to get first-hand information and timely Understand the harvest situation of Shandong cotton this year, and it can also save costs.

Miao Handong ’s reputation is very loud throughout Shandong. Everyone heard that Miao Dong ’s family harvested cotton, and they believed that they were willing to sell cotton to Miao Handong; Miao Handong gave money reasonably, and always paid cash in real gold. Without arrears, I received a lot of cotton at once, and it was a bit late for Little Japan to react.

Little Japan wanted to use the same method, but they had just occupied the Northeast, and many relatives of Shandong people went to the Northeast to enter the Kanto. Shandong people did n’t like Little Japan. Even with the same money, they were more willing to sell cotton. To Miao Handong, the price of Little Japan increased, and Miao Handong also rose.

And little Japan did not have so many people to go to the countryside, they can only let local traitor merchants help to buy, but these traitor merchants can not do anything in vain! They worked so hard to collect cotton that they couldn't sell it to Little Japan for a dime. Why do you have to add some? In this way, the cost of acquiring cotton in Little Japan is much higher than that of Miao Handong.

And they have to ship cotton to Qingdao, then from Qingdao to Japan, weave into grey cloth in Japan, and then ship back to China, so even if Miao Handong has to pay Han Fuqu, Japanese grey cloth does not have to pay tax. The cost of the person is also at a level. Coupled with the trend of boycotting Japanese goods, the gray cloth of the Japanese will face the risk of not being sold.

Of course, they can also spin these cottons into grey fabrics in Qingdao. Anyway, many yarn mills in Qingdao have been forcibly received by Little Japan, but the technology of these textile mills is far inferior to that of Miao Handong's mills. Handong's is low, but the quality is much worse. Such a product is not competitive in the market.

The Japanese are now considering the introduction of more advanced textile machines from the homeland. It can take time to produce machines, transport the machines from the homeland to Qingdao, and carry out installation and commissioning. It also takes time to train workers. After the new machines arrive at the factory, It can't be used after installation, but it must be operated by highly skilled workers.

However, when Shen Long left Qingdao, he not only took the workers from Yuanheng Dyeing Factory and Dahua Dyeing Factory, but also asked Wang Zhiwu to come forward. He and He Dageng found someone to persuade the technical workers of the textile factories to leave Qingdao and join them. After going to Jinan, half of Qingdao's technical backbone has been filled into Miao Handong's factory, and the Japanese are facing a situation where no one is available.

Of course, there are no shortage of workers in Qingdao. Nowadays, the situation is chaotic. There are many people who ca n’t survive. It is too unrealistic to expect them to boycott the Japanese even if they ca n’t survive their lives. As long as they give a bite to eat, those Japanese textile factories can still find workers, but workers and workers are still different. Ordinary laborers are easy to find, but skilled workers are not so easy to find replacements.

The Japanese did not think of any crooked tricks. Most of the people they hired to help harvest cotton were rogue and miscellaneous like Bai Zhisheng and Qian Shiheng. Seeing that Zhenger was unable to **** Miao Handong in eight ways, so they thought about it. In the meantime, he came up with the means of crooked and evil ways. Whatever way to buy and sell, what tricks to swindle and swindle were taken out.

However, these means are limited. The people will not be deceived once they have suffered once and lost once, and neither Miao Handong nor Shen Long eat the dry food; are you using the way of the underworld? Zhao Dongjun said in a word, the Canal Gang came forward, and directly killed a few guys who had gone too far, and the rest suddenly converged a lot.

The Liuzi Gang also came out to support Shen Long, Jiaozhou and the surrounding areas of Jiaozhou, but whoever he could influence, if anyone dared to resort to any tricks, then those brethren under his hands would go to talk to them After some education, such as tiger stools and chili water, these people immediately became sensible after receiving this education that touched the soul.

"Your Excellency, in this way, the tasks given to us this year may not be completed!" Miki reported all these news to Fujii ~ ~ Yaga! "Fujii slaps in the face of Sanmu, his temper is getting more and more popular now, but he also knows that Miao Handong and Shen Long are prepared, and he is not too good when he is in a hurry. The solution can only be through official pressure on Han Fuqu and other places to buy cotton.

"It seems that we have to consider going to Jinan to open a factory, and we can't let Chen Shouting develop in peace and security!" Fujii made a decision, but to go to Jinan to develop, local people have to help. Who should choose to cooperate with ourselves? "You go to buy a train ticket to Jinan immediately, and by the way inform Takashimaya, I will go to Jinan in person to meet the businessmen of Jinan."

Miao Handong is busy collecting cotton in Shandong. The Hongju dyeing plant on Shenlong has completed all the work before the start of construction. Due to his interference, Dahua Dyeing Plant began to develop printing business many years ago. Many valuable experiences have been cultivated, and a group of skilled workers have been trained, so there is no technical problem like in the TV series.

After the trial operation, the dyed cloth with better quality than the Yumei brand of the Modu Liuhe Plant was dyed. Zhao Dongjun and the shopkeepers of Jinan cloth shop invited by Shen Long praised the cloth very much, "Chen shopkeeper, You deserve to be the first person in our printing and dyeing industry in Shandong. This cloth is absolutely nothing to say. "

After listening to Shen Long to report the ex-factory price of this printed cloth, the owners of the major cloth shops are eager to buy it. The factory has not officially opened yet, and it has received a thick stack of orders.

Not only these channel merchants, Shen Yuanyi also brought him good news. Her lover Huo Changhe has found it, and Huo Changhe is now in an important position, which can bring a large deal to Shen Long.

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